
Empire Ascension: The Rise of the Fated One

This is the story of a modern man who transmigrates to 16th-century India in a parallel world, finding himself as a lowly ranked soldier. With his modern knowledge and past experiences, he not only rescues a crumbling empire but also forges his own path to eventually claim the title of emperor. His journey is fraught with challenges, including internal turmoil, political strife, and threats of invasion from outsiders. Despite his desire for a peaceful and prosperous life, fate entangles him to gain the title of demon emperor who will .... Discord : https://discord.com/invite/sAEuZjUsHp Note*: Time for release : 11.30am-12.30 pm (IST) or 10.30pm-11.30pm (IST) currently releasing only 2 or 3 chapters per week due to work overload and some personal reasons. Will try to resume daily updates in May.

Jeet_1993 · History
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105 Chs

Secret Trip in Panipat

As the sun lazily crept over the palace grounds, Bheem lay in his bed, lost in a deep slumber. Little did he know that his peaceful sleep was about to be rudely interrupted in the most unexpected way.

Amidst his dream, where he was romancing a mysterious beauty, Bheem desperately pleaded, "Please, just this once! Let me kiss you. I've never kissed anyone before!"

His desperation was palpable as he reached out to embrace the imaginary figure, only to be abruptly pulled back to reality.

All of a sudden, he was yanked out of bed, still feeling the tingling from his dream. Confused, Bheem rubbed his eyes and saw soldiers staring at him with serious faces, which made him even more confused.

"What's going on?" Bheem demanded, his voice thick with sleep. "Can't a man get some shut-eye around here?"

But his protests fell on deaf ears as the soldiers dragged him from his bed and ushered him into the presence of Aditya, who was waiting with an air of solemn determination.

**Few moments before**

As the sun began to rise over the palace grounds, Aditya and his companions gathered in the courtyard, their faces set with determination. But there was one member of their party who was noticeably absent – Bheem.

Aditya looked around anxiously. "Where's Bheem?" he asked, worried.

Jeetendar Singh stepped forward, his expression grim. "He will be taken soon," he added with low voice. "Under your orders, my prince."

Aditya's heart sank at the news, a pang of guilt gnawing at his conscience. He had known that involving Bheem in their plans without asking his concern would be wrong, but he had no other choice except of Bheem who is best suited for their guide and the only reliable partner whom he can trust.

"We need him for the market visit," Aditya said, his voice urgent. "We can't afford to go without him. Don't make me wait too much."

Jeetendar nodded in understanding, his eyes betraying a hint of remorse. "I will bring him soon, your highness," he said in resolute tone. "Soldiers, hurry up. We cannot afford to delay any longer."

With a sense of urgency, Jeetendar disappeared into the depths of the palace, leaving Aditya to wait in tense anticipation.

A short while later, Jeetendar and his soldiers arrived, leading a gagged and bound Bheem into their midst.

It was Bheem, bound and gagged, his eyes wide with fear as he stumbled into the light. Aditya rushed forward, his heart pounding in his chest as he reached out to untie his friend.

Upon inquiry, Jeetendar revealed that Bheem had been causing a ruckus because he got interrupted from kissing some unknown ghost in his dream. To prevent any further delays, they had resorted to tying him up and gagging him.

Aditya laughed at the explanation, finding it funny.

"Bheem, are you alright?" Aditya asked, his voice filled with concern.

Bheem's irritation flared as he glared at Aditya. "This better be good," he grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. "You can't just go around waking people up from their beauty sleep without a good reason, you know."

Aditya raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "Oh, I'm sorry, were you busy?" he asked, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "I must have missed the message about your appointment with the ghost girl in your dream."

Bheem scowled, unimpressed by Aditya's roast. "Very funny," he muttered, rolling his eyes. "But seriously, what's going on? I was having the dream of a lifetime, and you just had to ruin it."

Aditya's expression softened as he explained the situation to Bheem, detailing their plan to visit the market and the role of guide he needed Bheem to play. But Bheem was having none of it, his frustration boiling over into a full-blown tantrum.

"This is outrageous!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands up in exasperation. "You can't just summon me, by pulling me out from my rare moments of life like this! It's not fair!"

Aditya sighed, his patience wearing thin. "I would have told you earlier if you weren't so busy chasing imaginary girls in your sleep," he retorted, his tone tinged with annoyance. "But since you were enjoying yourself so much, I thought I'd let you have your fun. Clearly, that was a mistake."

Bheem opened his mouth to protest, but Aditya held up a hand to silence him. "Enough," he said, his voice firm. "We don't have time for this. Are you in, or are you out?"

Bheem hesitated for a moment, his mind still foggy from sleep. But as he looked into Aditya's eyes, he saw the determination and resolve reflected there, and he knew that he wouldn't take 'No' for any reason.

With a resigned sigh, he nodded. "Fine," he said, his tone begrudging. "But I expect a more worthwhile reward, Your Highness." Aditya chuckled in response.

**Market visit**

As the sun ascended in the sky, casting a warm glow over the lively streets of Panipat, Aditya and his comrades weaved through the bustling crowds, their disguises firmly intact.

Bheem, now fully awake and eager to redeem himself after his earlier outburst, confidently led the way, his familiarity with the market proving invaluable as he navigated through the labyrinth of stalls and vendors. Aditya and Afzal trailed closely behind, their identities concealed beneath the cloaks of their disguises as mere servants. Amira, disguised as a male merchant with her hair concealed under a turban, walked among them.

Despite the oppressive heat and the throngs of people, the group pressed forward with determination, their vigilant eyes scanning the crowds for any signs of excitement. Unbeknownst to the bustling market-goers, they were discreetly monitored by Jeetendar Singh and his security unit, ensuring their safety from the shadows.

As they ambled through the market, Aditya couldn't help but notice the great respect people held for Hem Chandra Vikramaditya, sensing how his brief reign before the battle had positively impacted their daily lives.

However, amidst the admiration, Aditya also discerned shady dealings. Merchants were tampering with weights and measures, perpetuating a sense of unfairness in trade.

They witnessed farmers being shortchanged, their crops undervalued, and gold coins exchanged for far less than their true worth. The common people were clearly being exploited, and Aditya bristled with indignation at the injustice.

In addition to economic disparities, they observed blatant discrimination, particularly against lower castes barred from entering temples. It was a troubling sight, stirring Aditya's anger.

Their journey through Panipat's market continued, each step immersing them deeper into its vibrant tapestry. The atmosphere buzzed with activity – merchants bellowing out prices, patrons haggling over goods, and laughter rippling through the air.

Amira appeared enthralled by the market's allure, her eyes aglow with wonder. "It's like stepping into another world," she marveled, her voice filled with awe.

Afzal nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on a stall showcasing exquisite handcrafted jewelry. "Indeed," he concurred, a hint of admiration in his tone. "There's an abundance of life and energy here."

Aditya grinned, swelling with pride at his companions' fascination. For a fleeting moment, he forgot the weight of his responsibilities, reveling in the simple joy of exploration.

They indulged in delectable sweets at a nearby stall, relishing the flavors of warm jalebi and spicy chaat. Amidst shared laughter and conversations, they sampled succulent kebabs, tantalizing their taste buds with every bite.

As they savored the local cuisine, Aditya found himself appreciating life's simple pleasures.

Passing a group of merchants haggling over grain prices, Aditya overheard murmurs of rising tensions and whispers of rebellion. It was evident that discontent simmered beneath the surface, particularly among Mughal loyalists unhappy with the current state of affairs. Aditya took note of the brewing unrest, anticipating its potential ramifications.

Their journey led them to a bustling corner where artisans showcased their craftsmanship. Intricately woven fabrics and meticulously carved wooden figurines captured their attention, each piece a evidence to skilled artistry.

Aditya paused to admire an embroidered tapestry, tracing its delicate stitches with reverence. "Remarkable," he remarked, awestruck by its beauty and intricacy.

Amira nodded in agreement, her gaze drawn to a depiction of ancient mythology. "Each piece tells a story," she observed, captivated by the art's narrative.

Afzal, too, was entranced by the display, marveling at a collection of finely crafted jewelry. "Truly extraordinary," he murmured, admiration evident in his voice.

Their exploration led them to a group of street performers, their lively music and spirited dance captivating the crowd. Aditya couldn't resist joining in, his feet tapping to the infectious rhythm. Amira and Afzal soon followed suit, their laughter mingling with the joyous ambiance.

For a fleeting moment, they were enveloped in sheer bliss, momentarily freed from the burdens of life's complexities.

As they prepared to depart, Amira reminded Aditya of their promised hunt. Aditya, acknowledging the lateness of the hour, postponed it, suggesting it be enjoyed the following day.