
Empire's Secret: A Portal to the Cultivation World

He and his brother just wanted to live peacefully. However, he was targeted by a young lady from a rich family. And from then on, their life became harder. But, as if an opportunity had arrived at them, they were suddenly transported to another world. However, after being discovered by the emperor, the protagonist has now become a candidate to be an emperor? Read and see how Aither's journey becomes from keeping his brother safe to finding the secret of the empire and go to the cultivation world.

LazyWriter069 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 2 - An Unfamiliar Place

"W— Where are we?"

"I don't know either but it looks like we've been transported to this place."

"And it's not an illusion either."

Aither and Avier found themselves in another world.

They were inside a room, and they knew it wasn't their cabin.

Because compared to this room, the cabin looked very pitiful.

They looked around and saw that there was no one inside.

Then, as they were looking around they saw someone open the door.


It was a maid, but she immediately left the room and closed the door as soon as she saw the two of them.

(She probably went to report us and hearing the clicking sound of the door, she most probably locked us in here so we can't escape.)

And he was right as a few moments later, the door opened and a tall man man in blue armor entered the room.

He also saw the maid behind the tall man looking at them curiously.

"So what brings you both here?" Asked the man in blue armor.

"We don't know, we were suddenly transported here. If this brings us trouble then please forgive us."

"If not, I'll take all the blame my sick brother here didn't do anything."

Aither put all the blame on himself. He was ready to sacrifice himself for his brother.


Hearing what Aither said the general in blue armor didn't know what to say.

It looked like he was bullying the weak.

"Don't worry kid, I won't hurt you or your brother. I just wanna ask some questions."

He was telling the truth. He had no intentions of hurting them as they were weak.

He can tell, they didn't even have a single but of energy in their bodies.

"What questions?"

"Are you tired?"

Responding to Aither's question the general asked and following that he snapped his fingers.

Then, the two of them suddenly went unconscious.

"Was there really a need to do that?" Asked the head maid.


"Is it because they are similar to them? That is highly probable, and going by what they said they seem to be transported here."

"So there is a possibility that they are similar to 'them'."

"I've only seen them from afar but their clothes has some resemblance. Well then, I'll be continuing with my cleaning in the princess's room."

"Is that so, well then, head maid I'll be going first. Thank you for your hard work."

The head maid then enter the room and the general left.

Of course, while he was carrying the two of them.