
Empire's Secret: A Portal to the Cultivation World

He and his brother just wanted to live peacefully. However, he was targeted by a young lady from a rich family. And from then on, their life became harder. But, as if an opportunity had arrived at them, they were suddenly transported to another world. However, after being discovered by the emperor, the protagonist has now become a candidate to be an emperor? Read and see how Aither's journey becomes from keeping his brother safe to finding the secret of the empire and go to the cultivation world.

LazyWriter069 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 12 - Aivery Phase Tournament [2]

Hundreds of people entered and exited the venue.

People were there for amusement, betting, and some of the people you meet there might even be your opponent in the tournament.

Surprisingly, there was a ticket desk at the arena's entrance. The funds raised will be used for the competition prize and government taxes.

They finally made it to the waiting area for the participants after passing through dozens of people.

"See you later, kid, and good luck!" I'll be in the stands."

With that, the general exited the area, and Aither grabbed an empty seat near the waiting area.

People surrounding him were wearing various types of armor, and some of the women were even wearing exposing clothing with small parts of armor.

Unlike them, Aither was solely dressed in the imperial garb provided by the emperor, which... drew a lot of attention.

They were all staring at him, wondering who he was.

"Do you think that guy is one of the princes disguised?""

One of them questioned the man next to him.

"Most likely, but don't stare too long or you'll offend him."

"Yeah, I guess so."

Not only them, but many others, talked about him, but Aither ignored all they said about him.

The other young lords came at the same time a few minutes later.

"Wow, there are a lot of people here! I can't wait to attack them with my new spells!"

The fifth prince was the first to speak as soon as they arrived, and he seemed a touch too enthusiastic.

The other four remained silent, with one of them staring at the first prince.

It was the second prince, and he was grinning from ear to ear as he looked at the first prince.

"I'll see you at the tournament, don't lose too soon!""

As he approached the front, the second prince addressed the first prince. However, the first prince did not pay him any mind and kept a calm attitude.

"Now that everyone has arrived, the qualifying match will begin. The rules will remain the same."

A middle-aged man entered the waiting area and announced himself.

"Because there are more than 400 of you, we will divide you into four groups of 100 people each."

"The first group will enter the arena first and compete in a battle royale, and only the remaining four will remain and advance."

"First come, first served." Those who wish to be in the first group should gather here! And keep in mind that only the first hundred will be in the first fight royal!."

Only the first and second princes of the young lords entered the first hundred.


The middle-aged man yelled loudly, and the gate to the arena opened, and the first hundred screamed their way in.

As soon as everyone entered the arena's big rectangular stage, a tremendous barrier appeared to separate the audience from the stage.

"And now.... Start!"

The battle began when the middle-aged man made his announcement. People suddenly surged at each other, and within seconds, more than a dozen had been ejected from the arena.

They were all wearing a ring that had been supplied for their protection and healing. The ring, however, are unable to heal severed limbs, which is why some of those eliminated walked out of the stage with a missing limb.

The medical team, however, escorted them all to the infirmary within the arena.

Screams and shouts burst out as the fight royale continued, but the first and second princes were both towards the center of the stage.

However, everyone ignored them, and all they did was stand. They didn't care if people avoided them out of respect or fear of their abilities.

This was beneficial to them. After all, they won't have to rely on their strength to deal with small fries in the second and lower third phases.

Only five people remain on stage after half an hour, including the first and second princes.

The three of them then glanced at each other and nodded as if they had reached an agreement.

They want to get rid of one of the princes.

Three of them rushed at their target after reaching an agreement.

They rushed at the second prince.

"Heh, did you choose to fight me instead of the first prince because you think I'm weaker? Ahahahaha!"

The second prince laughed aloud, as if he had predicted their thoughts and was correct. They did believe he was weaker than the first prince...

"Well, guess what...you're all wrong!"

When the second prince's words left his mouth. His sword was already sheathed, and his hands rushed with breakneck speed to strike.

They were all unable to react.

Especially the one taking in the hit, whose life flashed before his eyes as he sensed danger from the second prince's sword.

When the man regained consciousness, he was already missing his left arm, which was holding the sword.


He screamed angrily. Feeling the pain in his missing limbs, he raced off the stage and into the medical facility.

When he saw the man, he ran off the stage. The second prince mockingly laughed and looked at the other two.

"One of you will be up next. Better wish one of you wouldn't be my opponent in the next match, Ahahaha!"

With that, the two of them trembled and regretted their decision.