
Emperors War

Growing up with just his mom 8 year old Yuto just finished celebrating his birthday. Suddenly he was kidnapped, experimented on, and forced to fight for his life with no explanation. In order to get revenge and in order to survive, Yuto changes his name, abandoning fear and hope. With a new name and left for dead in The Pit he must fight his way out. Why was he kidnapped and experimented on? Why was he thrown into The Pit to die? Why after the experiments was he able to level up and see skills? This is the story of a boy who in fighting to survive becomes something so much more. Three chapters a week with the following release days: Monday Wednesday Saturday or Sunday

whos_that · Fantasy
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114 Chs

Was Learning Always This Easy?

Vance, Dr. Life & Death and Mavis couldn't help but shake their heads seeing the actions of this dopey student of theirs.

"Boy why didn't you greet Teacher Dr. Life & Death like this after I told you how to greet your teacher?" Vance asked in a semi inquisitive and semi irritated voice.

"Master, you said in the future when you greet your teacher to do it like you instructed me. Since I had already greeted teacher Dr. Life & Death how was I supposed to greet him again in the future?" Aker asked with all seriousness.

If Vance didn't know better, he would have assumed that Aker was trying to be mischievous with his master, but hearing Akers words and after considering it, his logic made sense. In that case it just turns out that Dr. Life & Death got the short end of the stick. Perhaps it's more likely that the Dr. was born under an unlucky star. Either way what's done is done.

Seeing the expression of his master change and seeing his face change from fire red to a soft red glow Aker laughed to himself.

'Ha', Aker thought 'turns out I can mess around with these teachers of mine'.

Vance had only had the opportunity to see Aker as a serious boy who talked about vengeance and justice. He had only known Aker for several hours at this point and in the future will learn that Aker's mom struggled with his mischievous and witty attitude. Now that Aker had begun to feel some semblance of care he was beginning to revert back to his normal self. Unfortunately, due to the traumatic events it was doubtful that he would ever be the same kid he was before when he had no concerns in the world. Even if they were to return him back home right this second his mom would probably struggle to equate the current Aker with the former Yuto.

"All right we will figure out a training schedule for your time with your teachers, until then why don't you go with the Teacher Dr. Life & Death now." Vance nodded his head as if agreeing with himself as he called out to Aker.

"Yes Master, I'm sure Teacher Mavis will understand why you like Teacher Dr. Life & Death better." Aker replied back immediately. Vance and Mavis couldn't see Aker's face as he had started talking while walking away and his back was facing them. If they could see his face, they would see a small grin, a symbol of his accomplishment and his badge of honor.

"Is that really what you think of me! Go on tell me! Why should I understand...." Aker could hear Mavis's booming voice as he was asserting his dominance over Vance. Hearing Mavis's response Aker couldn't help but snicker to himself again.

While he was snickering to himself musing in his little play Dr. Life & Death suddenly turned around staring Aker down. When Aker caught the laser focused eyes of the Dr., he felt he had just suffered an attack to his soul. He immediately stopped laughing to himself and put on a serous face.

"See those men on the table, go clean up their wounds." Dr. Life & Death pointed at a couple of tables with injured pit fighters on the them.

As Aker walked up to the table there was already a young man in his mid to late twenty's at the table carefully cleaning the wounds of the pit fighter. As Aker walked up the man suddenly hearing the pitter patter of small footprints turned around.

Seeing Aker walking up the younger man couldn't refrain from calling out "what do you want?" his voice was clearly highly agitated.

Outside of Dr. Life & Death none of the other workers who did treatment in The Pit had made it more than two years. Probably the younger man didn't even realize that after working The Pit, his communication had become shallow, short with a hint of agitation.

The young man who couldn't be more average was named Fenton. He had been working in The Pits for six months and he had already had enough. If it wasn't because of the debt he had incurred he would have long left the place. Unfortunately, he had to spend another year in this 10th layer of Hades with everyday making him feel as if though he would go insane.

Due to always being in an irritable mood Fenton had developed squint eye and deep crevices across his forehead and around his mouth. Even when he wasn't specifically scowling due to the squinted eyes and crevices around his mouth and forehead it looked like he was ready to explode.

"Teacher Dr. sent me over to help clean up these men. Where can I help?" Aker asked as he put on his best face while talking to Fenton, not at all intimidated by his squinty eyes.

He was careful not to smile as he spoke as this area felt solemn and serous and as such was probably not a place that he should be flashing a smile, even when meeting someone new.

"Do you even know how to clean a wound?" Fenton asked as a frown spread on his face. The irritation in his voice hit a new decibel.

"Nopes....no idea how to do it. Did you know how to do it before someone showed you?" Hearing Akers question the man felt his irritation change into anger as quickly as a flag changes direction in the wind.

While Fenton's anger rushed through his entire body there was literally nothing he could say. Had the kid pointed out something that wasn't accurate? Wasn't he being rude first when he asked this kid who obviously didn't know anything if he knew how? After thinking it over and catching his breath Fenton slowed his breathing and calmed down.

"Fine let me show you."

With that Aker took another step forward and observed the movement of Fenton as he began cleaning the wounds.

"First we begin by focusing on stopping the bleeding. We want to apply pressure directly to the wound and while holding the gauze and cloth to it. The hope is that the blood will coagulate and naturally stop." Fenton demonstrated one cut after another. There was no specific amount of time that it took for each cut to stop its bleeding as each injury was unique in depth, location and length.

Aker watched as one spot after another stopped bleeding taking note of the process.

After Fenton successfully stopped the bleeding, he took a wet cloth and began cleaning around the cuts "Don't clean directly on the cuts yet.... the blood has only just coagulated and we don't want to open it up again. For the time lets clean up around the cuts so we have a better view of what's going on."

Aker watched as Fenton cleaned around each wound leaving exposing the injury and giving them the ability to accurately assess and dress the wounds.

"Now that the patient is clean let's apply some balsamic fluid over the wound. The balsamic fluid is cheap but it does a good job of sealing over the wound while we take care of it." Fenton explained as he generously applied balsamic fluid over the wounds.

Balsamic fluid was made from cheap plants which had a sticky substance to them when grounded down. The balsamic fluid provided no medical benefits other than "gluing" cuts together. Inside of The Pit it was also known as The Sticky Miracle on account of the number of lives it had saved.

"I heard that Dr. Life & Death was experimenting around with sticky plants trying to find something that could help close up wounds for The Pit fighters when he invented it." Fenton explained quickly with a hint of reverence on his face.

While he hated The Pits to the very fiber of his core as a medical professional, he had the utmost respect for Dr. Life & Death. The many little miracles Doctor Life & Death brought to The Pit had completely changed how medicine was done here. Because there was little to no budget Dr. Life & Death had to come up with creative and new ideas on how to save the patients.

"We use the balsamic fluid to help seal the wound which will prevent further infection and also make it much easier to sew up in cases where stitches are required." Fenton explained carefully as he stared at Aker while speaking. He wanted to make sure that the concepts were being relayed properly.

Fenton continued on "For now I don't need your help as you can see it is not overly busy right now. Why don't you grab a couple of the books at that desk over there and start reading. I would recommend the first book on basic anatomy and the other on emergency first aid, start with the anatomy book as the first aid book references specific body parts, organs and such so you will need to have a reference of understanding."

"Sure thing, if you need me just call." Aker responded back.

Fenton watched as Aker walked away and thought to himself 'that should keep the kid busy for at least the next few months, can't believe I somehow got stuck having to baby sit the kid'.

Clearly Fenton was even more annoyed with having to show Aker the ropes than he was even letting on.

While Fenton was stewing in his frustration and anger Aker picked up the basic anatomy book and opened it to page one "Welcome to the wonderful world of anatomy, here you will learn the many components that make up the body. Once you are done reading this hopefully you will come to appreciate the miracle that made me become a doctor." Aker read the first paragraph out loud as his eyes glanced over the page.

It was written in a language he had never seen before and was nothing like the writing he was learning back home. Just as in speaking there was no problem with reading the written words.

Aker sat there and flipped through the book one page after the other. As his eyes hit the page all of the words seemed to jump at him as if though they were forcing themselves into Aker's mind to be learned. He had no choice in the matter if the words had their way.

Images showing the heart, lungs, kidneys and all other organs reflected into Akers eye. As he saw each one, his mind quickly processed its function as he read the detailed descriptions that went with it. As he moved through page after page, he grew more and more excited.

Previously when he would go to school he struggled in class. Certainly, he didn't receive the lowest marks in class but he also wasn't one of the "smart kids". He had to study hard just to be in the middle of the pack, so he was never excited about school.

But now, as he read through the basics of anatomy book, he found himself enraptured with it. Perhaps it was because if he wasn't here learning he would just be sitting in his cell, that's a pretty good motivator to focus on his studies.

"Who would have known that the circular system and the nervous systems functions worked that way?" Aker said out loud as he closed the book.

Letting out a long sigh he put the basics of anatomy book down and picked up the second book titled "First Aid: Combat Area Treatment".

'Looks like this book is geared towards combat first aid' Aker thought to himself as he read the title.

A book that focused on treating people in field and combat areas with limited resources was exactly what he needed considering he was in The Pit.

Opening the book Aker began turning the pages, taking in the content. He read about treatment for basic cuts and bruising type injuries. How to treat broken bones, how to set it, how to identity symptoms of infection, concussions and so on. The book started from seemingly simple concepts and ideas and by the end of the book was detailing advanced field lifesaving surgeries for collapsed lungs, and sunken chest wounds.

As Aker read through the book, he compared the knowledge he was gaining in first aid to the knowledge he gained in the basics of anatomy. He couldn't help but think 'the basics of anatomy seems to be a theoretical book while the combat first aid seems to be more practical application'.

As he read his mind was able to picture an individual suffering from the different injuries listed. With his eyes closed he would go through the motion of applying butterfly stitches, setting a broken arm, puncturing the lung to force breathing, and so on.

Completing and setting down the first aid book Aker felt a weird sense of accomplishment. It felt as if though he had treated hundreds of different ailments, injuries and issues. Even in his mind as he moved through each simulation, he felt that his movements were awkward and disorganized, lacking any real experience. However, he could say with a high degree of certainty that he had not only read but understood those books.

Only after comprehending those two books did he understand how amazing and the significance of Doctor Life & Deaths Balsamic Fluid was and why the prisoners called it Miracle Sticky Fluid.

Essentially the Miracle Sticky Fluid acted as quick, painless stitches while also significantly minimizing the chances of infection. He understood now that there were anti-bacterial ingredients added to the fluid that cleaned and kept cleaning the injured areas. Perhaps Fenton didn't understand that as he had told Aker that it had no medicinal value other than sealing the wounds.

Maybe he attributed the low infection rate to the fact that wound was sealed instead of giving credit to the anti-bacterial ingredients? It's true that the anti-bacterial ingredients were not in the Miracle Sticky Fluid in a large amount but that's probably because Dr. Life & Death didn't want the prisoners to develop an immunity to it. This fluid is used on the patients every day and if they put too much anti-bacterial ingredients into it, it would probably stop being effective pretty quickly was what Aker surmised.

"Aker, it's time to head over to the Amory and meet with Teacher Mavis." Aker who still had his head down heard. Upon raising his head, he saw Vance standing there alone with a smug and proud look plastered on his face.

'He must be pretty proud of himself, for him to be that happy with himself right now' Aker thought as he looked over at Vance's face and overall demeanor.

Standing up Aker walked over to Fenton, standing before him "Senior Fenton thank you so much for your guidance today. I can't wait to find out what books you're going to have me read tomorrow!" Aker expressed to Fenton full of vigor. Those were his honest words. He was truly excited to find out what came after basic anatomy and basic combat first aid. Aker felt that Fenton was a good Senior Brother to guide him the way he did today.

"No, no, just keep reading those two books. After your done with both of them we will test you on them. If you pass the test then you will be ready to move on." Fenton said clearly annoyed. He had a good three hours of that kid leaving him alone, why couldn't he just leave when being called? Why did he have to come and bother him before leaving?

"I see, well then that's great to hear." Aker responded back to Fenton's irritation still happy with his Senior Brother who had taken care of him today.

"What's so great to hear about it? Just keep reading those books." Fenton responded back almost immediately.

"Why would I keep reading those books?" Aker asked while tilting his head to the side.

'Why? Why did that Dr. have to dump this kid on me? He can't even understand a simple concept such as read until you are done? Once done you will take a test and then you can move on. Is there a simpler way to tell him? Even if there is, would there be any point? If he can't understand this concept, is he even capable of learning. Can just anyone learn medicine? Had the world turned into that kind of place?'

These thoughts and questions flooded Fenton's head after hearing Akers obvious and ridiculous question.

Not hiding his rising frustration with Aker, Fenton responded "As I told you earlier once you are done reading and understand those books, I will give you a test, once you pass that test then you can move on to the next set of books and training!"

With that statement Fenton turned around and began walking away. There was no purpose or sense in continuing this conversation as it would just lead to the bottom of a black hole from which there was no escape.

As Fenton turned, he heard the boy call out "That's why it's great news Senior Brother, I should be ready for that test. I dare say I will get a perfect score but if it's just passing, I think I should be able too."

Hearing Akers words Fenton stopped walking; his right foot still slightly suspended in air. His body shivered slightly, not that anyone would be able to see under his loosely fitting robe.

Before turning around he couldn't help but think 'was learning always this easy?'

Wanted to thank everyone who voted and who left a comment, thank you so much!

Whenever someone in my family messes up something simple we always say "whatever they messed up is hard." For example if I trip while walking my son would stop look at me and say "Walking is hard" and then we go about our way (of course after a quick laugh). All of that is to say "Writing is hard" hahahahaha. Thanks so much!

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