
Emperors War

Growing up with just his mom 8 year old Yuto just finished celebrating his birthday. Suddenly he was kidnapped, experimented on, and forced to fight for his life with no explanation. In order to get revenge and in order to survive, Yuto changes his name, abandoning fear and hope. With a new name and left for dead in The Pit he must fight his way out. Why was he kidnapped and experimented on? Why was he thrown into The Pit to die? Why after the experiments was he able to level up and see skills? This is the story of a boy who in fighting to survive becomes something so much more. Three chapters a week with the following release days: Monday Wednesday Saturday or Sunday

whos_that · Fantasy
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114 Chs

The Nefarious Four

"I told you there must be something good on this ship! Why else would a Source Core Wood fighter be here protecting it if there wasn't something extraordinary on board? My sources always come through....hahahahaha.....us Nefarious Four hit it big this time." A smile spread across the big loud man's face, he had a small scar just under his eye that could only be seen when he stared at you. Somehow when the man wasn't staring at you, he felt handsome and debonair, however, when his sights landed on you, your skin would crawl and fear would swell up.

"It's you bastards of the Nefarious Four who's attacking our ship?.....hahahahaha...hahahahaha.....that's great, that's truly great." Vance was beside himself, laughing as he fought off the four of them.

Hearing the name of Nefarious Four would normally cause a person to fall to their knees in dismay and begin crying, however for Vance it was just a strong group of pirates was all, well normally that would be the case.

As Vance left Aker's room and ran back to the ship's bridge to connect with Cap, he ran into this group of four pirate leaders. These four men whose reputation was known and feared throughout the outer edge of the Eastern Universe could be said to be beneath a pigs, that is if anyone had the guts and fortitude to say it. If anyone disparaged these four brothers only certain death would await them. Getting on the wrong side of these four didn't just result in the death of the person who offended them, it would also result in the cruel torture of your entire family. Because there were four, each of them would try and outdo the other, taking their vicious and depraved ways to a new and higher level.

The Nefarious Four had been running wild for over a decade and had amassed a massive pirate group of a thousand. Each of the Nefarious four commanded three captains and had two hundred and fifty pirates under their command. For any ship traveling through space in this part of the universe the group they wanted to see the least was the Nefarious Four.

"Hahahahahaha.....I understand why we're laughing, what's so funny that your laughing just before we take your life? Are you so afraid you've lost your sanity? We can help you fix that problem, hurry just bring your neck over here, it'll only hurt for a second." While all of the Nefarious Four are large and burly men the one that just spoke is slightly smaller than the rest which is why the other three brothers mockingly nicknamed him "Shorty" and if you were to ask the thousand pirates of the Nefarious Four they would tell you he was the most vile and wicked.

He hated being called Shorty as he stood over two meters tall and would generally be considered a giant no matter where he went. The other three leaders called him by this nickname as it would rile him up and cause him to take out his frustrations on the poor people that they robbed. They would often take bets among the three on how many people he would butcher in one of his fits of rage over it.

"You four are idiots, that's why I'm laughing. Just because I'm on this ship you think we have some precious cargo. How much did you commit to capturing our ship? No matter how small it is I can guarantee it wasn't worth it. Everything and everyone on this ship is just your normal passenger who can't afford a more expensive ticket on an X-2. Who would ever move something valuable on an X-1 that takes 10-20x longer to reach its destination? The fact that you could listen to someone tell you that there would be something valuable on a garbage can makes you stupid, the fact that you acted on it and attacked makes you idiots. I find it funny that you were bragging about being an idiot earlier....hahahahahaha.....shall I just call you the Idiotic Four?" Vance was genuinely laughing as he spoke. The Nefarious Four couldn't help but have their once mocking faces go foul as Vance spoke.

There was a lot of truth in his words, no one had actually seen what was on the ship, it was just speculation and a guess by someone who was working in the transfer yard back on Milidan. One of the workers of the transfer yard had noticed all the work being done on the ship and had taken note of it as a potential target. When he had seen that Vance was boarding the ship, he was almost certain that there had to be something amazingly valuable on it. No matter how Vance tried to hide it he carried an air of superiority and that of an expert, it was in his glare, his walk and his persona. Who would be crazy enough to dump those kinds of resources into a garbage can to be modified? There had to be some earth-shaking secret associated with the ship, and then when an expert joined the crew...the transfer yard worker had no choice but to relay the information to the big loud man of the Nefarious Four.

The big loud brother whose real name was Marc Thompson but everyone just referred to him as "Anything" was the one who convinced the other three to attack this ship. He was called Anything because he would attack anything he saw even if he lost money in the process. The group of pirates that served under him were insidious and even more money hungry than normal pirates. Anything had a rule on the ship, if you wanted to eat you needed to kill and steal for it. You could kill your fellow pirate but you were responsible for finding their replacement. Because of that rule the pirates in their group would steal from each other but rarely kill one another. If they had to find a pirate to replace the one they killed they would be responsible for all of their actions. If that newly recruited pirate did something wrong, they would face the same punishment. All the pirates were already lowly and untrustworthy, which one of them would want to put their lives in anothers hands? In this way Anything kept his group in order while still being able to maintain their overwhelming killing intent.

"Don't listen to him Big Brother, he's just trying to throw us off. Since were already here let's just do what we came to do." Anything spoke to the one they called Big Brother. He was the quasi leader of their pirate group of four. All four of them were equal in strength as they were all Source Core Metal fighters, but Big Brother was the strategic planner of the group. It was his ability to ferret out the worthwhile heist while avoiding the traps that had allowed their group to become infamous. After ten years of running amok how many different empires have tried to capture and claim their heads and yet they were still running wild continuing their reign of terror.

All of it was due to Big Brother and the other three absolutely understood that. If he told the three to pack up and leave all of them would listen without hesitation. How many pirate groups have come and gone in the last decade? Hundreds? Thousands? Big Brothers words, thoughts and actions are the reason they aren't counted among them.

"If we wouldn't have been able to injure him by using that small boy over there, I would tell you that we needed to leave. Even with the four of us under normal circumstances we wouldn't be able to defeat a Source Core Wood peak fighter. However, since he is injured so heavily his strength has dropped a level and with the four of us combined, we can equal a Source Core Water fighter. Our brothers are running amok around the ship and our captains are fighting to break through the bridge. All in all, we should have no problem taking control of this ship. I have to agree there is certainly a secret on this ship, whether it's worth our effort or not we'll just have to wait and see once we've killed everyone here." The quasi leader of the Nefarious Four Big Brother had thought through their situation almost perfectly.

As Vance listened to Big Brother speak, he couldn't help but admire his ability to ascertain the situation. Under normal circumstances Vance could easily defeat these four, it would take a little bit of effort but he would never be in any danger. Now, however he would be lucky to last more than a couple of hundred moves against them.

Earlier when Vance came running around the corner of the corridor, he saw Shorty stabbing a sword down at a small boy lying on the floor a meter in front of him, his face hopeless and full of despair. The small boy was not trying to fight back, not showing any signs of trying to flee, he had just accepted his fate. If Vance tried to attack Shorty, he could certainly do significant damage to him but that boy would still be struck by that sword stab.

Without a thought Vance jumped into the line of attack and used his muscular body to shield the boy. The sword that Shorty swung would normally not be enough to cause heavy damage to Vance, however in this instance it was plenty strong enough as Vance was only concerned with shielding the boy. The sword dug into Vance's side far enough that the sword was stuck, trapped in his ribs. After saving the boy Vance sent him off around the corner from the corridor he had just come from.

Vance who had been sliced, cut and stabbed countless times didn't pay it much attention, for him this wasn't a life-threatening attack. Even as he stood up and began fighting the four of these pirates, he didn't put them in his eye, but within ten exchanges Vance knew that they would be in trouble. Even with Vance's injury he should be able to defeat four Source Core Metal fighters but with their experience and coordination fighting together as well as some type of formation they were using they had the fighting strength of a Source Core Water fighter.

Cap who had originally worked her way from the bridge over to meet with Vance after calling him over the speaker to prepare for the pirate attack was at the other side of the corridor. As she watched the fight, she quickly realized that she wouldn't be able to help, their strengths exceeded hers.

Within a few seconds of Cap showing up the sounds of the captains from the pirate groups rushing over could be heard. Seeing that the situation was about to get much worse Vance called out "Get back to the bridge and seal it up. Use the defense mechanisms and tell everyone to abandon ship, if they can get to the escape pods they should go."

Cap hearing Vance's words hesitated for a second as though contemplating, her mind was racing trying to figure out if she could help. Ultimately, she decided to retreat back to the bridge, the best help she could give would be to extend the battle as long as possible and to not become a hostage. Once the pirates gained control of the bridge it would all be over. From the bridge they had emergency overrides of all the doors and evacuation pods. The pirate crew could easily open the doors to the passengers and disable all escape pods, if that happened only certain death awaited.

Like a bolt of lightning Cap flashed towards the bridge, staying far enough ahead of the captains of the pirate crew to safely make it back to the bridge. It was important to not get caught by the captains as even with her Source Core Fire level she wouldn't stand a chance against so many of them. The total number of captains was twelve and each captain was also a Source Core Fire magic fighter.

Upon entering the bridge Cap sealed the door and enabled the defense mechanism which would attack anyone who tried to approach the door whether friend or foe. It would be able to hold out against a Source Core Water fighter for ten minutes so this group of Source Core Fire fighters should be able to break through in roughly twenty to thirty minutes.

Cap having heard Vance's words and seen the situation for herself called out the abandon ship. Hopefully at least some of the passengers would be able to make it off the ship before the pirates took control.

Vance had been fighting relentlessly driving the four back. With a sword still stuck in his side he had to continuously fight while protecting his lower rib area as the Nefarious Four could never allow such an advantage to go untouched.

Breathing heavily the four of them were staring down Vance wondering why he wouldn't just die. Vance who had lived on the edge of a blade for so many years didn't feel anything about it. He would fight until he couldn't it was best to stay in the corner so they couldn't attack him from behind.

"The four of you combined and that's the best you could do? Should I let you all catch your breath? Not only are you the idiotic four your also embarrassingly weak. I had heard the Nefarious Four were strong but even with all of you working together you can't defeat the injured me. Let me go and find that small boy again, he seems to be about what you can handle." The weakest of the Nefarious Four lost his temper with Vance's provocation and charged at Vance breaking the formation they had been using.

At 204 centimeters in height or 2.05 meters Slobby Bobby Catimore was the tallest and most ferocious looking of the four brothers. They called him Slobby Bobby on account of the way he killed, he would always walk away drenched in the blood of his victims. The reason that Slobby Bobby got so enraged by the taunting of Vance was that of the four brothers he was by far and away the weakest of the bunch despite being the biggest and scariest to look at.

In the past even others that they would kill would find time to mock Slobby Bobby before death when the four of them had to team up to take someone down, mocking his obvious strength difference. While Big Brother was the strongest of the four, he wasn't much stronger than Shorty and Anything and this had always been a point of ridicule for the four as they joked with one another.

As Slobby Bobby raised his sword to attack, Vance's lips curled up slightly. Vance's self-satisfied smile wasn't missed by Big Brother who was just trying to call out to his over feeling younger brother.

Slobby Bobby had a murderous glint and was prepared to swing his sword down and reap the life of the man standing in front of him like he had done countless times but before he could he saw out of the corner of his eye a figure bearing down on him.

Vance who was backed into the corner could see down two corridors however the Nefarious Four could not see around the corner.

Aker had appeared a few seconds ago and upon Vance catching sight of him he could see the overwhelming change that Aker had gone through. Merely the way that Aker stared out had signified that Aker had gone on a killing spree in order to be standing here ready to support Vance. To Vance, Aker's atmosphere indicated that he could trust him with what needed to be done for their ship full of people to survive.

With a trap of his own from the side Vance began mocking the four with the hopes of drawing one of them out. The strength of the four combined was what allowed them to fight with Vance and even slightly suppress him.

As Slobby Bobby's sword had already committed to the attack on Vance it didn't matter that he had seen Aker standing to the side, a smile of scorn on Aker's face for this hot-headed fool. Without hesitation Aker jumped forward from around the corner exposing himself to the group, and used his sword to slice across the waist of the biggest weakling of the four.

Due to Slobby Bobby's level as a Source Core Metal fighter Aker wasn't able to slice him in two as when he hit Slobby Bobby's spine, he couldn't push any further and was met with a "clank" that everyone could hear.

Spitting out a mouthful of blood Slobby Bobby looked back at his three brothers, tears in their eyes as he spoke "Sorry, this little brother let his temper get the better of him again." Spitting out another mouthful of blood he fell over, never to torment the world again.

Aker who wasn't paying attention to Slobby Bobby's last words was solely focused on trying to pull his sword out. He had lodged it so far into Slobby Bobby he couldn't retrieve it.

The first to respond was Anything who had the closest relationship with Slobby Bobby. Watching his beloved brother spit out blood and apologize caused his heart to bleed and he lost all semblance of rationality. He would kill the little brat that reaped the life of his beloved brother.

Focused solely on Aker in the whole world Anything's focused eyes narrowed, he could see nor hear another sight or sound. Aker who saw the incoming attack gave up on his sword, rolled over Slobby Bobby's body and grabbed his sword that had previously been aiming for Vance.

As he picked up the sword he immediately leaped from the ground toward the wall of the corridor. The three, Aker, Vance and Anything were currently in the corner between the two corridors.

Anything swung his sword missing Aker by a hair. He altered his body to attack Aker who had jumped against the wall waiting to strike him as he came down. As Anything was turning Aker completely baffled Anything as he bounced from the one wall of the corridor, kicked back and flipped landing his feet on the other side of the corridor.

This impossible move was only possible as Aker had practiced it countless times in his small cell within The Pit and they were in a corner. In order to practice in The Pit Aker had to bounce repeatedly off of the walls in his cell. He had learned to jump facing the wall his back facing the ground, push off back to the wall behind while doing a flip his face now facing the ground, a perfect move to attack.

After completing this move Anything now had his back turned to Aker who was behind him, before he could turn to face the brat that stole away his favorite brother his head hit the ground with a "thud" "thud" "thud". As his head bounced on the metal flooring of the ship it seemed to exaggerate the "thud" noise each time it hit the ground.

As Aker had to use his full force to attack and his posture wasn't proper after removing Anything's head his momentum carried him straight into the wall, and with a "bang" he slammed into it, a small price to pay to rid the world of these two revolting brothers.

Thank you to everyone who is voting....I really appreciate it so much.

There was one part that was tricky to describe, hopefully I did a decent enough job with that. I read it over several times and went "Ya that makes sense" but I already know what I'm thinking so......

whos_thatcreators' thoughts