
Emperors War

Growing up with just his mom 8 year old Yuto just finished celebrating his birthday. Suddenly he was kidnapped, experimented on, and forced to fight for his life with no explanation. In order to get revenge and in order to survive, Yuto changes his name, abandoning fear and hope. With a new name and left for dead in The Pit he must fight his way out. Why was he kidnapped and experimented on? Why was he thrown into The Pit to die? Why after the experiments was he able to level up and see skills? This is the story of a boy who in fighting to survive becomes something so much more. Three chapters a week with the following release days: Monday Wednesday Saturday or Sunday

whos_that · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
114 Chs

Breaking Through Twice

As soon as the gates closed behind Aker he could no longer pretend with his injuries and fell to the ground. Unlike the first time he fought against the Fire Ape also passing out due to his injuries this time there was no one there to catch him.

With a thud Aker crumpled to the floor, the sound of his armor clashing with the ground rang out through the foyer. Amazingly enough Aker managed to hold both swords as his body met the ground, refusing to let them go.

As Vance sprinted over, he got to the gate just in time to watch Aker's mind and body give out. He moved as fast as he could with the hopes of catching Aker, however he was just too far away and Aker fell to fast.

Vance didn't waste any time upon getting to Aker as he immediately picked him up and turned to sprint over to the medic station.

Immediately following Vance picking Aker up Mavis showed up huffing and puffing clearly winded as he sprinted down from the arena and back into the foyer. He didn't see Aker fall over and hit the ground, but he could instantly tell that Aker was not conscious looking at the way he slumped in Vance's arms.

Dr. Life & Death was already at the medic station getting everything prepared for when Aker made it to his table. As soon as Vance laid Aker down across his table Dr. Life & Deaths first action was to remove the mask. As he was reaching for it to take it off Vance grabbed his hand, his face full of worry, his eyes reflecting his concern "I know you want to take that off to see the full extent of his injuries but you know you can't no matter what."

"How am I supposed to treat a patient I can't even see? Perhaps you would like to do it instead of me?" Dr. Life & Deaths lifeless voice held a bit of condemnation and anger in it. This startled both Vance and Mavis hearing the normally indifferent Dr. Life & Death show such an explosive emotion.

"Don't take that sarcastic tone with me, you think I don't want you to do what you have to do to look after him? If you take off that mask every bit of planning we've done will be over with, even if you save him today, his death will be certain. During the fight I didn't see him get hit in the head or the face, so we just need to assume he is fine and focus on his internal injuries." Vance's voice was irritated at Dr. Life & Deaths insinuation that he was not concerned about Aker. In truth on the inside Vance was panicking and it was taking everything he had not to lose his bearings.

"Are you a doctor now!? Good...gooood, you tell me where he is and isn't injured. Perhaps getting walloped by a Level 2 Basic magic beast and tumbling head over feet across the arena wouldn't affect you but who knows what kinds of injuries he took. As he was tumbling, I lost count of the number of times his head hit the ground but if you tell me its ok then I suppose that should suffice." This time there wasn't merely a hint of condemnation pointed at Vance, Dr. Life & Death was laying it on nice and thick.

Just as Vance was getting ready to rebut Dr. Life & Death a booming voice filled with authority reverberated and woke both Dr. Life & Death as well as Vance up from their current disagreement. "Listen here, ya been fightin for how long? Meanwhile that boy there is still laid out, no whits about him and yer arguin and still not knowin what's wrong. I don't care how mad either of your thinkin you are, if you don't start treatin this boy I'm gonna start throwin punches!"

Mavis's threat brought the other two back and both had to acknowledge that right now they needed start treating Aker immediately, both flashed faces that demonstrated that they were in the wrong.

Dr. Life & Death began examining Aker and as he did, he couldn't help but frown. Already in the last few minutes the man who had gone twenty years without expressing an emotion had shown frustration, anger, regret and now concern all related to Aker.

"H..how is it?" Vance's words slightly stuttered out of his mouth as he asked. Due to Dr. Life & Deaths normal demeanor a change such as concern being shown had a much larger impact than another doctor showing the same face which caused Vance to momentarily lose his composure.

Through every miserable and disastrous hell inspired trial that Vance had been subjected to in the last decade he hadn't lost his composure, however seeing Aker lying unconscious and with Dr. Life & Death's response he couldn't help but momentarily succumb to his concern.

"As you know his body is already very strong and still, he has severe internal bleeding, most of his major organs are damaged and he has multiple broken bones including his ribs, arm, foot, and four fingers. His shoulder is dislocated, and he probably tore plenty of tendons and damaged his joints." As Dr. Life & Death got to this point, he paused trying to choose his words. Vance and Mavis both blurted out clearly distraught at the Doctor's words.

"What are ya gonna do? Arn't ya gonna start operatin and workin on him?" Mavis was the first to blurt out but both Vance and Mavis had the same questions.

"There is no doubt that he needs surgery to address the internal bleeding, the problem is he's currently too weak to survive the operations. If I was to operate now there is a better than eighty percent chance, he wouldn't make it. For now, we have to work on stabilizing him. Most importantly he needs fluids to replenish his blood loss from his fight as well as from his current internal bleeding. It will take about twelve hours until he recovers enough blood to allow us to operate. Until then whether he survives or not is not up to us." Dr. Life & Deaths voice was like a thunderclap in their ears as he described the dire situation Aker was in.

"That boy walkin out of the arena laughin like he did was pure will power and guts. I knew he was injured pretty badly when I saw him limping out, but I thought he was gonna be just fine since he was standin tall and all. Since that was the case he'll pull through this too." Mavis spoke only after the three had been silent for a few seconds. His voice instantly brought everyone back from the brink of despair and gave them hope.

'That's right, how many times has Aker faced death and impossible odds and still been fine? He'll pull through this just fine too.' Mavis's words allowed Vance to come back to his senses stopping him from following a path of anguish and distress.

Dr. Life & Death carefully hooked Aker up to IV's and was pumping fluids into him as fast as his body would take it. At this juncture time was critical as they needed to get in and stop the internal bleeding as quickly as possible, only then could Aker begin the process of healing.

Little did the three know as they were talking an unconscious Aker was absorbing nature particles at an accelerated rate. Normally Aker consciously elects not to push his absorption to its max as his body is incapable of keeping up with his absorption speed.

However, at this moment Aker's skin, bones and organs were all broken and cracked. Aker's Venas that had previously connected to all his bones and organs began expanding further and deeper in, extending and connecting to every cell and fiber within his skin, bones and organs.

If Aker was currently awake, he would be screaming and crying out in excruciating pain and eventually would still find himself unconscious as he would not be able to tolerate it.

As the nature particles flooded into Aker's body, they began filling his Venas to the brim, stretching and spreading them to their limit. Just as they were beginning to expand to the point of exploding a strange phenomenon took place. His Venas began expanding and growing larger. As they expanded, they grew thicker and allowed for the nature particles to circulate through his system faster and more abundantly.

Currently the three were off making plans to take care of Aker so no one was directly watching Aker at this moment, he was already hooked up to IV receiving fluids and there was nothing they could do at this time. All they could do is prepare for the moment that he was ready and be ready for it.

If they were there watching they would have seen Aker's body bloating as though someone was pumping him with air. This was the scene of his body just seconds before his Venas extended further into his bones, skin and organs and expanded allowing for more to flow through them.

Like the air being let out of a balloon his body deflated and his look returned to normal following the expansion of his Venas, yet he was not in the same state he was a moment ago.

As the nature particles permeated deeper into his body, his skin and organs began recovering at an accelerated rate. Not only were they recovering, they were getting stronger than they were before as his Venas were now delivering nature particles deeper and to every fiber and cell.

It wasn't just his skin and organs that were beginning to heal but even his bones. Now that the Venas had further protruded into his bones they began filling with nature particles much more rapidly than before....


A knocking sound was ringing out from Aker's body that would be audible to anyone within a meter of him. This was the sound of his bones reforming and reshaping as they broke through the Body Conditioning Level Bones. Breaking through the Body Conditioning Bones level is known to be one of the most terrifying levels to advance through as when you break through your bones are remolded and reshaped.

Normally before breaking through this level magic fighters will spend considerable resources preparing with pills and potions to help manage the pain.

If anyone was around to hear the "BANG" "BANG" "BANG" of Aker's body as he broke through, they would be completely flabbergasted. Normally the only sound that would be heard as a magic fighter broke through the Bones level would be the screams from their mouths as they struggled with the torture. From head to toe every bone in the body would have to reform, getting stronger and harder increasing both the strength of the magic fighter as well as their defense. With stronger and more dense bones the body could handle more weight and stronger impacts.

The sheer amount of nature particles that Aker's body was storing was causing his bones to go through a quantum evolution of strength and density.

For nearly an hour Aker's body was producing the sound of his breakthrough. As his bones were reforming and reshaping as part of breaking through the Bones blood was filling his body, every new blood cell filled to the brim with vitality.

The biggest benefits of breaking through Body Conditioning Blood was the increased vitality and endurance. Blood was critical for recovering from injury and supplying the body with the energy it needs.

As bloods cells manufacturing begins with the bones Aker's body which was breaking through Body Conditioning Bones was producing blood rapidly, if someone could see under his mask, they would witness his pale face regaining color at a visible rate.

Minute by minute his body was recovering, his vitality already significantly increased due to his Peerless Body skill was getting a jolt from his dual breakthroughs.

After just more than an hour Aker's breathing had returned to normal, it was steady and constant. Before his breakthrough Aker had a wheeze in each breath he took, which of course Dr. Life & Death caught but didn't want to alarm the others with. When Aker's rib broke it had also punctured one of his lungs making every breath Aker took strained.

For all intents and purposes Aker had fully recovered from his injuries and only the blood stuck to his mask and clothes were proof that he was injured at all. If Aker was awake and conscious right now, he would be shocked at the fact that he had broken through the final two levels of his Body Conditioning at the critical moment and not only was he not injured he was brimming with strength.

Despite his physical body's recovery, he still hadn't awoken from his previous injuries. It wasn't just his physical body that suffered during the last battle as there was significant mental strain and he needed rest.

As the three of them walked up to Aker still lying on the table, the grief and frustration they had been feeling created an aura of despair that caused everyone to keep their distance from them.

"It's all ready, as soon as he's recovered enough fluid and blood to survive the operation, we'll get him in right away. It's important that you both know that even if he survives long enough for the operation to take place he'll still be in a very dangerous place. He has to many injuries that I'm not sure he can pull through with the added strain of..."

"We trust ya doc, just get him patched up and we'll take care of the rest of it." Mavis cut in as Dr. Life & Death was talking not wanting to hear what he had to say.

"Looks like it's time to make our move, there's still so much more to get ready, everyone's going to have to rush to get it done. Is the other one still locked up and ready to go?" Vance chimed in, his entire body giving off a solemn and serious feel. His eyes squinted as he said the words both asking and expecting an answer.

"Ya, the other one's locked up and no one's even noticed he's been missin. There shouldn't be any problems with it. Sampson has him locked up somewhere, he hadn't said where, but there is no way Sampson's letting that one get away." Mavis nodded his head as he spoke assuring Vance that everything was fine.

"Then within three days we'll have to make our move." Vance didn't leave it up for discussion as he was telling the other two.

Wanted to thank those that left a review and those that commented (you know who you are), I enjoyed reading them very much and now I have a rating woohoo....

Thank you to everyone voting its very much appreciated.

So to our story....I said in the last chapter that we were getting ready to pull everything together.... I wonder if anyone has figured out how the next few chapters are going to go....

Meant for the last line to say within 3 days not tomorrow for those that already read it (changed it to 3 days).

whos_thatcreators' thoughts