
Emperors War

Growing up with just his mom 8 year old Yuto just finished celebrating his birthday. Suddenly he was kidnapped, experimented on, and forced to fight for his life with no explanation. In order to get revenge and in order to survive, Yuto changes his name, abandoning fear and hope. With a new name and left for dead in The Pit he must fight his way out. Why was he kidnapped and experimented on? Why was he thrown into The Pit to die? Why after the experiments was he able to level up and see skills? This is the story of a boy who in fighting to survive becomes something so much more. Three chapters a week with the following release days: Monday Wednesday Saturday or Sunday

whos_that · Fantasy
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114 Chs

Are You Trying To Steal One Of Our Fighters?

"Who are you calling a waste? If I remember correctly our D Company just put C Company in their place, are you stronger than C Company?" Fish Eyes who was furious after being called even more worthless than horse crap couldn't contain himself.

Everyone from D Company was ready to beat down those fighters from G Company. The Frail Fighters squad had been bullied and put down for far too long and after Aker's display yesterday they were fired up and ready to start fighting back.

Even if G Company wasn't here for Aker, the fighters from the Frail Fighters squad would be ready to throw down, but they were here to try and take Aker away. He had only been with the company for a few days but every one of the regular fighters From D Company knew full well that there was no way that they could allow that to happen.

In just a few days Aker had proven he was much more than just a simple puer nuntius, he had demonstrated skills and abilities that far exceeded common sense.

Just his abilities were enough for the fighters from D Company to fight to the end to keep Aker with them, but he had also proven he was a person they could respect form the bottom of their hearts.

From his first moment in the company he hadn't complained about the menial task assigned to him, it had reached the point that most of the regular fighters from D Company were feeling completely guilty about the work he was doing for them.

If it wasn't for the fact that Aker insisted with an earnest face that he enjoyed cooking and forging, most of the fighters would never allow Aker to continue on.

Further, Aker had stood up to an invincible opponent for fighters he barely knew. In addition, he had with no mention of reward or benefit become a teacher that had taught them more in one day about fighting than they had learned in the entire year before.

Ignoring Fish Eyes completely, that bald fighter's disdaining eyes looked over at Aker, "Little brat, you can come with us just the way you are or you can come broken with one of my brothers carrying you away, it will take you at least a month to recover if you force the second option. If you ask me, I'm hoping it's the second way, I'm still pissed that I was sent to waste my time grabbing some insignificant brat, hopefully beating you to a pulp would allow me to alleviate some of my frustration." This bald fighter had heard about his bout with Finley but he didn't believe it for a second.

The fighters from G Company were known for their thuggish reputation. All the way from their Company Commander down to their lowest and weakest regular fighter, they were renowned as the type that would steal from a blind man while charging them for protection money. For them, the idea of stealing Aker away from D Company was just a matter of course and any resistance from D Company or Aker would be met with force.

Amazingly, when Aker first joined the military, he had no preference about where he was going and his only thought was that he would like to start off as a fighter rather than be a puer nuntius. For him being assigned to the Frail Fighters wasn't neither something to look down on or be excited about, but now that he had spent time with this group, he found he was quite happy here.

Already Aker had full rights over the kitchen and the forge, he had his own private training ground and has just begun training the fighters of D Company. He was also certain that he would be able to expand his room giving him the space he needed to train and practice as he did on the ship as well as give him the area required for his gravity stone.

After his fight with Finley which helped him in developing the concept for his Harmony Style, once he had developed it the fighters from D Company were the perfect candidates to teach. For the fighters of D Company their previous lack of training had been a huge demerit, but for Aker this would be significantly beneficial, he wouldn't have to try and train over what they had already learned. In what other company would he have all of these benefits?

If he was to go to G Company, they were certain to already have their own cook and blacksmith. Even if they were bringing him over to force him to forge and cook, they wouldn't treat him as anything other than an errand boy. Even with his strength their purpose was only to exploit him, perhaps they would use him to increase their strength but it was evident by the bald fighters' words that they had no intentions of treating him as anything other than a tool.

For the fighters of D Company Aker had already began to become a rock, someone that they could and would depend on. After Aker demonstrated his strength in his fight against Finley the regular fighters of D Company did not look at Aker as some tool to exploit, but more as a senior brother who could guide them.

From Aker's perspective the choice was obvious, he had no desire or want to leave the so-called Frail Fighters.

"I'm busy right now and don't have time to mess around with you, go tell your Leader I'm not interested in leaving D Company...oh and before you go you can apologize to everyone here and if I don't feel your sincerity someone from your company will have to carry you back, it will take at least a month for you to recover." Aker who had considered being less forward came to a certain conclusion after being in this division for a few days. In this situation being humble, polite or showing any type of courtesy was considered weakness and the others would pounce on him immediately in that case.

Aker realized that either way he answered this group had come to cause problems, since that was the case was there any reason to show them the slightest bit of civility? He had only been here a few days and this was already the third time that he had been challenged.

As Aker had pondered on it, he came to the reason, it was because others viewed him as someone they could walk all over.

More and more Aker was coming to a fundamental truth.....anything short of sheer domination was viewed as weakness and if you displayed weakness then others would try and trample you.

As Aker fought his way out of The Pit he had attributed this ideology only to those that threw him in there. When Aker heard Vance's story, he wasn't surprised and didn't have a change of thought because it was expected after all, wasn't it still the same group?

When Aker learned about Alex, he still hadn't had a huge change of heart as he was still basically dealing with the same group that was oppressing him and Vance, is it so strange that they would know Alex and his family? Of course not, birds of a feather will flock together, or a con man will recognize another con man. Since that was the case Aker just heaped more hatred onto the already growing tab he was keeping for The Pit.

It wasn't until Alfred was killed and Aker understood the reason that Alfred went after him that his scope of understanding of human character began to spread past just the feelings he had towards The Pit.

It wasn't until Aker left The Pit and first encountered the Nefarious Four that Aker began to truly adjust his reasoning and had come to understand that when someone was weak, they wouldn't be pitied but would instead be trampled as a universal law.

Aker tried holding back and even tried negotiating with Clyde upon first walking onto Dilnara as he had promised Vance that he wouldn't cause problems. Upon Clyde seeing that Aker was trying to negotiate, trying to refrain from engaging he sent someone to destroy Aker, and why did he do that? It was all because Aker showed weakness by trying to negotiate, by not instantly showing dominate strength.

When Brendon had threatened Aker, Aker had instantly used his strength which was fully understood by everyone present. There was no misunderstanding, there was no questions, there was only acceptance that they should treat Aker with respect.

Now that Aker was beginning to understand how the universe worked, he had made a promise to himself that he wouldn't let anyone threaten him freely again. Letting someone threaten him without showing force was the same as asking to be walked all over, they would view it as a lack of strength or courage and use that as a premise to oppress, bully and destroy.

"Who the hell do you think you are to threaten me! Little brat, if I don't break at least one of your arms then I'll apologize to you in front of my whole company on my knees." The bald fighters' muscles were straining as he spoke, a vein on his forward was thumping, as his teeth were grinding together, it made for a freighting noise.

His gigantic arm picked up his ax that had been dropped to his side. The ax which had originally been a bright silver now had a pink hue to it, remanence of all of its victims caused it to slightly glow.

As baldy jumped forward the fighters from D Company felt a mixture of emotions, but mostly the group that was present was shaking their heads. They had all seen Aker fight of Finley, pushing him to his limits. Was this muscle brained idiot stronger than Finley? Was he faster? Was he more capable? The answer was obviously a resounding no. Finley's strength alone had instantly raised the battle prowess of the entire C Company from the cellar to third strongest only behind A and B Companies.

As the baldy swung his ax down as if trying to cleave Aker in two there was no sign or even the slightest wisp of concern on Aker. He simply slightly stepped to the side as he brought the newly forged saber up and held it at a forty-five-degree angle.

As the ax made contact with the saber it glanced off to the side, but it wouldn't have mattered anyways as Aker had moved out of its trajectory.

Having missed his target, the baldy picked up his ax and swung in from the side still trying to cleave Aker in two. This time rather than cut him from head to toe he was trying to slice him clean through his midsection.

For Aker this was a joke, how many times had he faced the giant arm of a Fire Ape as it swung through in a similar fashion? The difference being that the Fire Ape was bigger, stronger and faster. While this baldy seemed to have muscles that could rival mountains, in truth his strength was only somewhere in the middle of the Body Conditioning levels, probably Organs.

Aker easily ducked under the swing of the ax and put out his saber touching it against the leg of the baldy but without causing any kind of injury. His movements were fluid, as he took each step, he was completing several actions concurrently.

Someone at the Organs level might be five times faster and stronger than an average man whereas Aker was twenty to twenty-five times stronger with his current strength. Assuming that the average non-magical fighters' strength in a single punch was roughly seventeen Kilograms then this baldy's full force punch would come in somewhere around eighty-five Kilograms.

While if Aker was to exert his full force into one of his punches he could display as much as four hundred Kilograms. It was due to this difference in strength that Aker could defeat this baldy with his eyes closed and with one arm and one leg tied up.

Since that was the case it was the perfect opportunity for him to demonstrate to the fighters from D Company what he had shown them this morning in practical use while battling.

"Avoid and block, watch the shoulders, hips, and the direction the feet are pointing and you can anticipate how your enemy is going to attack...for example, he is preparing to stab with his ax." Aker was analyzing the situation and pointing out the details to the fighters from D Company.

As he spoke, he side stepped and used his saber to block and throw the baldy off balance while at the same time picking up his foot and kicking his enemy square in the behind.

"See how he left himself completely vulnerable, that was due to him over committing in his last attack. This one is a little harder but remember to keep your head about you while fighting, especially when facing a superior opponent. Losing your temper or being over emotional causes your fighting techniques and skills to break down and makes you a much easier opponent...."

As Aker was offering training advice to the fighters from D Company the fighters from G Company were becoming more and more irate. Having had enough, another fighter from G Company jumped into the fight swinging his spear at Aker trying to catch him off guard.

How many times had Aker fought one against a mob? How many times had Aker dodged and attacked while surrounded by enemies on every side? Aker who had fought in The Pit against dozens of magical beasts simultaneously wouldn't be caught off guard by something so simple.

As though he had eyes in the back of his head Aker took one step to his left and one step back, this move put Aker right in the chest of the fighter who had attacked with his spear. This fighters face changed drastically as Aker was only several centimeters away from him, Aker had miraculously accomplished this with a simple step move. The most shocking part was that Aker had done this without even turning his head to look. He had perfectly dodged the spear and was in perfect attack posture and the other fighter couldn't even figure out how he had done it.

"One fighter, two fighters, or ten fighters it makes no difference. The principles are the same, move and block or move and attack. From here there are dozens of different ways I can defeat my opponent, but for now let's just take out his footing."

As Aker spoke, he dropped and slid out his leg in a whipping manner catching the fighter by the ankle. Before the fighter understood what was happening, he was laid out on his back and staring into the sky.

"Ankles, feet, knees, elbows, wrist, fingers, neck, nose, eyes and ears, these are the easiest areas to attack when you are weaker than your opponent. When I first started learning how to fight, I was always weaker than my opponent so I had to learn how to get into position to attack these points. Because I had focused on these attack points so much it's become something of a habit, in particular I find the leg sweep to be a favorite."

The fighters from D Company were not as strong as the other fighters in the division and Aker was teaching them how they could overcome these strength differences. Would the fighters from D Company be able to jump levels and fight someone who was at the Organs level while they were at the Skin level? Probably not, but could they challenge someone at Muscles from Skin? If their techniques were practiced and honed well enough it wouldn't be impossible.

As Aker spoke more and more of the fighters that had come along to bully D Company from G Company started attacking Aker. With each attack by the fighters Aker would simply step and avoid it, duck or occasionally jump out of harm's way. As he moved around their attacks, he would point out their weakness and counter attack sending fighters to the ground left and right.

At this time there had been more than a dozen fighters who had attacked Aker and he hadn't so much as had his robes touched much less suffered the slightest injury.

"Is this for real? He is using the same techniques and moves he showed us this morning to take on over a dozen fighters from G Company."

"When I first decided to join his morning practice it was only so I could have a weapon made. Even this morning as we practiced, I didn't take it serious at all. Avoid and block, what kind of crap is that? Those were my genuine thoughts, but seeing it now I realize how foolish my thoughts were."

"Same here, I thought all of his avoid and block was crap he was just spouting, but seeing him use it to take down this whole group I can't wait to get back to practicing."

The fighters from D Company were animated as they watched the fight between Aker and the fighters from G Company. Aker was literally putting them to lessons as he thrashed them, he was using them as a training stick to train the Frail Fighters.

From the perspective of G Company could there be a more embarrassing scenario? They were being destroyed by the puer nuntius they had come over with the intention of strong arming. It had never occurred to any of the fighters from G Company that Aker would humiliate them in such a manner.

The fighters from G Company were of the mindset that Aker would be running to them on his hands and knees begging and thanking them for taking him away from the Frail Fighters, who in their right mind would choose to serve that bunch of losers when they could serve the strong fighters from G Company?

As Aker continued his pummeling and lessons a booming voice caused the fighters from G Company to become excited, there wasn't a single fighter from G Company who wasn't bruised and battered at this time. Covered from head to toe in dirt from hitting the ground so many times the fighters from G Company got their arrogant swagger back at the booming voices declaration, "Brat, that's enough get down on your knees and beg for forgiveness right now! This is your one and only opportunity, if you don't submit right this second it will be too late to beg later."

"It's the Leader, he's here....Now this worthless wretch will get his!"

"There's no way the leader lets this kid off. Once we get him back to our G Company, I'm going to beat him until I feel better." A sinister and vicious aura exuded from the bald fighter. Out of all of the fighters from G Company he had taken the bulk of the beating. It's possible that even his own mom wouldn't recognize him if she was standing in front of him right now.

"SHUT UP! Every one of you worthless...." Leader Steven Pilope was so irate that he couldn't even finish his sentence, his huffing seemed a little over exaggerated to Aker as he watched.

"After the beating I watched you take you all still have breath left to threaten someone else? I sent you on an easy task to pick up a snot nose kid and bring him back to me from the weakest company in the whole damn military, but what I find is every one of you were beaten to the point of looking like pig heads instead!" The fighters from G Company couldn't even look at Leader Steven as he spoke, they were all too ashamed, they really had been beaten without the ability to stand up to the kid at all.

"Hahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha...." The roar of laughter that emanated from D Company caused Leader Steven to frown, as his squirrely eyes darted over the pathetic bunch that was laughing at him, he almost had the urge to vomit. How could he a Leader of G Company stand the laughter of the most pitiful group of fighters in the entire Underground Empire? If he allowed this to continue would he ever be able to show his face in public again?

"You think somethings funny?" Leader Steven's voice targeted the fighters from D Company, he didn't bother to hide the threat within it as he spoke.

"No, I didn't find something funny...." Muscles spoke up and shook his head back and forth as he did so.

'Good at least this bunch of idiots from the Frail Fighters have enough common sense to understand that they were about to be crushed by me. Maybe it's not common sense and its more that it's just plain old cowardice, either way, now is the time to force them to submit.' Hearing Muscles comment at least gave Leader Steven some of his face back, with that he should be able to build up enough momentum to put this group of misfits in their place and walk away with the kid.

Just as Leader Steven was getting ready to throw out his ultimatums and drive the last bit of confidence and strength out of the Frail Fighters an assertive statement stopped him in his tracks, "It's not that something is funny, it was that everything was funny. The whole damn scenario from that baldy over there getting beat to a pulp, to the bunch of cowards ganging up on our puer nuntius only to fill their stomachs up on dirt to you stepping in and calling them all pig heads. What part of that isn't funny is what I would like to know? Didn't the whole bunch of you show up all domineering and demanding and the only thing you have to show for it is looking like pig heads and being called pig heads....hahahahahahaha"

"Haha....when you put it like that your right, it could be construed as funny, but I have a question for you?" Leader Steven was cold as he talked with Muscles.

"And what would that be?" Muscles didn't back down or hesitate, at this point what else could he do. Hadn't things already come to this? What would be the point in taking a step back now? Admittedly this was a drastic change to the mentality of Muscles, it was something that just a couple of days ago he would have never considered.

Just as Leader Steven got ready to attack the fighters from D Company a soft and gentle voice that was somehow still commanding called out, "Leader Steven don't you think it's a little inappropriate for you to attack my fighters?"

"Sir" All of the fighters from D Company called out in unison at the sound of that voice.

Aker who had become a spectator who acted as if the whole situation had nothing to do with him ever since Leader Steven showed up looked over to see the Company Commander walking up.

The Company Commander whose chestnut straight hair slightly covered his thin and lively face had the faint air of a leader. His expressive grey eyes gave a slightly comforting feeling to those men that called him Commander. He perfectly fit into this group of overly thin and unassuming men. If thrown into the group of regular fighters and discounting his continence, there would be no way to tell him apart from an average Frail Fighter squad member.

"The Alpha dog in a pack of mangy dogs is still a mangy dog as well. How dare a mere Commander of the Frail Fighters question me! I've come for that boy over there, your sickly company should have never gotten a puer nuntius and you know it as well as I do. Since he is a puer nuntius we have the full right to reallocate him for the benefit of the division. Frankly speaking I can't imagine a more wasteful use of resources than anything given to this failed company. As far as I'm concerned even feeding you is too much of a waste." Leader Steven didn't bother to sugar coat his words as he spoke down to the commander of the Frail Fighters.

Truth be told, even the regular fighters in the division didn't show any respect to this Company Commander so why then would a leader show the slightest bit of regard.

The Company Commander was used to being talked down to and realized long ago there wasn't anything he could do to counter it. He had once complained to the Division Commander and wasn't even offered an excuse, he was simply ignored all together. That was when this commander was at least allowed to attend the leadership meetings, these days he was barred from even stepping foot in them. It was no wonder that the regular fighters wouldn't show him any of the courtesy that normal commanders were afforded. If a regular fighter was to speak to any of the other Company Commanders in the same fashion they just might be executed on the spot.

"Unfortunately, that rule only applies to puer nuntius and doesn't apply to fighters assigned to a company. I believe you should already know that, or am I mistaken?" Unbothered by Leader Steven berating him, the Company Commander had an elegance in his speech that gave him a sense of nobility.

"Is everyone in the Frail Fighters an idiot? First my men come to take away a puer nuntius and not only did you group of rejects not comply, you even fought back and now this "Commander" is instructing me in the obvious. What idiot doesn't know that fighters can't be taken away?" The sarcasm was being laid on thick as Leader Steven raised his hostility by another level.

"Good then were agreed, in that case you can see yourself back. Fighters of D Company, head back for a quick formation!" The Company Commander stopped paying attention to Leader Steven and began walking away as he called out to his men.

Leader Steven who was being ignored was ready to explode at this moment.

'How dare a mere Company Commander of this waste company ignore me!'

Leader Steven's thoughts must have been completely readable because just as he was getting ready to detonate that voice of nobility interrupted him, "You should probably know he is no longer a puer nuntius of our D Company."

The Company Commander pointed at Aker as he announced to Leader Steven.

"Tell me who is the one brave enough to snatch him from my G Company!"

"No one snatched him away from your G Company, he never belonged to your G Company to begin with. I was going to wait until I had the company together in formation to announce this but I suppose now is as good a time as any...." Hearing their Company Commander, the ears of every D Company fighter perked up, what he had to say would have a direct impact on Aker and inadvertently them.

"The reason I pointed that out was that Aker has been promoted to a regular fighter within our D Company, since that's the case I should ask, are you trying to steal one of our fighters?"

Thanks so much everyone!

whos_thatcreators' thoughts