
Emperor of Valyria

I died and was reborn into game of thrones with wishes, what better way to live my life then doing whatever i want and building my own empire starts year 270

writingoutofbordem · TV
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9 Chs

The Game has Changed

"Holy shit fuck," I exclaim as I scrutinize the massive vault doors. Lybolt asks, "Father, what's shit fuck?" with childish curiosity, "Um, it means you'll understand when you're older or taller, I guess in your case." I say casually, but when I look closer at the Door, I find ruin patterns and a strange language that I presume is high Valyrian.

"Fuck should have wished to understand all languages as one of my wishes, well fuck it no use in regretting what's already done," I mutter to myself, and as I lay my palm on the door, I can feel the magic coursing through it. I mumble at the doorknob, "Open the fucking, I don't have time for blood sacrifices or whatever is required to open this vault."

"Yeah, like that would wor-" Before I can complete my speech, the vault doors begin to glow, and the lights outline dragons soaring in the sky and towers below, and the vault doors begin to open with a loud crack. "Damn straight, I don't have time to wait, I've got things to do and money to make," I remark with a big smile as Lybolt and I step inside the Vault, my mouth fell open in surprise. There are hundreds of books on the tables, and in the center is a strange, shaped container of some type, almost like an... The egg is meant to go here.

As an idea strikes me, I go into my bag and pull out my dragon egg. I set it in the holder, and the holder begins to pulse with heat. I now know the egg will not hatch for many months. Maybe it's a hatching mechanism, I think it's vital, so I lay my palm on top of the Egg and force my magic into it, and a flicker of a light glows through the egg, then slowly fades and cools down.

"Well, we'll see if it has any effect when the egg hatches," I think to myself as I turn to Lybolt and say, "Hey, watch the egg, I'm going deeper into the Vault."With a wide smile he replies "Of course, father, can I touch it?" He asks out loud in wonder, as I go farther away. "Probably not a good idea," I respond back with a chuckle

As I continue walking, I notice different carvings on the walls and different sized dragon statues all lined up, they look like they were made from rubies maybe and some were made out of this black clear glass, probably obsidian I think to myself, then out of the corner of my eye I spot some sort of lever on the wall, I stare at the lever for a few seconds... "Who would put a lever there and not expect someone to yank on it?" I say out loud.

As I pull the lever, the room begins to quake and the walls surrounding me begin to move. I glance at the walls as they begin to flip themselves for a few minutes before realizing what I'm looking at, "We are officially about to shake this world up," I exclaim in full enthusiasm, multiple swords, hammers, and other armaments and shields adorn the walls.

But it's their familiar luster and ripple patterns that pique my interest. And now that I know how they seem in person, I can imitate them. I found out a minor portion of my creation magic: once I've seen or handled a thing or substance once, I can produce as many as I desire.

I'm still experimenting with my magic, and we'll see how far I can push it. But, for another time, I go to the armory and take one of the Valyrian steel swords in my hands.

As I allow my magic to soak into the blade, I can sense the magic inside it, my magic blending with it and becoming acquainted with the weightless steel.

As I reopen my eyes and place the sword back on the wall, I raise my right hand and imagine the same feeling and magic I had just sensed and what I would want my own sword to look like...and when I reopen my eyes, I smirk as I see the familiar ripples and shine on to my long sword and along the blade are tiny dragons going up to the tip of the blade, and the handle is white with a red dragon with its wings spread.

"Badasss...people would pay millions for one of these, well not that I know how to create this, I can officially sell some and I might give one or two away for something in exchange" I thought to myself. "Hey Lybolt, grab the container with my egg in it and let us get back to the castle, we will come back for all of this," I say to him, and he quickly drops the book and picks up the holding container. "Sure thing father, I was just reading this book that describes Valyrian structure," he replies.

I come to a halt and turn to him, surprised, "You can read high Valyrian!" I shouted, and he looked perplexed for a while before responding, "Oh is that what it's called? Well yeah, I understood it right away, I've learned quite a bit from these books," he adds sheepishly.

"We will circle back to all that soon...yeah anyways grab the egg and some books for us and let's get out of here, we will return to retrieve everything later." Lybolt nods and takes the container and some volumes, and we exit the vault and begin going back to the castle grounds; we're about to become pretty busy, I think.

AC Braavos 270

Many hooded men are gathered in a room within the black and white house. "This man serves only the many-faced god" "Yes, but now the many-faced one will have use of us once more by serving through his chosen, this one who was put on this world and not born into it, we will serve him as we serve the many-faced one," a man in a hood says monotonously. "Where does this man live?" asks another. "Valyria," the guy adds, after another long period, all the males repeat "Valar Dohaeris."

Next is the time skip, things will start to really heat up and major progress will happen fast and the dragon will hatch next chapter. Let me know in what order do you want the Mc to meet with his wifes first and also ashara dayne will be the same age as Elia.

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