
Emperor of Gods

Updating Schedules. 10 Chapters mass release on the 18th of December, 2023 2 Daily chapter releases starting from January 1, 2024. Additional chapter releases for every 150 coin gifts or 100 Golden Ticket Votes. ……… (Blurb) In Li Yu's first life, he watched as every member of his family was butchered mercilessly and fed to the vultures because of his best friends’ greediness. Li Yu was then tortured for several years, and just when he was about to lose consciousness forever, a miracle happened. Li Yu was transmigrated 50 years into the future, into the body of someone with a similar name as him, someone who died in another person's scheme. Fueled with a strong vengeance in him, Li Yu would start his journey back to peak from absolutely nothing, go through many ordeals, and train with his life along the line, countless times so he could take revenge on the people who destroyed him. This is a novel filled with a lot of comedy, schemes, and mysteries. Please give your support; golden tickets and reviews.

RexDEverything · Fantasy
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53 Chs

Chapter 24 - The Battlefield

While the fight was going on intensely, the first elder was about to spit out blood at this moment due to extreme anger.


The remaining 5 elders were also stunned at the moment.

Although their mind was no longer with the first elder, they were only still with him because they could no longer extract themselves again.

They were all scared out of their wits when they heard the loud voice that shouted earlier.

They could not understand where things had gone wrong as they had been secretive to the highest.


The first elder, like someone that had been possessed, continued crazily.

The remaining elders do not know what to do anymore.

They were so scared that their secrets might be released to the world now, and if it does, their generations would be labeled as family betrayals for life.

They could only sit still without moving and try to speak senses into the first elder so that he would not act rashly.

The remaining elders spoke to themselves with their eyes, then they all focused their attention on the first elder at once.

"My future patriarch, please calm down a little, it would not be good if we were to give ourselves away now," the third elder said quietly, trying to reason with the first elder.

"What do you mean by act rashly, hun? I must achieve my aims tonight!"

The first elder was definitely possessed now, as his mind had become completely clouded.

All the remaining elders immediately fell to their knees when they saw the currently crazed expression on the first elder's face.

"My future patriarch, please rethink very well."

"My future patriarch, please think of what might happen if we were to give ourselves away, we would definitely be deemed as betrayals."

"My future patriarch, please calm down for some seconds."

Seeing this, the first elder instantly felt like he had been betrayed, even though he knew well enough that what they were saying was certainly real.

"You all, you all!"


While the first elder and his gangs were trying to reason with each other, the fight was currently going on hot at the estate's entrance.

The shadow guards who were dressed all in their signature uniform, complete black from head to toe were currently busy shooting arrows after arrows at the disorganized group.


The group's leader shouted at the top of his lung.

He was feeling so angry at the moment.

'How could this group of ants dare to bar my path of retreat!'

The leaders killing intent was so massive at this instant, but he decided not to act on his whim which might cause delays for his group.

If it's him alone and the Foundation Establishment Realm cultivators, they would have long charged out and taken all their opponents out of the way, but he decided not to do that as he knew they would get delayed, and the qi gathering realm cultivators in his group would all likely lose their lives.

"Shoot! shoot!!"

Old Qīpiàn continued to shout his command hysterically.

Little Liu also stood guard by Li Yu's side, in case something uncalled for was to happen.

"Little Liu, I and you only need to delay those men with capes behind them for a few minutes before backup arrived."

Looking seriously at the few people amongst the enemies, Li Yu muttered quietly with his breath.

"But young master, those are fifteen foundation realm cultivators and 1 golden core realm cultivator, would we be able to take them all alone?" Concern was immediately written all over Little Liu's face when she heard Li Yu's instructions.

"just trust me, okay?"

Li Yu turned to stare deeply at Little Liu, to which she returned.

After a while, she looked away while muttering like a mosquito.

"Please take care young master, please!"

The invaders had already been back to order after their leader's voice was heard, everyone of them immediately formed a round formation while putting those that had been injured within them, then like a huge boulder, the round formation began to roll towards the estate exit.

Seeing this, Li Yu raised his hand softly, as he knew what would happen next if they were not ready.


Old Qīpiàn ordered loudly when he saw Li Yu's sign.

He looked like a great war commander at this very instant.

"Clang… clang…"

Different bows and arrows began to be dumped on the ground, and the shadow guards began to take out their close-range weapons from different parts of their bodies.

From the waist, back, chest, and so on.

"It's time to work!!"

Li Yu whose blood had begun to boil due to extreme excitement suddenly screamed while holding two swords in each of his hands.

Then like an electric current, Li Yu flashed to the front of this huge circle that looked like would grind him into complete paste while Little Liu and the guards follow closely behind.

Their blood had also begun to boil at this moment.

Just when the two groups were about to collide which might spell dooms to Li Yu's group, a loud sound could suddenly be heard.


Like lions roars, footsteps that sounded like beasts going on rampant began to storm towards where the war battle was going on, causing the two groups to pause slightly.

The desperation in the invader's soul and mind began to increase with time, and all their unity began to scatter.


The leader shouted with urgency in his voice.

'May we survive this.' the shadow guards member prayed in their silently in their hearts when they felt the crazed emotions from their enemies, then, 'Clang!' the two groups met.

The guards began to exchange blows with the other party's Qi Realm cultivators, and different battle skills and techniques began to be into show.

Li Yu and Little Liu ignored them while moving toward those with capes behind them.

These people were the highest factors in this fight.

They were just about to join the fight to clear the ants in their fronts when they suddenly felt two killing intents locked on their body.

It was a young-looking brat and a female figure with a mask covering her face.

"I will go kill those two brats that look like the leaders of this group."

Two out of these men volunteered instantly as they knew there was no time to waste.

Not waiting for permission the two men rushed to welcome Li Yu and Little Liu who were also rushing toward them.

With a piu, Little Liu suddenly cut off her opponent's head swiftly, within a second.

"Damn!!! That person is most likely a high-level foundation ream warriors, let's charge together group!!!"

While this was going on, Li Yu who was a Qi gathering realm cultivator was currently exchanging deathly blows with his opponent who happens to be in the early level of Foundation Establishment realm.

'Damn!!! How could this brat be this powerful?!' Li Yu's opponent exclaimed in shock as he kept receiving blows after blows from Li Yu's sword attack.

The sword skill was so complicated to the extent that Li Yu's opponent could not predict Li Yu's next move at all.

Li Yu and the person exchange almost twenty blows in a matter of few seconds.

Looking around with the back of his eyes, Li Yu couldn't help but increase his blows as he saw how surrounded Little Liu was.

Li Yu suddenly raised his right leg slightly, then he lifted the back of his other leg, putting his body's weight on his right leg...

Then phew! Li Yu suddenly disappeared from his position, then like breeze, he blew past his opponent who could not react in time.


Li Yu's opponent couldn't help but open his mouth and eyes wide in shock as he stared unwillingly at Li Yu, then with a bang, his head fall off his shoulder.

It was at this moment that the crowd which had been shouting like lions showed themselves.

They rushed into the fight scenes and began to also wave their weapons out of anger.

Different advanced and powerful battle skills began to fly in the air.

"Diamond Body!!"

All the descendants of the Li Clan shouted at the top of their lungs, then their bodies began to change.

It began to turn very pure and white like a diamond, and every attack that met them began to have zero effect.

That's the signatory skill of The Li Clan, Diamond Body.

It would definitely be a bloodbath tonight.


RexDEverythingcreators' thoughts