
Emperor of Anime

With the tragic passing of his father, a young man by the name of Kira Rowe visits Japan, the place which his father loved with all his heart to pay final respect to his old man. But without him planning this he became a CEO of an almost rundown Animation studio, the last thing he got from his father. Follow the adventure of the CEO of a small Animation Studio who tries to deal with his crazy colleagues, financial problems, and being a foreigner CEO in Japan, all with one goal: to create the best anime ever. ... I will try to be as realistic as possible with this story, especially when it comes to the whole process of making an anime but of course, for the fun of the story and some other stuff, it won't be 100% realistic... ... My first novel is here, to be honest, it is surreal seeing a web novel of my own on this site. What can you expect? I am not sure, as I am new to this I decided to go with a slice-of-life story that contains some comedy and is mostly about making anime and weird characters. When it comes to grammar, everything should be fine on that front, English isn't my first language but I tried to fix mistakes while writing. Of course, if you notice any mistakes, please tell me. ... If you want to read more than 20 chapters upfront check out My Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/StoryWriter946

StoryWriter · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 48 – Cinema time

Like the good boss he is, Kira listened to the advice of his senior and the next day he went to the cinema. In Kisato city there are two cinemas, one is located in a shopping mall, while the other is a standalone complex near the 'Entertainment District'. Kira, after asking around decided to visit the latter.

In his student days, he was what people usually call filmophile. He really likes movies and TV shows and in the past when he had a day off he would usually have a movie night. That particular hobby of his helped him when he went on dates, as he always knew what movie would be a great choice to take your girlfriend to see it.

That said, he never watched that much of Japanese cinema, so he was curious about it and was actually quite happy about using his day off to visit the cinema. Of course, he could choose to watch some Hollywood movie, but like it is with cuisine when in another country, it would be a shame for him not to try something new.

Also, he wasn't familiar with Japanese celebrities and as a businessman, there would come a time when he would need to work with different celebrities, so his choice did have a little bit to do with his job, but just a little bit. After all, this day is his rest day, so there will be no talking about his work for the rest of the day.

So, looking forward to watching an interesting movie he went to the cinema. The name of the cinema is 'Saiko no Ega', the translation of that would be something like – Best Movies. This specific cinema is a large triangular building, a kind of funny shape and it was entirely painted in red and blue. It has five floors, on the first three are auditoriums where people watch movies, on the fourth is an arcade and on the last is a restaurant.

Kira had been inside already for about twenty minutes and he was looking at the display monitors that were showing different movies that were playing. He was thinking about what to choose and in the end he went with what looked like a historical movie, as this was something he liked. Though it might also be just a fantasy movie, he only looked at the picture of the movie and not at the summary, as he likes surprises.

After waiting for another twenty minutes, it was time for him to enter the room, but of course before that, he bought popcorn and coke – for him that was his cinema/movie go-to.

And so the movie began. Kira was kind of right about this movie. It was a historical one, full of historical nuances about Japan and how people lived here in the past, but the specific plot was happening around fictional people.

So, the story goes like this. There was once a samurai family where every member of it was an excellent swordsman or swordswoman, as even women in that family were great warriors. That family served a Great Daimyo, who greatly appreciated them. But one day the family was attacked in the middle of the night by some unknown foes.

A lot of people died but the samurai family won, yet it came at a great cost. The head of the family was killed and the twenty-year-old MC of this movie became the new head. That young man full of rage tried to investigate who was the one that attacked them and to his shock, all the clues pointed to the Great Daimyo and the real plot started at that point.

He was rash and impulsive, not listening to others and he tried to take an act of revenge on the Great Daimyo, not knowing this was all a trap and a trick. You can guess how the movie went from this point, the Great Daimyo was innocent and this was all a ploy by his enemies to get his biggest allies to attack him. This movie was bloody, full of interesting ploys and growth of character, and to Kira it was really fun watching the young man grow, from an impulsive brat to a great leader, like his father was.

Still, there was one character in this movie that grabbed his attention the most every time she appeared on the screen. It was one of the villains of the story, a masked person who worked as a mercenary for the "end boss" of this movie. Kira could tell it was a female, as even with the mask it was obvious and there were some signs in the movie about it. You might wonder why Kira liked that character the most. Well, honestly there were a couple of reasons. The first one was the character she was acting as – Kira likes those kinds of mysterious characters, wearing masks and acting in the dark. The second one was the acting, which in Kira's opinion was first-class, the actress was so good that she grabbed his attention in every one of her scenes. The third one is maybe the most important one, though, this one appeared when she finally got unmasked – yup you guessed it right, Kira found her amazingly beautiful…

This isn't something unheard of, many times it happens to people who watch movies that they find some actors really charming/handsome/beautiful and it was time for Kira to after some time get charmed by a beautiful lady.

The lady in question has, or at least in the movie red flowing hair, she also looks kind of tall, with a cold look and sometimes showing a charming smile, to Kira she looked like an Ice queen and a fairy at the same time. It was safe to say that our boy got smitten.

So, after two hours this great movie ended and Kira was satisfied with the entire experience. The movie was great, the popcorn was delicious and the coke was cold. To that, you can add a great cast of actors (or one specific actress?). All in all, this day went great for Kira Rowe who called a taxi and was planning to spend the rest of the day watching TV and chilling.

But before he headed home, the man opened his social media on his phone and followed a certain actress, who he after only watching one movie of hers became a big fan of.

Finishing that task of his he started humming and with a smile he was ready for new challenges.

I am really sorry because I didn't upload any chapters yesterday. I was kind of busy with something else and didn't have time to write this chapter. Welp, I will try to upload two chapters tomorrow...

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