
Emperor Of a Myriad Kingdoms

In a universe of unknown height and location, there are myriad worlds with countless inhabitants, tens of thousands of mortal races with distinct characteristics with their own culture and dreams, despite all this diversity, there is one thing that all of them they have in common, they have ambition to reach the greatest position of power and prestige and to govern with overwhelming power, but few have achieved this feat amidst a road that is built with death and blood, betrayal and persecution, love and disappointment, pain and joys... amidst all this, a humble human emerges who will be an upholder of goodness and justice in a complex and interesting world. However, this journey would not be easy... as he would meet someone who was very different from him, but longed for the same, coming from a royal family, possessing power and talent unmatched in his generation. The two would fight an impressive war for the throne of the Mortal Emperor. Which will be victorious, a willing and resilient heart in pursuit of a goal or the talent of a genius. Those who read this story will follow the two stories from two different points of view, telling their crises and glories towards the throne of the Mortal Emperor. This generation after this war will have a new Mortal Emperor, and finally return to peaceful times.

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Gate Fardao

He was raised by Fardao, a brilliant genius of the Legendary Era, he was a mortal, he was born in an ordinary village, his father died in an accident, so he was mainly raised by his mother.

He had a younger brother who he loved very much, so he spoiled him and gave him everything he could, his clothes, toys, worked more so that his brother could rest... among other small gestures of affection.

They were poor, so he tried to make up for that by accomplishing the hard things for his brother.

For example, once his brother stole his neighbor's money, he found out and was outraged and wanted to complain a lot to Fardao's mother, she was disappointed and angry because she taught her children that they should be honest.

She in a moment of anger, wanted to hit her youngest son, because she trusted Fardao and knew he would not accomplish such things.

But Fardao afraid that his brother would be punished, took the blame and got beaten instead and was grounded for a year, but he was relieved that his mother had not punished his brother.

Fardao loved his family and lived for it.

One day, a group of teachers is passing through the village and were surprised by Fardao's intelligence.

So they talked to his mother and said they should have him go to some clan and test his abilities to see if he was talented at it.

His mother always knew about Fardao's intelligence, so she started saving up to send them to some clan to test their abilities.

She had an illness and most of the household income was for her medicines, but she, without her children knowing, stopped buying the medicines and stopped buying some things for herself to save money.

Sometimes she would skip some meals and buy food just for her children, without them knowing, of course.

After 1 year and 8 months, she gathered the necessary amount and asked the village leader, who had cultivated a little in the past, to take them to the clan.

His name was Yao Hu, he was a level 9 apprentice.

He then picked up the boys and embarked on the journey.

It would take 2 years to go and come back, so Fardao cried a lot before going, but was persuaded to go.

His brother Yao Mo was very excited to go.

Fardao was determined to impress the clan to tell his mother.

They went to the Bu Clan and when they got there, Fardao surprised everyone by his behaviors and talents, they were amazing, not even the main successor of the clan, was as talented as him.

The ancestors got excited and fought over which one would train him and in the end.

Even the main ancestor who hadn't been out in 10,000 years asked them to take good care of him.

Yao Hu almost had a heart attack, the main ancestor was a Monarch.

An existence that brought fear to the Ten Worlds.

He took an interest in Fardao, even the successor of the Bu clan who was a renowned genius didn't have that privilege and at most received an advice or two.

Fardao gained a great status that day, until the clan leader began to look at him more carefully now.

Fardao was happy with his success, not because he would like to be a famous cultivator, but because he was told that his family would be rich and live in the Bu Clan with special status.

On the same day, Ancestor Bu, sent a trusted ancestor to personally pick up Fardao's family.

The Ancestor was a Sage, so it only took 1 hour and a few minutes to get to the village.

Fardao went along to the Ancestor, but his brother wanted to stay in the clan to meet his room.

When Fardao arrived in her village, she ran home with tearful eyes, ready to tell her mother the news.

But he found no one inside the house, so he ran around the village, asking about his mother.

He noticed people looking at him strangely and talking softly, but he was missing his mother and paid no attention to it.

Until Yao Hu's wife invited him into the house and asked him to sit down.

The ancestor followed him and paid attention to the surroundings, after all, he was tasked with protecting the Bu clan's new jewel, even if he had to die, so the boy could escape for just a few more seconds.

Madam Yao then told what had happened to Fardao's mother.

She had died...due to going too long without her meds, she had died 2 months ago.

Fardao broke down crying, he spent 15 minutes crying until he collapsed from exhaustion.

The Ancestor was moved, so he picked up Fardao who was passed out and took some of Fardao's family belongings and brought them back to the Bu Clan.

When Fardao woke up 2 days later, he was already in his new home.

For the next 2 months, Fardao did not leave his room, so Ancestor Bu took action.

He had a conversation with Fardao and said that he would be the father that Fardao did not have for the rest of his days and showed that Fardao lost his mother, but there was still his brother that he could protect and guide.

It was what his mother would have wanted... Fardao after the conversation improved a little and became even more attached to his brother.

And the years have passed

Fardao joined the clan as an external disciple due to the protocol the clan followed, but he showed great talent and quickly became the main disciple.

He had a good heart, was handsome and intelligent and because of his humble background, he treated people for their abilities and not for status.

Ancestor Bu was at the end of his life and died 1 year and 5 months later, but he acted as he had said, being just like a father to Fardao until his last day.

His death made Fardao sad, but after losing Ancestor Bu, he became even more attached to his brother.

He had the admiration of the young generation and the respect of the elders, gaining power and influence among the humans.

However, he had one fatal flaw, he loved his younger brother very much due to it being his only family left and this ended up bad for his brother's character, who ended up being more spoiled and arrogant, and due to not having his brother's talents, he had to rely on his brother's prestige to command respect.

His brother was fascinated by his brother's abilities and used his authority and respect to impose himself on the people of that generation.

Yao Mo one day he was at a country party, he went to make contacts and with the help of his brother's prestige which he used without Fardao's knowledge, he was able to enter the high class even without the talents and training to do so.

But he ended up falling in love and pursuing a girl and even requested help from his brother's new "friends" to kill and drive away people the girl liked, so he could win her over.

Which made her life sad and angered her brother, who was just a regular disciple at the time.

Yao Mo declared himself to the girl 5 times being rejected in public, which was an affront to his arrogant behavior, then motivated by anger, he convinced and threatened the ancestors of the clan, to attack and destroy the lineage that the girl belonged to.

Most were against it, but he, having the influence of his brother, persuaded them and persuaded a dozen to act, as that country was not so strong.

In this way he was executed, the country was attacked and in one night it was destroyed, but the girl and her brother managed to escape, for some days until they were found and attacked, the girl died in battle and her brother fled wounded.

The ancestors did not pay much attention to their escape due to their goal which was for the girl to die being completed.

When Fardao found out what happened, he became angry and punished the ancestors by imprisoning them for ten years and his brother for one year, but he took resources from him and put trusted people to watch over him.

He was saddened by what had happened and sought out the girl's brother to reward him for his loss, but he would not be needed.

For, the girl's brother, years later reappeared, this time different, with different names and behavior, he was no longer a regular disciple, but the disciple of a Monarch and one of the main candidates for Emperor.

He attacked and turned the clan upside down, destroying mountains and rivers, he killed the ancestors who attacked the country and Fardao's brother, but spared the inhabitants who were not to blame and did not want to kill Fardao as he knew he was innocent.

Fardao at that time was very powerful and could have stopped the attack, but he didn't because he recognized his guilt in letting it happen due to his overprotectiveness and tolerant behavior.

However, he made it clear that if a single innocent was harmed, he would not forgive the girl's brother and would defend his nation.

Although he didn't have to, because his brother didn't want to harm the innocent, he knew the pain to have his friends and family who were innocent, all dead and wounded.

After the event, Fardao appointed a successor and withdrew from fighting and warfare to return to live in his old farming village for two years.

After losing his brother, his life seemed to have no more meaning, and he thought of suicide, but remembering his mother's love and concern for him and his brother, he could not kill himself.

He then reflected and found a goal that was bigger than his life to defend... humanity.

He then went back to having a goal that used to be to live to protect his brother, now it would be to protect the humans.

There was dread in his heart at knowing who would be the person to assume the throne of Mortal Emperor.

So he became a candidate for the emperor and with his extraordinary talents defeated geniuses of various races.

He became an amazing Virtuous Paragon at a young age and taught other human talents, turning them into generals of a powerful legion.

Still, he was easily defeated in the first meeting with Fei, and he continuously challenged him, but he was defeated, he was amazing and evolved a lot with each confrontation, but Fei was incomparable in that generation and beat him, but spared him due to recognizing his abilities.

Fei was incredible and defeated all opponents, sweeping the Ten Worlds to become the First Human Mortal Emperor.

He liked Fei's way of acting, but after his experiences as a clan leader, he didn't like the feeling of not being able to act against Fei if needed, so he had an idea.

He honed his Dao and blazed a new path to challenge the Emperor, even after losing to him.

He is said to have been the first Robber Emperor and at his peak, he challenged the Mortal Emperor and held out for 5 days until he lost.

The Emperor even said that in that generation, the only one who could defeat Fardao was him, and Fardao was one of the pride of the human race.

Despite their initial rivalry, they bonded and worked together for the human race and could be considered friends.

To this day, Fardao Gate has good relations with the Empire, having relied on their help a few times in the past.

Because of this, Fardao even without being an emperor is mentioned alongside them in the story.

The Fardao gate is a neutral lineage, as it does not try to groom Emperors, but rather follows the Fardao legacy and has Emperor Muggers.

Because of this, he doesn't have many enemies, being sought out several times by generations to support Emperor candidates.

They supported with countless feats of battle, an impressive number of 8 Emperors to the throne, all the human race.

The most famous was the Mortal Emperor of the Shining Age — The fifth Mortal Emperor of the Ancient Empire of All Eras.

Despite not having had a Mortal Emperor, it was perhaps the lineage with the most Fardaos in history.

So he was respected in all the Ten Worlds.