
Emperor Night: A New World (NTR)

Author: ArthurKord
Ongoing · 68.9K Views
  • 36 Chs
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  • NO.200+

What is Emperor Night: A New World (NTR)

Read ‘Emperor Night: A New World (NTR)’ Online for Free, written by the author ArthurKord, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ADVENTURE Fiction, REINCARNATION Light Novel, R18 Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: WARNING: Lots of sexual content. Dub-con, corruption, netorase, netorare, beasts, group.Jonathan Night, a socially awkwa...


WARNING: Lots of sexual content. Dub-con, corruption, netorase, netorare, beasts, group. Jonathan Night, a socially awkward retail assistant with a secret fetish for netorare fantasies, is mysteriously transported to the fantastical realm of Adearath. Endowed with the power to control sexual arousal, Jonathan—now known as Jonn Nightmare—must navigate a world filled with danger and unspeakable desires. Hunted by the relentless Inquisition, led by the fierce Grand Inquisitor Zigarete, Jonn gathers a band of loyal allies, including the enigmatic Ashborn Saikhi and the survivalist huntress Talitha. Together, they evade capture while dealing with the moral and emotional complexities of their own arousals and carnal interactions. As Jonn struggles to survive in this world where lust and power intermingle, he finds himself caught in a chaotic clash between primal instincts and relentless pursuit. Emperor Night is an explicit fantasy tale of survival, control, and the price of hidden desires.

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Oh another ntr I hope it reaches 100 chapters. But the probability is low


Oh wow, I remember when this was on webnovel a few years ago. I remember it being pretty good based on the first few chapters that were there before it was removed. Hope it doesn't get deleted this time.


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