
Emperor Martial God

Above the sky an explosive sound echoed everywhere, a thousand cultivators in the realm of saint emperor realm and myhtical realm attacked a cultivator in the emperor realm, and not only that he was still standing firm. The black-robed figure stood proudly and looked down upon the world even though his condition was already sad, that is the hallmark of a true emperor. The figure in a black robe mocked. "Hahahaha, just so much cultivator in the lord realm that can not capture the realm level of emperor f * cking" Among the attackers with a cloaked figure of warlord spit and say "cuih, long xiang you just rely on your divine artifacts but see your divine artifacts are damaged and you your dantian is badly damaged !!" "Hahahah, you lou you f * cking" said long xiang "Dare you, long xiang" said the man who cloaked the commander who you are lou "Cuiih, What I do not fear you only in mythical realm can not destroy me" long xiang spit while saying Brreekk, a torn voice echoing in the sky a figure out of a spatial gap and as soon as it was in front of long xiang. "Divine palm" said the figure in the presence of long xiang "Xuanwu Shield" Long xiang is shocked to raise his hand to resist the attack. and he was directly hit and sec "Bbbaaammm" "Arghhhhhhhhhh" long xiang screams are heard in the air and fall as fast as the meteor down. Yesterday I was an emperor of low nature, who had rocked the lord and I knew that in the lord world I was a clay ant where. But my pride is that I can mess up in the lord even if it's only a year with the cultivation level of the emperor .. "Ah, where is this very dark if this is called hell"

ElxBluess · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Shock Ziyi

Long xiang stunned he realizes he is in the garden of heavens flower, as a cultivator who has lived long he has witnessed various techniques.

It's just this technique that confuses him, such a technique should exist in the upper realms rather than in the lower realms.

"Damn, who's going to kidnap this little prince" yelled long xiang angrily.

"Hahahahah" cried out laughing voice behind long xiang.

long xiang trembles fear he is still a child who is one year old, there is no Qi much less experience of combat, although he is afraid he is still turning.

He sees an elderly grandfather, a black beard waving down and there are still his good looks, wearing a golden robe.

"You who's kek" asked long xiang dashing as if no fear.

The gold-robed grandfather just smiled and looked at her.

The high differences there are too conspicuous that one is a big and handsome one, the other a year old child.

"Do not just look me in the face of my emperor's father" said long xiang expelling his fear.

"No, jia'er still worried to death looking for you, let him search the whole capital of this emperor" said the grandfather of the golden cloak was joking,

Long xiang stunned to hear his father's name in call it so, he guessed vaguely in front of him it must be his grandfather who came out of his closed exercise.

"Are you my grandfather" asked long xiang who is still curious about the identity of this gold-cloaked grandfather in his presence.

The gold-robed grandfather just nodded to justify the long xiang's words, he sighed and said, "My race finally has a pure blood"

"Emang we race what kek" long xiang asked curious as long as his old empire long is the original native continent long xia.

"But you have to keep this secret and justify me and just nod my head." asked the gold-cloaked grandfather,

Grandfather cloaked in gold is the previous emperor named long xing, who once stirred the continent long xia.

Long xing speaks with the divine senses, "do you have a tattoo on your back like this token" ask long xing as he takes something from his storage ring.

It is a dragon-shaped tokens, different from its ordinary dragons. This dragon is more like a dragon than a desolate era.

Long xiang nodded and confirmed. He was surprised to see this dragon token.

This is the type of dragon among dragons, and is called primordial dragon heavens.

The race mentioned in his grandfather is the Dragon Heavens Primordial. This is wonderful for long xiang.

He knows the meaning of this race, this is the no.2 clan in nature divine. He had previously only made it to the lower god realms, yet reached the divine realm.

Which means his clan is a descendant of the natural race divine.

The grandfather smiled happily almost eyed her so much his tears.

Long xing is glad that her offspring are finally able to have a primordial dragon heavens bloodline, which she can eventually cultivate at an early age.

With carefree heart he spoke low, "you can cultivate now son,"

Long xiang just stunned to hear his grandfather talk cultivation when his age has not reached the general stage.

Although he was hesitant and curious at saying, "is not it just age 6 that can cultivate kek,"

"We're different but you're a special kid, you have pure primordial dragon heavens, which means you can cultivate as early as possible." His grandfather said excitedly, he was unaware of any pair of eyes watching their conversation.

In the hidden place Dewi zi yi just listened to them both with care.

He was so shocked and shocked.

Little caterpillar is between the beautiful leg of the goddess zi yi, she looks down and screams small, as good as any goddess zi yi but she still disgusted at such small furry creatures.

he smothered his mouth but it was too late long xing knowing his existence.

"Who's there" said long xing and long xiang together.

Because his position was caught he gave up on calling let alone who called him was the old emperor, he did not dare.

A woman wearing a veil slowly approaches long xiang and long xing.

Dewi zi yi is famous for its beauty and slender body curves.

Long xiang is stunned to see such a body shape, although his form is the same as his aunt feng yan. The two two are beauty.

Long xing does not look at the goddess zi, he just sees the long xiang eyes glittering staring at the woman in front of her, she has made a firm choice in her heart to make her grandson happy.

"Who you are" said long xing authoritative carrying the aura that dominates according to his old degree.

Zi yi is shaken by the dominant pressure of the old emperor in his front.

"I am the zi yi student of the sect master zi ning vermilion holy" said zi yi reverently even though she is a little nervous she is still fluent in her talk.

"Oh little ning yes, try to open your veins"

Zi yi obeys the long xing instructions and opens the veil.

And the face of a beautiful face, red lips wet blue eyes like the sky. Indeed, if coupled with long xiang they are the right pair.

Long xing watched the faces of zi yi and long xiang they did match up his hiss in his heart.