
1] Emperor



A large plain field of dried land. Birds can be seen zoning over the plain. In the distance, amidst the vast plains, can be seen a lone hill with little vegetation. A spiral dirt path runs along the hill to the top. The hill-top seem to be flat with a large pond in the center. The pond seems to be walled on three sides by huge rocks, measuring over 10 meters high. To be precise the rocks were bordering the hill top, leaving some ground between the rocks and the lake. The other side is connected to the dirt road. At one side of the pond sat 2 people, side by side, sipping tea and indulging in casual conversation.

One was a boy around 14, dressed neatly in a white loose gown with golden embroidery. A natural noble air surrounded him. Paired with white delicate skin, dark-brown hair and bright Scarlet colored eyes, he looked exceptionally handsome.

Beside him, was a beautiful girl around same age, dressed in a pink-shaded laced short gown, showcasing her beautiful long legs. Hair tied up together with an elegant silver hair pin. She was slim and elegant, paired with long black hairs and snow white skin.

The setting sun dyed the vast skies and the great barren plains, red. Both of them embedded the spectacular scene in their minds. After a long silent moment, they both gazed into each other's eyes. The boy then leaned in towards her luscious lips and kissed her passionately. They both embraced each other for a while before finally letting go.

"Was this necessary?"

With a pained expression and sorrowful eyes, the boy asked the girl in soft tone.

The girl was visibly shocked. As she was finding words to say to him, his vision started to blur.

Last thing he saw was 2 silhouettes appearing suddenly, followed by sound of bones cracking, before losing consciousness.




___ ___ ___



Singular footsteps on a passage-way could be heard. A muscular man in white military like costume can be seen walking on smooth shiny white floor. People on the side can be seen eyeing his back with respect and admiration. A huge double door can be seen opening in front of him. He walked through the doors to a platform already prepared for him. Below him stood a large group of people of different races. He glanced at all of them for a while. His gaze was followed by complete silence.

"Feel proud.

You are the future of the World.

Of millions of people that applied to get a chance for this opportunity, only you guys were chosen. This is an opportunity of a lifetime. From among you all, one will become the next Emperor and rule over all."

Spoke the military man in strong bold charismatic voice. Any person hearing it will feel like bowing before him.

"But that is if you survive." said the man with a pause and a grin.

"Walking the path of an Emperor is not easy. Each step is a battle of life and death. For the next phase, which is also your first test as a chosen candidate, you all will be sent to some random planets, which our galactic empire have no control over. Your mission is to survive and conquer the planet within next 30 years."

"Only those who are below 14 and have no cultivation base, or those who have willingly forsaken their cultivation just to get a change to participate, are chosen. Of those chosen ones, only the 1000 of you have passed the test and qualified to be the Emperor's successor candidate. "

"You all are exceptional talents between the age of 10 to 14, but can you survive without any help? Use your wits, strength, instincts, and whatsoever means necessary for your survival and complete the mission if you want to walk further on the Emperor's Path. "

"Each of you will be provided 3 things and only 3 things to assist you on your journey. And nothing else. Those who are caught violating the rule would be disqualified and beheaded. "

"Now the 3 things -

-First a system created by the Emperor himself.

-Second a skill.

-Third an assistant.

Remember to make the wisest choice. Because once chosen, your choice will remain with you till the end of your life. "

"Each one of you have a tag with a number. Enter the building in front of you and enter the room number matching you tag. Then choose a name, as that will be your identity henceforth. The name is a pledge, to leave your old identity, sever your old relations. To walk forward, leave the past behind."

"An Emperor's Path is filled with blood and sacrifice. And first sacrifice on this path will be you, yourself. From this moment onwards, you belong only to the empire. Your actions will be for the empire. Empires glory is your glory, empires success is your success, empires survival is your survival. "



Came the energetic cheers from the crowd in unison. Then the man in uniform gestured the crowd to quiet down.

"Now move forward and make your choices. After confirming your choices, the system will teleport your soul to a different body in a random universe, as your body will vaporize in the process. You will rise from the ashes to become a Phoenix or you will be blown away by the wind. I wish you all, best of luck. "

With that the huge man in uniform walked away, slowly disappearing from their vision.

The kids also kept moving towards their rooms.

A boy was seen standing in front of room with circular tag in his hand. He looked at the room number then at his tag. He then pushed the door and entered while murmuring


As he entered, a bright white flash of light welcomed him. He closed his eyes due to the sudden change in light and slowly opened them after getting adjusted to it.

He surveyed his surroundings. He was in a cube of side 10ft. each. All the walls were emitting bright white lights. Even the ceiling and floor were lit. There was a circular podium at the center, surrounded by transparent water like barrier, making it look like a capsule.

A man in military dress was standing to the right of him. The man pointed towards the podium as I looked towards him. I walked towards the podium and climbed on it.





A screen appeared before him. He typed a name and then pressed submit.



AGE: 14


My first officially released novel guy.

The story will grow with each chapter and I will grow with it. Hope you can stay with me on this journey and guide me.


Curious_caravancreators' thoughts