
06 - Victory and return.

Lady Catelyn gathered the entire family, the maester, and the guards in the great hall. A raven had arrived with important news.

"I have gathered you all to inform you that the war is over," she announced, then went on to explain how the military campaign had unfolded. "The campaign culminated in the Siege of Pyke, where several members of House Greyjoy perished. Balon was forced to swear fealty to the Iron Throne once again. Now, we must simply await my husband's return."

Upon hearing the news, everyone rejoiced and celebrated together. Lady Catelyn ordered the great hall to be prepared to properly welcome her beloved husband. To no one's surprise, Ned did not take long to arrive. He loathed spending more time in the south than necessary. And he did not come alone; he brought with him a boy of about ten years old.

Ned looked around the great courtyard. Everyone he cared for was gathered there, except his brother Benjen. The first thing he did was kiss his wife and embrace his children, including Ethel and Jon. Then he introduced his young companion.

"This is Theon Greyjoy. From now on, he will be under our care, where he will learn the customs of the North," Ned explained, with a firm yet compassionate look towards the boy.

Ethel, Jon, and Robb approached the newcomer curiously. "Welcome, Theon," said Robb, with a friendly smile. "I hope you find your place here with us."

Jon nodded, trying to imagine what the boy must be feeling. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask," he added, attempting to offer some comfort.

Theon, still processing everything that had happened, looked at the three brothers and nodded timidly. "Thank you," he murmured, feeling a mixture of fear and hope.

As the preparations continued in the great hall, the Stark family gathered around Ned, listening to his war stories and sharing moments of joy at his return. The atmosphere in Winterfell was one of celebration and relief.

After the banquet, only the close family remained in the great hall. The ambiance was warm, illuminated by the fire crackling softly in the hearth. Eddard began recounting how the war had been and other important matters. He mentioned that some of his men had not survived and that it was his duty to inform their families.

"In any case, I see the castle is still standing. Were there any problems in my absence?" asked Ned, the Warden of the North, with a voice full of concern and authority.

Catelyn responded quickly, in a tone meant to reassure him. "No, dear. Apart from some envoys from houses near the Wall saying there has been too much wildling activity lately and that we need to add more manpower to the Night's Watch."

The children were silent as the two conversed, hanging on every word. Ned nodded, reflecting on his wife's concerns. "Lately, everything is in chaos, as if something is looming. The maesters also predict a very harsh winter. If we need to send more troops to the Wall to defend it, we'll have to ask the king for help," he said, his voice taking on a cold and somber tone.

Catelyn tried to ease his worry. "Robert is a great friend of yours; surely he will help us. Besides, it's in his best interest that we continue defending the Wall."

Ned sighed, looking at his wife with gratitude. "I hope so, dear wife. After resting a few days, I will go with some men to see the conditions of the Wall."

Ethel, upon hearing this, seized the opportunity to ask to go with him. "Father, could you take me with you? I want to see the Wall," he said with contained excitement, his eyes shining with anticipation.

Ned looked at him, considering the request. He knew that, despite being a twelve-year-old boy, Ethel's skill with the sword and intelligence were remarkable. He also understood his son's desire to see and learn more about the world around him. "Very well, but you will do everything I say and not stray from the group," Ned said firmly, his gaze serious.

Ethel nodded enthusiastically, a broad smile spreading across his face. The thrill of adventure and the opportunity to see the Wall for the first time filled his heart with joy and anticipation.

Robb, seeing his brother's excitement, also wanted to join. "Father, may I go too? I'd like to see the Wall and learn more about the Night's Watch."

Ned looked at him with a mix of pride and concern. "Robb, I understand your desire to see the Wall, but first you must learn more about defending yourself before going to such a dangerous place. You need more training here in Winterfell."

Robb tried to hide his disappointment but nodded, understanding the wisdom in his father's words. "I understand, father. I will train hard to be ready next time."

Ned smiled, placing a hand on Robb's shoulder. "That's the right attitude, son. Your time will come, and when it does, you will be more than ready."

Jon, who had been listening in silence, couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy but also joy for his brother. "It will be a great experience for you, Ethel," he said with a sincere smile.

The next morning, Ned personally took it upon himself to train the four boys with wooden swords. "Let's see your real skill. Fight as if your life depended on it. You first, Theon," Ned commanded with a firm gaze.

Theon picked up one of the many wooden swords and got into position. He had been training, but his movements were clumsy, especially compared to the Stark boys. The tension was palpable as he prepared to face Ned.

Ned, with his vast experience, attacked carefully from various angles, observing the boy's reactions. Theon managed to block a few blows, but his movements were slow and imprecise. After a few minutes of sparring, Ned gave his verdict. "Not bad, Theon, but you need to build more muscle. You'll train harder from now on."

Theon, exhausted from the intense bout, nodded silently and sat down, breathing heavily.

Ned's next opponent was Jon. The difference between the first bout and this one was striking. Jon, with his firm stance and determined look, faced Ned with surprising skill. Not only could he defend against several attacks, but he also dared to go on the offensive multiple times. His movements were fluid and well-coordinated, showing that he had been training diligently.

Next, it was Robb's turn. Like Jon, Robb displayed impressive skill. His technique was refined, and his strength notable for his age. Ned and Robb exchanged quick, precise blows, each challenging the other with strategic movements. Ned's smile reflected his pride in his sons' progress. He knew that if they continued training this way, they would become some of the finest warriors in Westeros.

Finally, it was Ethel's turn. The two faced each other, holding their wooden swords. Despite the age difference, their bodies were similar in size. Although Ned wasn't particularly tall, Ethel already stood at five feet seven inches at twelve years old.

They charged simultaneously, their swords clashing with a loud, resonant sound. Ned had the advantage of brute strength, so Ethel based his strategy on evasion, waiting for the perfect moment to counterattack.

Ned launched a series of rapid, powerful attacks, trying to destabilize Ethel. However, Ethel, with his Haki of Observation, dodged at the precise moment, moving with the grace and precision of a dancer. Each time Ethel evaded a blow, he positioned himself perfectly for a counterattack. Yet, Ned, with his experience as a battle-hardened knight, always managed to defend against the boy's strikes.

The tension of the combat was palpable. The other boys watched in silence, marveling at Ethel's skill and their father's prowess. The sound of clashing wooden swords filled the air, and sweat ran down both combatants' faces.

Ned swung a powerful lateral strike, but Ethel ducked and spun, attempting to hit Ned in the side. Anticipating the move, Ned blocked the blow and countered with a shove that pushed Ethel back.

Ethel didn't get discouraged. He charged again, attacking with a series of quick, precise movements. Ned blocked each strike with almost supernatural precision, but Ethel kept up the pressure, looking for any opening in his father's defense.

After several minutes of intense combat, Ned stopped the bout. "That's enough for today," he said, breathing heavily but with a proud smile. "Ethel, you have demonstrated exceptional skill. It's as if you have eyes in the sky, seeing all my moves like an eagle. If you continue training this hard and especially improve your physical strength, you'll become the strongest warrior in the world."

Ethel, also panting, nodded with a satisfied smile. "Thank you, Father. I promise to keep training hard."

Ned looked at the four boys, proud of all of them. "I'm very pleased with your progress. Each of you has great potential. Keep training and improving, and you'll be ready for any challenge that comes your way."

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