
Emperor's Legacy, Empress's Vow

[This is your Final Destination, In this Dimension Host can fulfill his wish after completing the Mission.] Xie Linyue looked above the bright moon with a small red moon and sighed. "Don't you think this is too much for a cute and weak creature like me?" [Host you forgot again that you are now a God of the wishing system and not a mortal, so please don't call yourself self weak and cute creature, you are too harmful for others.] Xie Linyue:... After the system left him with his trophies for several thousand years, Xie Linyue finally looked at the situation he was facing. Astra Solara Galaxy, Xennor Empire: "So I am the Empress and the Emperor is dead but he is not dead but went on a disguised Mission to find out who harmed his brother and parents? And now I have to overlook the Empire in the Emperor's stead until the Emperor comes back with his so-called lover a year later?" [Yes Host.] New Terranis Galaxy, Guilin Empire: "And here I am the Emperor with both parents dead and this is my real identity in this Mission world and I have to protect this Empire and make some good developments and then a year later my wish will be fulfilled?" [Yes Host.] Xie Linyue:...I am the Emperor and I am the Empress, Can you believe it?

Zeal_Faust · LGBT+
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4 Chs

The food crises of Guilin Empire.

After waking up and looking at the ceiling, he sighed.

Two days continuous...

It is actually mentally disturbing to not sleep, However, his soul is already in the realm of Gods and he can endure this much easily.

He washed up and walked out of the room and felt someone pouncing on him and he dodged instinctively.

Then he heard loud scream and the noise of things falling down.

Looking back, It was his cute sister, who was now splayed on the floor with a vase on her head and flowers on her face.

Xie Linyue:...

Xie Lianwei: QAQ

"Well, it seems my heroic entrance was almost too much for you, dear sister."

Xie Lianwei who was about to get up slipped and fell down again.

Xie Linyue:...Is this really my sister?

Looking at the disgust in her brother's eyes, Xie Lianwei spoke subconsciously.

"Oh, how perceptive of you, my dear brother. Your ninja-like reflexes have truly dazzled me today."

Smirking and looking at his sister decorating the floor, Xie Linyue countered.

"You know, most people would just say "hello" when they see their sibling. But, I must admit, your surprise attack was...unique."

After a while, Xie Linyue sat in the dining room with one sister on the right and one brother on the left and both looking at him with puppy eyes.

However, Xie Linyue who starved in the other Empire ate deliciously and ignored them.

"Burp, Mhm, The food was great. Let the cook have a bonus."

Xie Xinchen suddenly stood up and said.

"Brother, Come with me, I will show you the results of my research!"

Xie Lianwei glared at him and also stood up.

"Brother, I have perfected the 5th stage of Snow sword, I want to show you."

And as soon as she finished speaking an assistant came and said to Xie Linyue.

"Your Majesty, Minister Li Wei is here for an audience."

And a butler standing not far said too.

"Your Majesty, There is another bundle of reports."

Xie Linyue:...Ok, I am quite popular.

He nodded to the assistant.

"Let Minister Wei wait in the study, I will be there soon."

The assistant left after bowing.

"Uncle Wen, Send the reports to the study too and have Xu Li entertain Minister Wei."

Butler Wen nodded and left.

"As for you two, I will come find you both at lunch."

The two siblings:...Ok we are not that urgent.


As the moon's soft glow filtered through a partially open window, Aldric's keen eyes were fixed on the slumbering form of Xie Linyue, the current Empress of his Empire. Linyue lay in a state of deep, ethereal sleep, his spiritual essence temporarily transferred to another realm, leaving his physical form at rest.

Aldric couldn't help but feel intrigued.

Aldric poked the cheeks of the sleeping beauty.

'Soft...Ahem, he is fast asleep?'

He kept poking for a while and then thought that this was a bit useless and then pinched his cheeks.

'...Still no movement? Dead?'

Silently, Aldric watched as Linyue's chest rose and fell in rhythmic breaths. He observed the tranquil expression on his face, the furrowed brows as if his dreams were laden with thoughts and responsibilities.

Aldric raised his eyebrow.

'Such a low guard...'

He took out a knife and then swished it down at the neck of the beautiful boy.

Aldric:...This guy...

Is he really alive?

After a while, Aldric sat beside the bed and looked at the beautiful boy for a while and then closed his eyes while leaning on the bedpost.


Not knowing anything about what was happening to his other body, Xie Linyue went to study to meet the Minister of Agriculture and Food Management.

"Minister Wei please have a seat."

"Your Majesty, I disturbed you this early in the morning."

Li Wei is a middle-aged man with a gentle aura, he looks like an educated scholar from ancient times. He has a demeanor of Elegance.

"Not at all. You came so early, Did you have breakfast, Minister Wei?"

Li Wei smiled and nodded.

"Yes Your Majesty, Thanks for your concern."

"Haha, Minister Wei, You are too polite. Anyhow, what's the matter?"

Hearing this, Li Wei took out a file from his bosom and respectfully gave it to Xu Li who was yawning.

Xu Li sent the report to Xie Linyue without safety checking.

Xie Linyue didn't care and read the report.

The more he read the more he frowned.

There was a famine looming in the western and southern regions of the Guilin Empire, They were already considered an interstellar race but still couldn't get rid of famine.

"Why? What's the reason?"

Xie Linyue asked in a cold voice and looked straight at Li Wei, For a moment Li Wei was startled but he regained his calm.

"Your Majesty, nature is taking its due course. We did try to use some scientific method to reduce the damage but this is not working."

Xie Linyue frowned even more and then closed his eyes and recalled all the memories of this body looked at all the details and suddenly found a very important point.

The science is not advanced in Terranis Galaxy at all. 

The interstellar era just came because of Martial Artists and Superhumans.

One can think of how low the interstellar era is from just the fact that the people of the Terranis Empire do not have a light brain...

They only have some sort of magic device to communicate and just this.

"Minister Wei, Please return for today, There will a national meeting 5 days later, we will discuss it then."

Li Wei knew that this matter was not easy and nodded and left after bidding his farewell.

"Xu Li, Let Butler Wen take all the reports to my bedroom now."

As he said he stood up and went to his bedroom, It was only morning when he entered his bedroom with piles of reports and it was already night when finished reading one mountain of them.

He just read them and did not approve or something so he will have to redo them sometime later.

But he got the information he wanted.

Guilin Empire, It is like a modern era mixed with an ancient cultivation era with superhumans and some interstellar mix.

Due to so many culture crashes, the whole Guilin Empire is a mishmash of superhumans, normal humans, and Cultivators.

The stupidest thing is that all of them are not interested in any sort of scientific development at all.

Their ideas are old and already used so many times that they can't be used anymore.

The main problem is that there is not even any sort of entertainment for the Empire to enjoy and so the Superhumans and Cultivators who have long long lives are bored and go around fighting and causing a lot of damage.

And the Ministers never thought of using the superhumans or cultivators to solve some basic problems.

If you can't advance the science at least advance the Superhumans and Cultivators!

Since he is here now, this situation can be saved.

But not by his hands, but by their own hands. So that they can understand what they missed all those years and at least advance their thinking a little bit more.

Now then, Who to use?

He lowered his eyes and a figure appeared in his mind.

Looks like it's time to visit him and give him some good lessons.

Xie Linyue smiled badly and wanted to quickly move his hands and feet but then recalled the meeting in the other Empire.

Sigh...It's too much!

Thinking of the meeting and those hateful gazes he needed to face, he went to bed with a good mentality.



Xennor Empire-Emperor's bedroom.

Aldric lowered his eyes and saw there was a slight movement on the bed and the person on the bed was about to open his eyes.

A bad though arose in his mind.

He tucked himself in the bed and moved to hug the petite body of the boy.

Soon the boy opened his beautiful ember eyes and looked straight at him, his eyes were clear without any sort of sleepiness.

If Aldric had never tested, he would have thought that the boy was never asleep.

Xie Linyue:...

What the hell??

Why is the 'dead' Emperor lying down on his bed with a disgusting smile??

And why is he hugging him??

"Are you a ghost? Or am I too tired?"

Xie Linyue almost wanted to believe that this was a hallucination because the plot is wrong! The scene is wrong! This person is obviously even more wrong!

Aldric chuckled when he saw the confusion in the eyes of the person opposite.

"No darling, I am your dear husband, Still alive just for you."

Xie Linyue:...

This person broke the plot!!!

Where are world rules?! Are they dead now?! When he did a slight OOC once on the mission those world rules came barking, Now where the hell are you bastard?!

Arrest this guy, Aren't you the arrogant and most lawful World Rules?!!

World Rules:...(Looks away)