
Emperor's Legacy, Empress's Vow

[This is your Final Destination, In this Dimension Host can fulfill his wish after completing the Mission.] Xie Linyue looked above the bright moon with a small red moon and sighed. "Don't you think this is too much for a cute and weak creature like me?" [Host you forgot again that you are now a God of the wishing system and not a mortal, so please don't call yourself self weak and cute creature, you are too harmful for others.] Xie Linyue:... After the system left him with his trophies for several thousand years, Xie Linyue finally looked at the situation he was facing. Astra Solara Galaxy, Xennor Empire: "So I am the Empress and the Emperor is dead but he is not dead but went on a disguised Mission to find out who harmed his brother and parents? And now I have to overlook the Empire in the Emperor's stead until the Emperor comes back with his so-called lover a year later?" [Yes Host.] New Terranis Galaxy, Guilin Empire: "And here I am the Emperor with both parents dead and this is my real identity in this Mission world and I have to protect this Empire and make some good developments and then a year later my wish will be fulfilled?" [Yes Host.] Xie Linyue:...I am the Emperor and I am the Empress, Can you believe it?

Zeal_Faust · LGBT+
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4 Chs

First Day in Xennor Empire.

As he opened his eyes, he felt a bit weird.

Why do I feel that he is being watched?

'Is the Emperor suspicious or is he just keeping surveillance to see how he leads the Empire?'

Anyhow he is not someone to give away his secrets so easily.

He washed up, dressed neatly and walked out of the room and straight towards the dinning room.

He came in and saw Isabella and Leo already seated and waiting for him.

"Aunt! Oops! Her Majesty..."

Leo looked excited and wanted to come to greet him but suddenly paused and corrected himself.

Xie Linyue didn't mind the child and patted the boy.

"Good Morning, Leo."

Hearing his name being called by his Aunt for the first time, Leo blushed cutely.

"Aunt, Good Morning."

Xie Linyue felt the child was so cute unlike those little brats in his Empire always asking for money or lazing around!

Xie Xinchen and Xie Lianwei far in Guilin Empire: Achoo Achoo!

The two sat down and the breakfast was served.

And then Xie Linyue discovered something...He just ate dinner in Guilin Empire and he had no appetite to eat but...this body must eat...however the food is too bland and looks tastless...

He secretly glanced at Isabella and saw she was eating gracefully and didn't show disgust.

Then he looked at Leo who was happily eating those tastless side dishes...


After 4 bites, he couldn't continue.

When Isabella saw him putting down his chopsticks, she looked up and saw he didn't eat a little bit.

"Yue? Why are you not eating."

Xie Linyue cleaned his fingers with a napkin and shook his head.

"I am not hungry."

Hearing this Isabella opened her eyes wide.

Not hungry? Is he...

And then she glanced at his stomach expectdely.

But he should eat more, this is not good for both him and the baby!

"Eat a little more."

She said and then asked slightly.

"Are you tired?"

Xie Linyue was tired, he had read so many reports all day long and he still had to be awake and eat this tastless food even when he felt full...

So he nodded.


Seeing him like this, She excitedly asked again.

"Is there any vomiting?"

Xie Linyue was confused. But he really wanted to vomit after eating this disgusting food and so he sighed.

"It's ok, It might be that I am just too tired."

He can adapt to this food sooner or later.

However, he missed the joy and sadness passing through Isabella's eyes.

This matter must not be known to anyone before the fetus is formed!

She clenched her fist and nodded.

"It's okay, You go and rest, I will ask someone to send some snacks to your room."

Xie Linyue looked at her with some doubts.

"But Sister-in-law, I need to oversee the Emperor's duties now too." So how can he rest?

Suddenly, Isabella froze. Yes, Now he has to carry out the Emperor's duties and even has his own responsibilities as the Empress but...but he is pregnant too!!

She suddenly felt that her little brother-in-law died too early!

And then she had tears in her eyes again.

Xie Linyue saw her silent, then determined, then freezing, and then sad and melancholic...

Just what the hell is she thinking about??

This beautiful lady has something wrong with her head.

He wanted to talk to this lady before she could have a misunderstanding on her own but he heard a guard say.

"Her Highness, Minister Kaelin, and General Aric are here for the audience."

Xie Linyue frowned.

These two coming suddenly and so early, Nothing good is going to happen.

"Alright, Take them to the Study, I will be there."

He stood up and nodded to Isabella and patted Leo again.

"I will see you later, Princess. Study Hard little prince."

Isabella looked nervous and glanced at his stomach while Leo waved him sweetly.

Xie Linyue didn't take Isabella to heart, he felt that she should be worried about why he ate too little today.

He went straight to the study and saw two middle-aged men standing tall and looked slightly disturbed.

When they saw him coming they looked skeptical.

Well...After all the Empress is a commoner and how much can they expect?

"Have a seat, Minister Kaelin and General Aric."

He didn't feel a single ounce of emotion or anger when he saw there skeptical faces and the slight disgust in their eyes.

They don't know him and he doesn't know them.

But since this Empire is the main Mission, He will try to keep this Empire alive and become advanced.

"Empress, Have you read the report I submitted tomorrow?"

Xie Linyue raised his eyes, walked, and sat on the chair where the Emperor sat before today.

"General Aric, Shall I assume that you are a stupid person or shall I suspect you to be a spy? Or is this just an intentional humiliation to me?"

Hearing his words, General Aric stoneheart was confused but Minister Kaelin Ravencourt knew what he wanted to say.

The Emperor died yesterday and the Empress should be a lot disturbed and mustn't had the time as the funeral took place yesterday too...

"Empress, General Aric didn't mean to say this, No matter what happened, The Empire's daily work cannot be stopped-"

"Minister Kaelin, I didn't ask you so please don't justify."

The emperor died and you want to come and tell me to work as a dog for your Empire?

Then let's discuss our positions first. Who is the dog and who is the Master?

When his aura leaked, The two men were so startled that they shut up with eyes wide open.

Is this the same submissive Empress they saw at the Emperor's wedding and funeral?

In a day, how can a person change so much, or...is this his real face?

"Now, Let me see which report you were talking about General Aric."

Xie Linyue glanced a their shocked and submissive faces and nodded in his heart. That's the way.

General Aric moved and politely took out a report from a bundle of files and gave it to him.

There was still a resistance and reluctance in his eyes and face, but Xie Linyue didn't care and took the report.

He will change their view of himself slowly and let the Emperor handle some civil crisis when he wants to divorce him and even when he wants to make a new Empress.

Hehe...thinking of that future, he really wanted to see.

He lowered his eyes and saw the report and frowned. This matter is not simple.

The border skirmishes with the Rivan empire have a history rooted in territorial disputes, trade conflicts, and historical grievances. The two empires have coexisted with strained relations for decades. These skirmishes initially began as isolated incidents along the northern border, involving disputes over resource-rich regions and conflicting claims over border territories.

As the skirmishes continued, both sides made occasional incursions into disputed territories, often fueled by nationalist sentiments and hardline factions within their respective governments. The Rivan empire sought to assert its dominance, and it was rumored that some factions within the Xennor Empire sought to gain the upper hand by engaging in these conflicts.

The frequent border skirmishes have led to growing tensions, prompting concerns among the people that a full-scale war might erupt. The potential for catastrophic consequences in terms of lives lost and economic devastation became evident.

The gravity of this matter was actually quite heavy.

A large scale war can erupt and now that the news that Emperor died yesterday, the Rivan Empire must want to take this chance as a golden opportunity to make a move.

"I understand the matter. Minister Kaelin, Arrange a meeting tomorrow with other Ministers and we can figure out a solution."

As he said he stood up and left the study with a frown.

This matter can solved with some negotiations if everything went smoothly however...

Will Rivan Empire let the matter go so easily?

No, If he was in their situation he will take this chance and get at least one or two resource planets before suggesting peace treaty.

Cannot let this happen.

Watching Xie Linyue go out with a serious face, The two men sighed and thought to themselves. The empress is still young.

They can't expect much for tomorrow too.

After the meeting, It was almost time for lunch but Xie Linyue just wanted to fast today.

Why is the Xennor Empire not good at cooking?! Are they actually dark chefs?

"Eat a bit more, How about this soup, Drink it. I specially asked the chef to make it for you. Or this stew?"

Xie Linyue was really puzzled why his beautiful sister-in-law in name wanted him to eat so much but really! He! Can't! Eat! 

This food is too bland, where is the salt? What about the spices?! Where is the taste?!


The maids even spread a rumor that Empress loved the Emperor too much and he couldn't eat 2 bites of food since he died. She was heartbroken and so sad that it actually effected the Empresses mentality!

And so when it was time of dinner, the food was abundant and chefs tried their best to let the Empress eat at least one more bite so he can be less sad.

Unfortunatly the problem was the food not the 'dead' Emperor.

'Why is there even more tasteless food?!'

Xie Linyue felt that the people in Xennor Empire were not welcoming to this little innocent soul at all!!

While the Emperor hidden in the shadows was too confused.

'Why didn't he win an Oscar? His acting is perfect! Even I was decided for a moment!'

Aldric thoughtfully glanced at the beautiful boy sleeping in the bed.

'How about sending a best actor award? Will he show his fox tail?'

Aldric felt that it can be used.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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