
Emperor's Holiday - Reincarnation of the Overpowered Overlord

The great Emperor, Zahar, decides to go on a holiday to the lower cultivation realms. He reincarnates into the body of a young boy, goes on and have some fun, sire some children, make some wives and just deliver some naturally awesome beatdowns. Tags and warnings : Some nudity, harem and references, but no smut scenes. Passing references about the act/fade to black for those intimate events. This will also be posted on RR under the pen name HSR

Daoistpwhvf9 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 15 - Registration

The Roaring Dragon Sect was a large place, and was somewhere they'd expect to spend at least one to two decades, if not more.

The name of Roaring Dragon Valley was for a simple reason. There was a giant dragon that lived here, and served as the Guardian Protector of the Roaring Dragon Sect.

It was visible from far away, it slept at the top of the mountain that overlooked Roaring Dragon Valley. Its huge, gigantic size suggested it was at least a creature with the strength of someone in 4th, or maybe 5th Ascension.

Zahar's eyes were glued to the creature the moment the Bloodstorm Mares led them past the first gates.

He breathed a small sigh of relief, when it didn't go further, or deeper into the valley. They stopped at the outer part of the valley.

There was a city here, built to support the Roaring Dragon Sect's many deals and transactions.

"We're here. This is the New Ring City." Sana said. It's her first time here, and so she was excited. Her spatial pouch hung by her side, secured by a belt. Her father bought her a new sword, but it was nothing special. He assured her that the Roaring Dragon Sect has treasures beyond compare, so what she needed to bring was just things of sentimental value.

It's a busy place, and already he could feel the turbulent energies of the Roaring Dragon Sect. There were lesser dragons flying in the skies above them, creatures of the 4th to 6th realm, and some served as the mounts of the elders, core disciples, or personal disciples.

There were a group of officials present, more experienced Outer Disciples and Inner Disciples of the Roaring Dragon sect.

"New entrants, please present your admission slips."

There was a hectic, confused buzz. There were many others who came by foot, and for them, many arrived early.

The fact that they came by Bloodstorm Mare meant an Inner Disciple came to greet them personally.

"Ah. Sana Eshtar of Koolan- and your partner?" The Inner disciple all wore robes of different colors, the only thing in common was the dragon motif throughout their robes. Sana nodded.

The inner disciple pointed them in the direction of a building.

"That's where the invited outer disciples go. Please head that way."

"Thank you." Sana and Zahar walked to the building, it was a slightly posh, well decorated building. For the rest, there was normally a test of competency, and a trial of some kind. It was an elitist, aristocratic system, where former members of the Sect could write and endorse friends and children for admission as an Outer Disciple without going through the usual trials, though this was still subject to approval.

The building wasn't crowded, unlike the larger hall for the public trials, but Sana immediately looked tense.

She hoped she didn't bump into any of the super large clans or stronger families. Those folks tend to be troublesome, and generally looked down on smaller city nobles like herself. Just as nobles generally looked down on the commoners, there are levels even among the elites.

The fact that Zahar accompanied her as her partner was also something she had to manage carefully. If she offended Zahar, that would certainly get into trouble. But if she offended the other side, that would get her into trouble as well.

The hall for the Invited disciples was a large open area, and resembled a cocktail party more than a registration area.

There was a central table, where the administrative staff handled the registration, but the area itself was filled with waiters and waitresses serving drinks and light snacks to the various young masters and ladies.

"Sana!" A lady's voice came, and Sana turned to see the lady her father mentioned. "You're here!"

Evin Emmaria was a beautiful lady with medium length black hair with dark blue eyes. While Sana's beauty was more of a refined, elegant woman, Evin resembled one of those ice princesses.

But neither attracted much attention. Every new female disciple of the Roaring Dragon Sect was beautiful in a slightly different way.

"Ah. Evin! Nice to see you again." Sana responded, as Evin walked close with a drink. Evin then noticed Zahar close behind and frowned.

"Who's this?" She asked, her eyes clearly looked at Zahar with disdain. Zahar just ignored her, and walked to the registration counter himself.

Sana turned to watch her mate go away, and then said. "My partner. I'll catch up in a while, let me get registered."

"A partner?" Evin frowned, but waited anyway.

Registration was easy. They received a bracelet that allowed them entrance into their respective chambers, and the bracelet itself was linked to the central measurement crystal. Everything they needed was already placed in their own chambers.

The administrative person didn't give Zahar much trouble, and processed him as if he was just any other noble born. He wore high quality clothes provided by the City Lord, so there was no reason to suspect he was poor.

Zahar looked at Sana, then looked at the rest of the hall filled with mingling young nobles, then asked the administrative person in charge. "Do we actually need to wait here?"

"Oh. For the Invited Disciples, you can go to your chambers and rest. The Elders will conduct a briefing tomorrow. But if you meet some old friends, feel free to catch up, the drinks and food are free, and the siblings are allowed to join."

Zahar nodded, and then asked for directions to the chambers. Sana looked at Zahar momentarily, wondering whether she should say something. He looked back at her and nodded. "I'll head back and rest. I'm in Unit 6-4-2. You can stay."

Sana checked her unit. "6-4-1."

Ah. Her father's letter for a shared room didn't go through. She was partly relieved, but since it was next to each other, she'd be able to go over anyway. Her father said the Invited Outer Disciple's accommodations are quite plush and large enough for a few people.

"Alright. See you tonight. Have fun." Zahar said and walked away.