
Emperor's Holiday - Reincarnation of the Overpowered Overlord

The great Emperor, Zahar, decides to go on a holiday to the lower cultivation realms. He reincarnates into the body of a young boy, goes on and have some fun, sire some children, make some wives and just deliver some naturally awesome beatdowns. Tags and warnings : Some nudity, harem and references, but no smut scenes. Passing references about the act/fade to black for those intimate events. This will also be posted on RR under the pen name HSR

Daoistpwhvf9 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 12 - Home Affairs

Sana walked to her parent's chambers, and saw her father grin at her. She didn't like that grin at all. She clasped her hand together, and greeted them. "Greetings, father, mother."

"Come my dear daughter, sit, sit." Mother just had a quiet, subdued smile.

"You wanted to speak to me?" Zahar had apparently went out, for a hunt. It was strange that he wanted to do so, but Sana wasn't going to object to it.

"How'd your first night go?" Mother asked.

"Uh. Alright, I guess?" Sana's face was a tinge red, but she could be honest with her mother. Mother and daughter shared a lot together, and it was Sana who asked her mother whether it was normal that he didn't seem to want to consummate their relationship. Mother just smiled as her response, giving her an eye that clearly meant to tell her that her mother wanted to hear the details later.

"Really? You were quite- loud." Father laughed. "There should have been some voice-dampening formations installed into your room. You didn't use them?"

Sana paused, face now really red. "Ah- I didn't know we had that."

"It's alright, we didn't ask you to tease you about your first time with a man." Father said, and then corrected himself when Sana glared. "Alright, maybe a little. But we wanted to tell you something."


"Remember Evin Emmaria?" The City Lord said. "Think you two met once when she visited with her father, the City Lord Emmaria, of Ouldran."

"Oh. Yes. Evin. It's been two years since we last met."

"She has also been accepted to join the Roaring Dragon Sect, and will be there with you."

"I see." Sana nodded, curious where this was leading.

"Her father sent me a letter, a request, essentially. Somehow the news of my breakthrough to the fifth realm reached the other city lords, and many have started to reconnect." The City Lord said with mild amusement.

Something for her to do in the Roaring Dragon Sect?

"Truth is, the City Lord has many enemies, and some are targeting his daughter. He asked for you to help protect her. Her cultivation is behind you, only in the middle stages of the 2nd realm."

Sana couldn't remember what rank or realm the City Lord of Ouldran was, but every city lord was at least the 4th realm. "I guess I could do that. If the enemies are not too hard to handle."

City Lord Eshtar nodded. "It's best if you are subtle about it. She will likely try to cling on you for support, and those that try to get her will target you as a result."

Evin and Sana didn't play all that much together. Their memories together was faint, hazy, but she did remember Evin as a pleasant lady that was at least nice to be around. Much better than the other boys.

"I also have some bad news."

Sana somehow expected that. "What- what is it?"

"The news of your concubinage has reached some of the other city lords, and a few of them are displeased. They won't do anything, because I'm now in the 5th realm, but I expected their children, a few that will join the same time as you, will give you and your mate some trouble. I wouldn't worry for Zahar, he is after all an ancient, but you need to be careful. They may engineer things to go wrong."

The young mistress frowned. "Oh darn."

"Some will challenge Zahar for it, but, if you could, some of these young children, their fathers are friends. It's best if you could counsel them, and let them know not to mess with Zahar."

She could already imagine the difficult conversations. The fact that she's a concubine of a supposedly no-named person would obviously trigger some people. "I'll try. I doubt they'll believe me though, unless Zahar beats them up."

"Sad that is how it is. If only more people are gifted with your sense of intuition." The City Lord said with a long sigh. "I believe your time in the Roaring Dragon sect will be eventful, at least."

"That doesn't sound good at all, father."


Zahar returned that evening itself, he carried some bodies which he placed into the alchemy workshop. Sana, naturally, went and greet him. She thought it wasn't necessary, at first, but her mother told her that every good wife would be there for their husband when they are back from a trip.

She decided it was best to defer to her mother's wisdom, and so, went to see him.

"Welcome back." Sana walked into alchemy workshop to find it filled with a strange stench. She recognized the creature, it was a late 3rd realm beast commonly found in the outskirts, nearer to the mountains.

The Firestone Monkey, and there were three of them all in various stages of harvesting. Zahar merely gave her a smile and nod, and went back to work.

"-do you need anything-" Sana gulped before trying what her mother taught her. "-husband?"

Zahar paused momentarily. It wasn't entirely wrong for a concubine to refer to her master as husband. In some worlds, it was true. Zahar decided to play along. "Some tea would be nice, my dear Sana."

"Certainly, my love." The words still felt a little awkward, as it didn't have the meaning it was meant to have and she bowed like her mother taught her to, her dress intentionally more revealing than it was meant to be. There was some etiquette expected of both ladies and men in more formal settings, and she never expected she'd have to use it at home.

The tea came quickly, and she served it herself. She struggled, a part of her cursing that she never took all the etiquette training seriously. But mother claimed this would help endear her to her new mate, and in return, she would receive his protection and attention.

Zahar noticed, of course, and a part of him smiled. It was indeed nice to receive service from one's concubine, and even when he managed an empire as a Zenith Emperor with millions of servants throughout the multiple worlds, there's still nothing quite like receiving care and attention from a beautiful lady that he adored. He sipped it momentarily, and praised the young mistress for her effort. "Tea certainly tastes better when served by a beautiful lady."

She blushed slightly, and didn't know where to look. He placed the emptied tea cup back down and went back to work. She watched as Zahar emptied to bodies of their valuable parts.

She didn't know what he was doing, her knowledge of alchemy certainly lacking. As far as she knew, the monkey was only useful for the Beast Core, and the liver that was often used for medicine.

Zahar decided to educate her concubine. "I am making two pills from the beast core, one for your father, and one for you. It should take a week. It should improve your physique, and enhance your bone strength, giving your father the strength of someone two minor stages higher. For you, it'll be much more."

Sana bowed, and noticing what her mother said seemed to work, decided to follow through. "Thank you, my love. Your care for this one's family is appreciated."

The words still felt hollow. She didn't feel love. Perhaps not yet, even if she was comfortable with him. Zahar only nodded. "If a man came and demanded their daughter's hand in marriage, it is only right I make suitable reparations to the family. Consider this the second part of my dowry."

Sana briefly thought that was such an old-fashioned view, one that still persisted strongly in the upper circles who are all old farts. In a world where power makes the world go round, it was still the unfortunate truth that you will lose what you can't protect. Sana just nodded.