
Emperor’s Destiny

Wan lee was known as the strongest person to ever exist in the history of magic. But he died a very lonely death. No friends, no family, nothing. But gods gave him a second chance. He asked for a normal life. No superpowers, no cheats, no past memories. Just a happy life. But will it even be possible? Will he be able to subdue his own power? Will it be possible in such a chaotic time of war and death. Lets find out. Note : 5-8 updates a week.

sarcasticdweeb6_2 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Monarch’s Bloodlust

" is 20 that high for her to act like that?" He thought. At this movement he was feeling really conflicted and scared. Even though he principal was able to hide the stone breaking incident, would he be able to hide this? Would he turn me into some research specimen or something? Fu*k, I shouldn't have come to this place. What will i do now?

These were the thoughts that were surfing his mind. But fortunately for him, none of this came true. Instead ge met with a disappointing tone of the teacher.

" you are a black elemental yet you only have 20 starting limiter. What a disappointment you are!" She taunted him.

This made wan lee's loose his cool that he was trying to maintain. But as he was suppressing his anger he was met with another harsh comment.

" you are a disappointment, not only to yourself or this academy or the black elementals but also to your parents. Wait, are your parents even capable of anything?" She again taunts him.

This was the kind of teacher she was. Her name was Dora sze, a member of somewhat rich family, due to which she used to taunt and punish students without any reason. She was very angry on wan lee as despite being a black elemental he was such a disappointment which made her lash out on him.

But wan lee had already lost all his emotions except for anger and bloodlust, and it wasn't a normal one at that. Wan lee, Also known as Hades in his previous life had killed millions and millions of people mercilessly, hence

even his bloodlust became frightening.

" good..... very good....." he lost his control and his bloodlust flowed in the whole room.

This caused over 80 students to loose consciousness and other to cower in fear and helplessness.

" stay away from me.... you monster! I am telling you..... you—— better stay away from me......nooooo!!!!" She shouted at the top of her lungs but no one could help her.

No one could and no one would even dare to help her. How could they?this was the first time they felt such power, she bloodlust, such fear. This was the first time they had ever been so close to death. They all were about to be slaughtered while they could do nothing but feel this enormous and terrifying fear which caused their limbs to stop moving, their blood to flow slowly. They all were turning to living corpses.

Just as lee was about to stop in front of her. She spat a mouthful of blood and lost her consciousnesses.

But this didn't stop him. Wan lee further unleashed his bloodlust. This time towards the whole academy.

- what is this?

- monster!!

- such bloodlust.

- will be die?

Whole school was in fear. The teachers, the students, the elders, the principal and even the ancients and protectors were shivering in fear. A fear of true death.

" he woke up. He woke up. What a news!!" The man in the shadow commented in excitement.

" shit, it is wan lee." The principal finally understood the situation and ran towards class B of 1st year.

As he opens the door of the class he gets shocked by the the view of the class. Then he spots wan lee who was oozing out such pure and thick bloodlust.

" what on earth happened to him?" He thinks to himself and then runs towards wan lee.

" student lee! Student lee wake up. Stop what you are doing. Student lee." He repeats again and again but lee does not replies.

" you leave me with no chance. [ eternal abyss],[ soul chain ], [power drain]." He chants 3 spells in one go.

The three spells could be said to have the most powerful spells he had to his arsenal. They were strong enough to destroy 200 miles completely.

2 hours later

Although the spell worked, it almost left the principal in a vegetative state. This was so shocking for the principal that he was about to call wan lee's parents, tell him the entire situation and ask them to take him with them.

Everyone valued their life more than anything.

" here drink this." The robed man commands.

" why are you doing this?"

" shut up and do as said. After this erase the memory of everyone in the academy if you want your life." He gives him a warning and leaves.

" who is this guy? Why is he after us?" The principal failed to understand. But still did as he said.

" why are you here sir? Where is that bitch!!"

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