
Chapter 2

Emma blinked up in confusion at the strange glowing orbs regarding her from the tree branches. At first she thought she must still be dreaming. But as her wits returned, she realized with a start that these were no ordinary eyes - they were much too large and emitted an eerie light.

A scream rose in her throat but died there as the voice spoke again. "Do not be afraid. I mean you no harm." Though the words were calm, they resonated with an inhuman echo. Slowly sitting up, Emma shook rain from her hair and took in her surroundings. She appeared to still be in the same small clearing by the old oak, but everything looked clearer, more vibrant in the morning light.

"Who...what are you?" Emma asked tentatively, gazing up into the branches trying to make out the form behind those glowing eyes. There came a soft chuckle that sounded like wind chimes dancing on the breeze. "My kind have many names among your people," the voice replied mysteriously. "But you may call me Aisling."

A rustling above had Emma scrambling back instinctively as a slender, delicate creature descended from the tree. Mossy green skin covered a humanoid frame, though their limbs seemed too long and spindly to be natural. Delicate spiraling horns protruded from unruly wisps of moss that served as hair. Gossamer wings arched from their slender back, catching the sunlight in rainbow flecks.

This ethereal being smiled gently down at Emma's expression of awe and fear. "Do not be afraid, I mean you only kindness. You were weary and lost, so I offered you shelter among my domain. The woods can be perilous for mortal folk." Their melodic voice soothed Emma's frayed nerves, and she found herself drawn to this strange yet beautiful creature called Aisling.