
Empīrīum ēs Fornax

Author: Remmy_san
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"The empire is strength, the empire is glory, the empire is death, the empire is war. All conquest to the empire." In a world dominated by the Furnace Empire, war is constant and death is always present. Kamir is a young soldier who fights for the empire in exchange for glory and honor. He dreams of becoming a commander, but his superiors don't seem to give him much importance. When a vital mission is given to Kamir, he sees the chance to show his worth and prove that he is capable of leading. But the path to success is filled with dangers, and Kamir will have to face powerful enemies, betrayals, and dark secrets of the empire. Meanwhile, the shadow of death looms over him and his comrades, and the uncertain future of the empire makes the situation even more tense.

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