
Emotion Bind: Lust Drive

My name is Ashito Ken. A common high school student, who finally got admitted to Mahora High School at the age of 18 in a single try! Being an orphan, it was hard to live in this world and I had also worked in several part-time job before this, to have enough funding to join, High School and start my new life. Until! I got a gift from a god! And from their, my real journey from being bullied in middle school, I started to take revenge from all of those so-called friends of mine, by taking their girls first night.

Rich_ael_mano · Urban
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2 Chs


"Haha! Is that so."

This time Ashito was really furious; the sound of anger was quite visible to others, making Adam furious to see a puny guy glaring at him like that.

"Then don't tell me! It is your habit to share your love with your friends, right? After all, it had been quite enticing to do it with them."

Large Adam became extremely enraged, balling his fist and causing veins to burst around it. Ashito's twisted smile and glance caused a hush to fall over the room.

'That guy is dead.' As everyone thought at once, Elena and her two friends also became enraged and turned to face Ashito, who was staring at them with an abundance of lust in his eyes.


Ashito's face was struck by a blow to the mouth, causing the man at the door to momentarily lose consciousness.

He then began to breathe heavily and had a sly smile on his face.

"Haha! Fuck, is this it all?"

Ashito continued to taunt Adam, making him more and more enraged and impairing his judgment as he continued to kick and punch Ashito, who was the target and was attempting to hold out for as long as possible in order to carry out his plan.

Ashito's face had turned quite terrified with the bloody mess; Elena and her friends looked pretty terrified too, with tears streaming from his eyes as he sneered, but a dangerous glint never left his face, making Adam's friends realize something was wrong with this whole thing.

"Wait! Wait, Adam, you are going to kill him in this manner." Adam was silent for a brief period of time as a rush of footsteps accompanied by security guards rushing around them was audible due to the beating and shouting noise that caused club members to congregate around the venue.

A few of them even took video of the entire incident.

"Help! Sir, help me; he is trying to kill me and has threatened to rape a family member of mine." It was time Ashito started to cry for help around the security guards, who were there to help him, and pushed Adam back.

With their numbers, Adam was even stronger than them, but in that number, there was no way he would have overpowered them.

Ashito's words made Adam realize that he was in a pinch; after all, the way it all happened, no matter how he looked at it, he was in the wrong.

With high school opening around the corner, a simple word from Ashito can destroy his image.

"Are you okay, boy! Hey, help him to the medical room on the second floor for treatment." With a single glance, the leader of the guard was able to guess what happened.

He looked at Ashito's faint pulse and scrawny look and made a decision to help this boy recover. And finally turned to look at Adam with a calm tone, asking them with clear intent, "Then tell me what you have to say in this."

"Before the cops arrive, I am willing to hear your part."

"Well, well, wasn't that a great use of my ability." Ashito, who was finally becoming conscious in the ward room, heard a familiar voice. He opened his eyes to see the familiar figure and that weird clown mask in front of him.

"Passive ability; hate redemption. An ability that can turn hatred for me into my power, my healing ability? Not to say, it can even make me stronger than before, each time I am directed with anger or negative emotions."

Clutching his fist, Ashito felt energy within his grip and felt really happy with this ability of his. Even though he was severely malnourished, his body had begun to feel more energetic than usual because of the beating and hatred directed at him.

In addition, he had only kept his external wound visible and fully healed all of his internal wounds.

"You have finally woken up, kid." A healthy voice called Ken, who was still basking in the excitement of really having supernatural ability like this, and found someone talking to him while entering the ward with a burly figure.

"Oh, the person from before. I have to thank you for the help, or else I would have beaten to death by that guy." Ashito's face turned pale as he spoke in a shivering voice—just an act from his side.

"No, it is my job. It is good to see that you are able to wake up in such a short time." The other guy smiled and shook his head, thinking about how his boss has asked him to make it quick before they can close their club down for the day, but it looks like they would be quite late for that today.

"Ahh, it is already 4 am. I am sorry for making you guys work for this long. Then I will be leaving right away." However, Ashito's next remarks put the boy at ease.

He gave him a sour smile, thanked him for his consideration, and informed him that all five of the other party members were still present, along with a small number of police officers.

As they descended to the first floor to meet them, it caused Ashito to smile briefly before his expression returned to normal, something the guard leader missed.

When Ashito entered the room, it was completely silent. He could see, at a quick glance, that Adam was furious and that Elena, along with her friends Ashley and Veena, appeared a little sleepy.

Given that they were also victims of this mess and that they had to spend so much time in this room with police officers, it may have been difficult for the girls.

"Ashito Ken, take your seat; we will be short about this all."

The officer lady was really cold-looking, but the way she looked at him was a bit soft, which was rather rare for his case, and Ashito felt a little happy about it and respectfully nodded at her.

"So, in short, it was Adam who started to abuse your sister from the orphanage, making you angry, and then, due to a short argument, he started to beat you to that point."

The athletes' recovery patch saved Ken's face and improved Ashito's bloody exterior; otherwise, Ashito's face might have been completely deformed.

"Hmm, it was me who lost his cool at that moment too; I called something very rude, but being an orphan, the only family member I have, is something I want to cherish the most."

Ashito spoke his heart out, as within his heart, that sister place was top most after his aunt. At Ashito's emotional words, almost all the members there could hear his silent plea and turned silent.

"That's alright! Ashito-kun, you can go and rest now." The female police officer gave Ashito a ruffled hairstyle and a smile before asking him to retire to his dorm to rest.

"Umm! I can stay; I have slept before, but these girls did not taunt me or anything, and I think they had nothing to do in this case. I hope you can let them go."

Ashito's words came as a surprise to others. Especially Elena, as she could tell that Ashito was honestly asking for help for them from the officer, though he still needed to rest.

"Bastard, that is none of your business." Adam could tell that Ashito was trying to make a move on his girls right in front of him, making him burst with anger as he finally could not see his hypocrisy anymore.

Name: Elena Crosfelt.

Emotions Point: 447.

Affiliated emotions: Dependency (Target Adam): 10 points.

Anger (Target Adam): -10 points. (-)

Anger (Target Host): -1 points. (+)

Lust (Target Adam): 5 points. [Can change target using 100 EP.]

Name: Ashley

Emotions Point: 447.

Affiliated emotions: Dependency (Target Adam): 20 points.

Anger (Target Adam): -5points. (-)

Anger (Target Host): 0 points. (+)

Lust (Target Adam): 15 points. [Can change target using 100 EP.]

Name: Veena

Emotions Point: 447.

Affiliated emotions: Dependency (Target Adam): 22 points.

Anger (Target Adam): 0 points. (-)

Anger (Target Host): 0 points. (+)

Lust (Target Adam): 17 points. [Can change target using 100 EP.]

Finally, it has begun..."