
Emoji Academy

Aoroi Kumar thought he had it all until his girlfriend, the daughter of one of the richest men in the world, publicly humiliates and dumps him during her graduation remarks. Fueled by revenge, Aoroi develops a virus to take down the anchor of his ex-girlfriend’s family fortune, The Emoji Telecommunications system, which rules the entire world. However, a glitch in his computer system sends him to the Emoji world where he is found guilty of creating demonic viruses that are ravaging the AI world known as Emoji land. The emoji AI system offers Aoroi two options: either go to Emoji Academy with a mission to stop the virus or have his soul erased within the void where he is being judged. Aoroi chooses to undertake the mission at Emoji Academy, but he quickly realizes that he's not prepared for the challenges ahead. He is mocked by his classmates and underestimated by his teachers. As he struggles to adapt and fit in, Aoroi makes friends with emojis named Mirrai, Bombshell, and Shin who become his closest companions. Despite his best efforts, Aoroi fails his first mission and falls into a deep depression. His friends are unable to reach him, and Aoroi begins to question why he even came to Emoji land in the first place. Just when he thinks things can't get any worse, a new threat emerges, and Aoroi finds himself facing even greater challenges. As he progresses through Emoji Academy, Aoroi uncovers shocking truths about the Council of Emoticon, the most powerful beings in the land who were in charge of Emoji Academy. He also discovers that the source of the virus is closer than he thought. With each obstacle he overcomes, Aoroi becomes stronger and more determined to complete his mission, but the odds are stacked against him. Finally, Aoroi confronts the source of the virus and engages in an epic battle. In the end, he emerges victorious, but at a great cost. Aoroi must say goodbye to his friends and Emoji land as he is transported back to his own world, forever changed by his experiences. Back in the real world, Aoroi realizes that revenge is not worth the price he paid and starts to rebuild his life. He also discovers that he has gained new skills and knowledge from his time at Emoji Academy, which he uses to make a positive impact in his world. The story ends with Aoroi reflecting on his journey and looking forward to a brighter future, but he knows that he will never forget the lessons he learned in Emoji land. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi there.... if you like what you are reading let me know in the comment section. Aside daily chapters, I will be releasing extra chapters every Sunday depending on the amount of support (reviews, comments, votes, power stones, etc) I get in that particular week. Thank you, bye.... Take care.

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Chapter 8: Doctor Pain Part 2

Aoroi's heart thundered against his ribs as Doctor Pain's icy gaze swept over the students.

"Today," the doctor purred, "I will teach you pathetic worms a lesson about pain that you won't soon forget."

Aoroi swallowed hard, sweat beading on his forehead. The other students shifted nervously, eyes wide with fear.

"I will push you to your breaking point," Doctor Pain continued. "You will learn the true meaning of concentration...of willpower. And you will learn it through immense suffering."

The doctor's lips curled into a sadistic smile. Dread knotted Aoroi's stomach. He risked a glance at Mirai and Bombshell. Mirai's hands were clenched into white-knuckled fists, her jaw tight. Bombshell blinked rapidly, adam's apple bobbing as he struggled to maintain composure.

Aoroi's thoughts raced. What fresh hell does the doctor have planned for us? He knew their training would be intense, but the ice in Doctor Pain's eyes promised true agony. Aoroi steeled himself. He would not show weakness, not in front of the doctor or his fellow students. He focused on keeping his breathing steady, pushing down the panic rising in his chest.

Doctor Pain cracked his knuckles, the sound echoing ominously in the training arena. "Let us begin."

Doctor Pain's grin widened, sending a chill down Aoroi's spine. "The challenge is simple," the doctor purred. "I will inject a tiny blood orb into each of you in different rounds each day. This orbs will race towards your heart with one command: to puncture it and if so, end your pathetic life."

A collective gasp rose from the students. Bombshell went pale, swaying slightly.

Doctor Pain's eyes glinted with malevolent delight. "The pain will be...exquisite. Like liquid fire racing through your veins. The orb will bore through muscle and sinew, relentless in its singular purpose."

He let out a soft, cruel chuckle. "You will beg for death long before it finds your heart."

Aoroi's mouth went dry, his palms slick with sweat. He glanced at Mirai and saw stark fear in her eyes for the first time since they'd arrived.

Doctor Pain clasped his hands behind his back. "You have three minutes from injection to guide the orb from your body. Fail, and it will split into smaller shards, impossible to control. Your only hope is to achieve total concentration - focus your mind, control your fear and pain."

He smiled coldly. "If you survive, you will be one step closer to unlocking your true power. If not..." He shrugged. "You will have learned a final, agonizing lesson."

Aoroi steadied his breathing. He would not fail, could not fail. The doctor's challenge seemed impossible, but he had to find a way. He clenched his fists, glaring defiantly at Doctor Pain. Bring it on.

Doctor Pain's eyes narrowed, sensing Aoroi's defiance. "You think yourself ready, boy? We shall see."

He turned to address the class. "Listen closely. To master total concentration, you must focus only on your breath. Let your soul dwell within a sound mind and body."

He began to slowly pace. "Feel every fiber, every cell. Sense the blood flowing through your veins. Locate the foreign orb, and guide it through the tiny doorway it created on entry."

He stopped, staring intently at each student. "It will fight you. The pain will threaten to overwhelm you." His voice dropped to a sinister whisper. "You must not let it."

Aoroi steadied his breathing, picturing the orb moving through his body like a glowing ember. He would remain calm, focused. The pain would not control him.

Doctor Pain smiled coldly. "Now, we begin. Those still standing at the end will have taken the first step toward true power."

He raised his arms, and the orbs began to spin rapidly. Aoroi tensed, ready to face the trial ahead. The time had come to prove his worth.

Aoroi gritted his teeth as the spinning orb shot toward him like a bullet, piercing his chest in an explosion of agony. It felt like liquid fire racing through his veins, searing every nerve. He choked back a scream, clutching his chest. Around him, other students cried out and collapsed to the ground.

"Focus!" Aoroi squeezed his eyes shut, visualizing the orb's path through his body. It glowed hot and angry, fighting his attempts to control it. Sweat beaded on Aoroi's forehead as he guided the orb's frantic energy into a steady rhythm, moving it toward the exit point.

One minute passed, then two. The pain was excruciating, but Aoroi kept his breathing steady. He could feel the orb nearing the exit. Just a little more! His legs trembled with the effort to remain standing.

Nearby, Mirai stood calmly, eyes closed in concentration. Aoroi glanced at the clock - only ten seconds left! With a final push, he forced the orb out through the exit point. His legs gave out and he hit the ground hard, gasping for breath.

Two minutes twelve seconds. He'd done it. As the pain subsided, elation flooded through him. He raised his head to see Mirai open her eyes. Their gazes met in mutual triumph. Against all odds, they had conquered Doctor Pain's impossible trial.

Aoroi slowly got to his feet, still shaky from the ordeal. Around the arena, other students were also recovering, some crying with relief that they had survived.

Doctor Pain watched impassively, giving no indication if he was satisfied or not with their performance.

"Well, that was...educational," Bombshell said, coming up beside Aoroi. There were dark circles under Aoroi eyes and his skin was pale. Aoroi nodded. "I thought I was done for."

"As did I," Bombshell admitted. Aoroi glanced over at Mirai. 

Mirai stood apart from the others, back straight, face serene as if she had just completed a simple meditation exercise instead of overcoming excruciating pain through intense concentration.

Doctor Pain stepped forward, the arena falling silent. "You have had a small taste of the training that awaits you all. Consider this your first lesson." His cold eyes swept over them. "How many will have the fortitude to withstand the trials to come?"

Aoroi suppressed a shiver, his momentary elation fading. This was only the beginning. To reach the level of power Doctor Pain promised, they would all have to journey through darkness. Could he survive such a path unchanged? Only time would tell.

The next day, Doctor Pain's blood orb training resumed.

Aoroi took a deep breath, steadying himself. There was no time to dwell on uncertainties. The next trial was already upon them.

Doctor Pain lifted his arms once more and the blood orbs reappeared, swirling violently. "Let us continue the lesson," he said, malice glinting in his eyes.

The orbs shot forward, plunging into the students' bodies. Aoroi gritted his teeth against the searing pain, feeling the orb burrow deep within his chest. Around him came shrieks and wails as the others experienced the same agonizing sensation.

Doctor Pain threw back his head and laughed, the sound echoing around the arena. He twirled the scalpel in his hand almost playfully as he watched them writhe.

"Embrace the pain!" he cried. "Let it become your teacher!" Aoroi focused on his breathing, trying to find his center as the venomous heat spread through his veins. He glimpsed Bombshell nearby, face twisted in a rictus of agony as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Only Mirai seemed unaffected, standing tall and poised amidst the torment, her eyes closed in deep concentration. Aoroi envied her composure even as he struggled to emulate it.

Doctor Pain danced among them, his laughter growing ever more deranged. "You are all mine now!" he exclaimed. "I will break you down and forge you anew!"

The pain intensified, searing through muscle and bone. Aoroi's vision began to blur, his concentration wavering.

Just when he thought he could endure no more, the orbs retreated, leaving his body wracked and spent. Around him came gasps of relief as the others felt the same merciful reprieve.

Doctor Pain shook his head in mock disappointment. "Pathetic," he muttered. "But we have only just begun..."

Aoroi staggered to his feet once more, knowing the torment was far from over. He steeled himself for the next round, determined to conquer the darkness within.

Aoroi gritted his teeth as the blood orb penetrated his chest once more, sending waves of agony throughout his body. He fought to maintain control, to keep his focus, but the pain was overwhelming.

Beside him, Bombshell let out a primal scream, his face a mask of torment. Even Mirai seemed to be struggling now, a crease of concentration furrowing her brow as her body trembled.

Aoroi tried to steady his breathing, but the pain kept mounting. His vision grew spotty as his heart pounded erratically.

At 55.11 seconds, a bolt of sheer agony lanced through his chest. He gasped, then collapsed to his hands and knees. Weak laughter escaped his lips as darkness encroached on his vision. "So this is how it ends," he thought. "I'm the first to die."

His world spun as unconsciousness rushed up to claim him. The last thing he saw was Doctor Pain looming overhead, scalpel glinting in his hand and a look of twisted delight on his face.

Aoroi blinked slowly as consciousness returned. He found himself lying on the cold floor of the training arena, his body aching from the trauma it had endured.

As his vision came into focus, he saw the other students around him beginning to stir as well. Bombshell sat up with a groan, his face pale and drawn. Even the normally stoic Mirai looked shaken, her eyes wide as she took in the scene around them.

Aoroi tried to push himself upright, his muscles protesting the effort. "What...what happened?" he rasped.

Before anyone could answer, a shadow fell over them. Doctor Pain loomed above, twirling his scalpel casually.

"So, you're all alive after all," he said, his mouth twisting into a cruel grin. "How disappointing."

Dread settled like a stone in Aoroi's stomach. They had survived this round, but it was clear the torment was only just beginning. He glanced at his fellow students, seeing his own fear reflected in their eyes.

They steeled themselves as Doctor Pain's grin widened. All of them knew more pain was coming. The only question was - how much could they endure before they broke?

Bombshell dragged himself to his feet, swaying unsteadily. "You won't break us that easily," he said, though his voice shook.

Doctor Pain arched an eyebrow. "Is that so? We'll see about that."

The doctor turned and strode to the center of the arena. With a snap of his fingers, the blood orbs reappeared, spinning rapidly in the air beside him, this time with more speed and intensity.

Aoroi's heart dropped. Not again. He wasn't sure how much more of this he could take.

"Let's see if you do any better this time," Doctor Pain said. "Though I doubt any of you will last past a minute."

He flicked his wrist, sending the orbs shooting toward them once more. Aoroi clenched his fists, bracing for the impact.

Just before the orb hit, he heard mother's voice in his head, "Focus. Breathe. You can do this."

The orb pierced his chest and the pain exploded through him. He fought back a scream, sucking in a deep breath. In his mind's eye he pictured the orb, a pulsing knot of red threading through his veins.

Slowly, agonizingly, he guided it back through his body toward the entry point. Sweat beaded on his forehead with the effort.

Just when he thought he couldn't take it any longer, the orb emerged from his chest in a spray of blood. Gasping, he collapsed to his knees.

He had done it. And from the labored breathing around him, it seemed some of the others had too. They were learning, adapting.

Aoroi lifted his head and met Doctor Pain's gaze. Next time, he knew they would do better.

Mirai's eyes blazed with determination as the orb pierced her chest. The searing, white-hot pain exploded through her body but she refused to give in.

Focus. Breathe. Her inner voice drowned out her screams. In her mind's eye, she pictured the pulsing red orb navigating her veins. Slowly, agonizingly, she concentrated all her energy on guiding it back out.

Her limbs shook, her teeth gritted so hard she thought they might shatter. But still she focused.

The exit point neared. She could feel the orb just under her skin. With a final push, it emerged from her chest in a spray of blood. A triumphant smirk spread across Mirai's face just before her legs gave out and she collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

Doctor Pain stared down at her limp body, a flicker of unease in his eyes. But he quickly masked it with a look of disappointment.

"Pathetic," he sneered. "I expected more from you all... This training will not stop until you are able to remove the orb in less than ten seconds. Those who will fail to achieve this in the next three days will be expelled from the academy"

Doctor Pain then starred at the helpless students, "Though I suppose one minute is an improvement from last time."

Inside though, he felt a twinge of happiness. They were lasting less longer with each round. It was only a matter of time before one of them mastered the technique. 


One hundred and fifty seconds passed and the training arena fell silent. One by one, the students began to stir. Groggily, they pushed themselves up from the floor, clutching their chests as the haze of pain slowly lifted.

Aoroi blinked in confusion as he patted his torso. No gaping wound. No blood. He glanced around wildly. The others were equally baffled, slowly realizing they had survived another round of Doctor Pain's twisted trial.

A sinister chuckle emanated from the stage. Doctor Pain gazed out at the students, his eyes alight with sadistic pleasure. "Surprised?" he purred. "The orbs only grazed your hearts this time. Just enough to induce a temporary coma, that's the reason some of you are not dead."

He flashed a devilish grin. "But don't worry, we have all day to practice. Soon you'll be able to master the technique ."

The students exchanged uneasy looks, their momentary relief vanishing. How much more of this could they endure? Was the power Doctor Pain promised worth such torment?

Aoroi set his jaw, resolve steeling his nerves. He would not break. Today was only the second day of training but it felt like two decades of immense suffering had passed.

Aoroi's thoughts were interrupted as Doctor Pain strode through the recovering students, relishing the their discomfort. He stopped in front of a petite girl named who stared up at him in wide-eyed terror.

"Ready for another round?" Doctor Pain purred, his twisted smirk sending chills down her spine. The girl gulped, unable to respond.

For nearly eight grueling hours the training continued, pushing them all to their breaking points. The searing, unrelenting pain of the orbs piercing their flesh again and again was almost more than any of them could bear.

But Aoroi refused to give in. Through gritted teeth, he focused every fiber of his being on finding that inner stillness Doctor Pain described. The agony threatened to consume him, but he pictured himself as an impenetrable fortress, blocking it out.

By the end, they were all on the brink of collapse. But as Doctor Pain dismissed them for the day, Aoroi felt the beginnings of a deep strength awakening within. This was only the start. Next time, he would awaken his true power.

Mirai stumbled back to the dorms in a daze, barely able to keep her eyes open. Her body ached from the relentless training, but it was her mind that felt most battered. She had lasted only 68.53 seconds today before the searing pain became too much. Pathetic, she thought bitterly. The others had done no better, but she was determined to improve. She had to, if she ever hoped to avenge her father.

Collapsing onto her bed, Mirai closed her eyes, replaying each agonizing second in her mind. Where had she gone wrong? At what point had her focus slipped? There was still so much work to be done.

As her exhaustion finally claimed her, Mirai clung to one thought: removing the orb in thirty seconds was merely the beginning. When she awoke, her real training would start. No matter the cost, she would push beyond her limits. She had to succeed, for the sake her father.