
Emoji Academy

Aoroi Kumar thought he had it all until his girlfriend, the daughter of one of the richest men in the world, publicly humiliates and dumps him during her graduation remarks. Fueled by revenge, Aoroi develops a virus to take down the anchor of his ex-girlfriend’s family fortune, The Emoji Telecommunications system, which rules the entire world. However, a glitch in his computer system sends him to the Emoji world where he is found guilty of creating demonic viruses that are ravaging the AI world known as Emoji land. The emoji AI system offers Aoroi two options: either go to Emoji Academy with a mission to stop the virus or have his soul erased within the void where he is being judged. Aoroi chooses to undertake the mission at Emoji Academy, but he quickly realizes that he's not prepared for the challenges ahead. He is mocked by his classmates and underestimated by his teachers. As he struggles to adapt and fit in, Aoroi makes friends with emojis named Mirrai, Bombshell, and Shin who become his closest companions. Despite his best efforts, Aoroi fails his first mission and falls into a deep depression. His friends are unable to reach him, and Aoroi begins to question why he even came to Emoji land in the first place. Just when he thinks things can't get any worse, a new threat emerges, and Aoroi finds himself facing even greater challenges. As he progresses through Emoji Academy, Aoroi uncovers shocking truths about the Council of Emoticon, the most powerful beings in the land who were in charge of Emoji Academy. He also discovers that the source of the virus is closer than he thought. With each obstacle he overcomes, Aoroi becomes stronger and more determined to complete his mission, but the odds are stacked against him. Finally, Aoroi confronts the source of the virus and engages in an epic battle. In the end, he emerges victorious, but at a great cost. Aoroi must say goodbye to his friends and Emoji land as he is transported back to his own world, forever changed by his experiences. Back in the real world, Aoroi realizes that revenge is not worth the price he paid and starts to rebuild his life. He also discovers that he has gained new skills and knowledge from his time at Emoji Academy, which he uses to make a positive impact in his world. The story ends with Aoroi reflecting on his journey and looking forward to a brighter future, but he knows that he will never forget the lessons he learned in Emoji land. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi there.... if you like what you are reading let me know in the comment section. Aside daily chapters, I will be releasing extra chapters every Sunday depending on the amount of support (reviews, comments, votes, power stones, etc) I get in that particular week. Thank you, bye.... Take care.

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Chapter 3: The Opening Ceremony

Aoroi made his way through the gleaming corridors, making his way from the from the class the entrance exams were conducted. He checked the slip of paper in his hand "Dorm 417." After wandering the maze of corridors for what felt like hours, he finally found his room.

"About time," he grumbled, waving his hand over the sensor. The door whooshed open with a hiss, revealing a compact space optimized for efficiency.

One minute in the real world was ten years here in Emoji Land, and the technological advancements were staggering.

"Whoa, this is...different," Aoroi murmured, ducking inside the room. The walls and floor were bare white plasticrete, with built-in nooks for storage and a raised platform that served as both desk and bed.

Aoroi ran his hands over the smooth surfaces, looking for any hidden catches or panels, but found nothing. Whoever designed this was clever.

"Welcome, new student Aoroi Kumar," a disembodied voice announced. "Please stand by for your orientation video."

A screen unfolded from the wall, and an animation began playing that covered academy rules, schedules, and an overview of the classes and teachers. Aoroi watched with rapt attention, thoughts swirling.

This was really happening. He was at Emoji Academy. The path of that derailed from from vengeance, to make his the person who ruined his family's life pay. His hands curled into fists.

The video ended and the screen snapped back into the wall. "Orientation complete," the voice intoned. "The opening ceremony will begin in fifteen minutes in the main auditorium. Please make your way there promptly."

Aoroi straightened with determination. Time to see what this place was really all about.

He stepped into the bathroom, turning the faucet on hot. As the water sluiced over his body, the dried blood from the entrance exam swirled down the drain in crimson rivulets.

He watched numbly, suddenly unsure of himself. Was this really the right path? So much violence and death already, before his first day of classes even began.

What would his father think, seeing his son turned into a killer at this school for superpowered battle? Or his mother?

Aoroi bowed his head under the scalding spray. It was too late for doubts. Valeria had to pay, no matter the cost. He couldn't fail now... At least not until he got his revenge.

The water shut off automatically. Aoroi toweled off and dressed in his new uniform - black pants and jacket with crimson piping, the academy crest over his heart. It fit perfectly.

Ready or not, it was time. Aoroi steeled himself and headed out the door toward the auditorium and his new life.

Aoroi stepped outside, momentarily blinded by the sudden sunlight. As his eyes adjusted, the full grandeur of Emoji Academy came into focus.

Towering glass and steel buildings stretched as far as he could see, interspersed with meticulously manicured lawns. Sunlight glinted off the smooth curves of the architecture, giving the campus a sleek, modern feel.

Students streamed along the walkways, dressed in crisp black and crimson uniforms identical to Aoroi's. They chatted and laughed together, exuding an enthusiastic energy.

In the distance, Aoroi could make out an enormous domed structure - presumably the main auditorium where the opening ceremony would take place. The building practically glowed, its walls made of some advanced material that reflected the light.

Clearly no expense had been spared in the academy's construction. This indeed was a campus built to train the elite heroes of the future. Aoroi felt his nerves rising again. Was he really ready for this level of intense training?

He shook off the thought. Only one way to find out. Setting his jaw, Aoroi joined the throngs of students heading for the dome and his formal initiation into the world of Emoji Academy.

Aoroi followed the stream of students into the massive domed auditorium. The cavernous space was filled with row upon row of seats, already packed with chattering students. He found an empty spot near the back and settled in, craning his neck to take in the full scope of the room.

Above the students, suspended by some sort of futuristic anti-gravity technology, were rows of majestic box seats. These were clearly reserved for the academy's captains and teachers. At the front of the auditorium was a raised dais and lectern - no doubt where the head captain would be delivering his opening remarks.

A sudden hush fell over the crowd as a figure strode onto the stage. With chiseled features and piercing eyes, he radiated a commanding presence even from a distance. Murmurs rippled through the assembled students. "It's him! The Thunder God!" Aoroi leaned forward and felt a surge of anticipation. According to the student's murmurs, Ryoichi Hideaki was one of the strongest heroes alive. What words of wisdom would he impart to the incoming class

The man stood with an aura of easy confidence, exuding strength. "Welcome students, to your first day at Emoji Academy. I am Ryoichi Hideaki, the academy's head captain…"

As the head captain launched into his speech, Aoroi sat enraptured. What adventures lay ahead in this strange new world? He couldn't wait to find out.

Ryoichi's speech was suddenly interrupted by a disturbance at the back of the auditorium. Students gasped and shouted in fear as an enormous shadow fell over the hall. 

A hideous creature hovered at the broken skylight, vaguely humanoid in shape but rippling with unnatural appendages. Its skin seemed to crawl and morph before their eyes.

"A Virogon!" someone screamed as the symbiotic monster let out an unearthly wail that reverberated through the hall. Several students covered their ears in pain. A Virogon, one of the vile class of viruses that plagued this world! How had it gotten past the academy's defenses?

On the suspended box seats, the captains were instantly on their feet, powers flaring as they prepared to confront the threat. But Ryoichi Hideaki and the teachers remained calm like nothing was happening, their faces showing no hint of concern.

The Virogon dove, its fanged maw opening as it prepared to torch the entire auditorium with a blast of dark red energy...

The students screamed and scrambled for cover as the Virogon unleashed its deadly beam. A wall of crimson light streaked towards the stage, ready to incinerate everything in its path.