
Emma is mine forever

Emma was kidnapped by human traffickers alongside her friend on their way to school. Displayed to be auctioned off, her luck shines when she caught the attention of a rich and handsome young man Martel Godfrey, who is also a vampire. Things spiral out of control when Martel suddenly finds himself taken by men of the dreaded vampire Lancelot, aka the vampire slayer, the drug trafficker. Unable to meet his demands, Lancelot directs his goons to snatch Emma, as motivation for Martel to find his partner, who is indebted to Lancelot. Things get tricky when Martel returns and finds Emma fighting for her life and needing his vampire blood for survival. Martel is torn between letting Emma die or saving her and making her a vampire.

Inneh_Faith · Fantasy
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4 Chs

chapter two

At exactly ten forty-five p.m. they were told to go outside, and they queued in front of the buses assigned to their mistresses. They were finally allowed into the buses after standing for over fifteen minutes out in the cold. Their mistresses and drivers wore oxygen masks before entering the vehicles, the girls were too scared to ask questions or to complain. The sound of the bell woke Emma and the rest of the girls up at the same time, the first thing Emma did was to look at the time on her wristwatch, it was twelve p.m already. She wondered how they all slept all through the night until twelve p.m. the next day when she remembered seeing Miss K and the driver putting on oxygen masks before entering the bus, it dawned on her that she and the girls drugged to sleep immediately they entered the vehicle last night. Miss K ordered them to get out of the vehicle, they saw themselves in front of a beautiful house with a large gate that was locked with two armed security men guarding it.

A lady came out to greet and usher them in, she spoke in a language they did not understand. " It's Spanish, we are in Mexico now girls," Miss K said looking at their confused faces as they stared at each other. "She said we should go in and shower, that she prepared something nice for us to eat." They all followed her in as she led the way, she showed them to their room and left, and they took turns to have their bath. Emma woke up to the sound of the bell and her growling stomach. "Get up girls, let's go eat," Miss K said leaving the door of the room door wide open. They followed her to the dining room to see different kinds of food on the table, the sight of food made their tummy dance of joy. They were famished, they didn't have breakfast or lunch and it was four p.m already, they sat down to eat and drink to their fill. When they were done Miss K directed them to the living room, on the table they saw paper bags filled with clothes, shoes, and undies with their names written on each of the bags. "Pick yours and retire for the rest of the day, we have a long day tomorrow," Miss K said leaving the girls to sort themselves out. They all picked up their bags and went back to their room.

Emma woke up to see everyone trying on their new clothes, she looked at the time, it was nine a.m. " why is everyone getting all dressed up so early?," she asked, before she could get a reply they heard a knock and the door flew open almost immediately by the the Spanish woman. "Buenos días," she said as she walked in, she handed Emma a piece of paper and walked out of the room. "Breakfast is by ten. Come smelling nice and looking good," Emma read out loud. They all looked at each other realizing that their worst nightmare was about to begin. You could see the pain in their eyes, except for Hanna who looked blank. She was the quietest one in the house and was always on her own, she never contributed to any of their conversations or participated in the games the girls played for fun. Emma rushed to have her bath and joined the rest of the girls to get dressed. She wore a black shirt and a white crop top, she freed her long hair.

At exactly ten a.m they were all seated at the dining table waiting for Miss K, breakfast was served by the Spanish woman when Miss K finally joined them. "This is our base for now until the big man says otherwise, so you girls have to make yourselves comfortable while we are here. Two of our esteemed customers will be coming today, they will pick who they want to spend the weekend with, and whoever they pick should make sure they are treated nicely just as I taught, no silly behaviors will be tolerated by the the boss. He is a very dangerous man you don't wanna mess around with you hear me?." They all nodded in agreement.

An hour later they heard a car horn at the gate, fifteen minutes after the guests arrived they were called into the sitting room. When they got to the sitting room they saw three men, two looked like they were in their forties, and a fine-looking young man who looked mid-twenties. The girls were told to stand two feet apart from each other in front of the men who almost ate them up with their eyes, except for the young man who looked too gentle to be in such company. Emma caught him stealing glances at her a few times which made her blush. He was a fine-looking young man, he had brown hair, blue eyes, pink lips, and a pointed nose. Emma blushed when he caught her checking him out. He excused himself when his phone rang, Emma's eyes followed him as he walked out of the sitting room. Emma always had a thing for tall guys even though they never seemed to notice her. The young man was very tall, she could swear he was six feet three inches tall. "I pick her," He said pointing at Emma. She looked at him standing, resting his back on the door. Miss K directed Emma to stand aside. "For a first-time customer you have really good eyes, she's still a virgin, so she will be more expensive than the rest of them," Miss K said smiling. " you know money is not a problem, I do not owe," he said. "I will be in the car waiting for you." Emma nodded, and she looked back at Miss K waiting for her instruction. "go get your bag and meet him outside," Miss K yelled out to her. She ran up to the room to pick up the bag of clothes that was given to her the night before. She joined the young man in his car and he drove off immediately.

He never said a word throughout the two-hour drive, when Emma tried to start up a friendly conversation, he ignored her. He finally pulled over in front of "Sunrise Hotel", he opened the car door for Emma and walked straight into the hotel with Emma running behind him to catch up with him. She was wowed by the view of the hotel. Mexico is such a beautiful place, she thought while looking around. When they got to his room he ordered food and juice to be brought in for his guest, he turned on the tv, picked up a file from his wardrobe and left in a hurry without saying goodbye, leaving Emma all alone. He returned four hours later looking all cheerful holding a box of pizza and two sodas.

He handed one to Emma which she gladly took because she was hungry and she didn't want to appear rude to him. " I'm sorry for being cold earlier, I heard a bad news which totally messed up my mood. Can we start over again?" he said with an awkward smile on his face. Emma nodded her head forcing a smile back remembering everything Miss K told her and the girls about always being super friendly with their customers at all times. "What's your name?," He asked sitting down on the bed and handing a soda to Emma. "my name is Emma, Emma Johnson, and yours?" she asked. He stretched out his hand to her, "I'm Martel, Martel Godfrey," he said looking at Emma in a weird way like he was seeing her through her vulnerability and it made her feel very uncomfortable. He noticed that she was feeling uncomfortable, but he wasn't surprised, she looked so innocent and that was the reason he picked her. She was beautiful no doubt, with her straight long blonde hair and brown eyes. She didn't look like she belonged in that part of the world.

" Tell me about yourself, Miss Emma," he said looking straight into her eyes like he was searching for answers. "I am not allowed to disclose anything about my personal life Mr Martel," she said looking down. He understood and nodded, they spent all night eating, talking, and laughing. Emma started to feel a little bit comfortable around him, he didn't make any move on her all through the night, he was such a sweet gentleman who could sweep any woman off her feet without him even trying.