
The Party

It was a dark night and emma was ready for some fun, She stuffed some pilliws under her bed and snuckout the window, Her friends Jack and Elijah were waiting in the car parked outside. Hey Em are you ready to see Mark? asked Jack. YES said emma, Elijah was quite as usual sitting in the back listening to music.

He's been this way ever sense his parents died from an overdose last summer, he hasnt spoken sense. I tapped his shoulder and asked if he was okay, he said yes as usual but i didn't buy it.

( 15 minutes later ) Let's go, Jack said enthustically. I was already out the car and ready to party. I walked inside the house and thats when i saw him, my boyfriend kissing another girl. I stood there shocked at what i was seeing, it wasnt untill he saw me when I realized wasnt dreaming, that it was real.

With tears in my eyes i turned around and ran out the door running into Jack and Elijah, they tried to stop me but when they realized i was running from Mark we all got in the car and drove away.

The next day at school Mark tried talking to me, but i wouldnt let him and just kept walking. It was thrid period Biology and Mark was my Lab partner, i practically beg Mr.Henderson to switch me to another group but he wouldn't allow it.

Em please let me explain said Mark, Explain what? How you were kissing another girl there isnt anything to explain Mark were over and as soon as this project is done we will have NOTHING to talk about, are we clear i said in a stren voice and looked at the board. that day couldn't get any worse or at least thats what i thought