
Eminent Shadows:The Trilogy

This story contains Elemental magic and mysteries to come! Updates 1 chapter a day —There was a shout, and I turned to see we were surrounded by a couple dozen men dressed fully in black. “Who are you!?” Clay called to them. I pushed forward till I was standing beside him. “We are the shadows..” I stared at them. “We have come for our revenue!” The man who was speaking had a voice that was airy, almost like he wasn’t real. “We have done nothing to you!” I called out. “Have you not?“ there as an echo of high pitched chuckles. “You dirt, stole our master and brought him into this world before you killed his father.” I was lost. I couldn't tell what he was even talking about. “What master? What is his name?” I asked in a loud voice, fighting to make it sound strong. “Leonurus! He is a master of shadows, and a master of darkness.” “And how did we take him?” The man chuckled again. “You are one to talk, greedy woman, you are the one who stole him!.” He pointed at me. “What is he talking about, is he from that other world?” I shook my head. “Your cursed spells, you try to deny it!” I stepped forward away from the huddled group behind me. “I have never messed with the darkness!” He stared at me. “You are the one that took him away through birth.” It hit me and I flinched, the baby! “I don’t know where he is.” I finally said after a second. PS: There are many different POVs but only one main couple in each vol -NOT A HAREM-

not_funny · Fantasy
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110 Chs

The search begins

*POV* Clay Sparks

We left the castle that evening and headed for the border of Hilldren and Elesor, 3 hours of heavy hiking brought us onto the main road heading for the great bridge that crossed the river in Elesor.

It was the only bridge in Elesor that crossed the great river, it was larger than the others. We walked along the busy road but soon we were able to catch a ride on a hay cart.

"We can stop at a farm house after the border." Mink told me as we sat on the edge of the hay cart, a gruff old man sat atop it urging the mules onward.

"Aren't you from Elesor?" I asked, she grinned. "Yup, though I can't see why you haven't figured it out." I knew I was just confirming it.

Mink punched my arm softly. "You will love my aunty." We continued our conversation as the cart pulled us farther away from the capital city of Hilldren.

The border was a mess and soon we were stuck in a long line of people waiting to get across.

Crossing into Elesor was going to be a little harder than I had imagined. "Don't worry." Mink comforted, as she placed a hand over my clenched fists.

"I can get us through." I nodded and calmed down, I trusted Mink just as much as I trusted Destiny.

"Yeah, it's just my first time across the border." Mink smiled. "Don't worry it's all pretty much the same. Only difference is that we have less soldiers, which makes it easier in my opinion."

The cart moved forward a bit before stopping again. I lended around the cart to see that there were about 4 carts until we reached the border guards.

When we reached the border we hopped off the cart and walked behind it till it stopped. Guards dressed in both the Hilldren blue and black and the Elesor green and silver were standing ready to search for trouble.

The hay cart pulled through with to put problem after quick words were exchanged. We advanced, I gave them an awkward wave close to my chest as the two guards eyes landed on us.

One wears the colors of Hilldren and the other that of Elesor. "Traveling far?" The Elesor guard asked us. Mink grinned.

"We are just going as far as the great river." Mink said as she stepped in front of me. "Going to see family?" The Elesor guard asked. Mink smiled at them both. "Yup! My aunty. She lives beside the river."

Then guards eyed each other for a moment. "Okay, and how about you?" They asked, pointing at me. I was at a loss for words and opened my mouth but Mink spoke up.

"He is my hubby! We just got married.!" She grabbed my arm and gushed, I looked down at her with an amused smile. 'What made her think of that.' I thought.

I was sure they wouldn't be convinced, I was sure I must look like a kid beside her, even though we were about the same height.

The guards looked at one another a moment longer before laughing. "I see, well best wishes to you. You guys may go." One said. We walked past as Mink continued to cling to my arm.

But once past the guards and mixed into the foot traffic Mink pulled away and straightened her shirt. "I never knew you thought of me as your 'hubby'." I chuckled at her. She smacked at my arm.

"Don't get cocky Clay." She smiled. "Plus, I would never do that to Cassy." We went silent as we continued walking.

Three more hours of walking found us in the city of coal, it was small with a main street with shops and stores. We walked over to the only inn on the street. "The burning coal." Mink read out loud with a short laugh.

The inn was themed around the coal mines that were being worked around the city. "May I help you?" A short slim woman way shorter than even Mari I was sure called from behind the counter.

"We would like a room with two beds, please." Mink told her with a friendly smile. The woman nodded. We paid the fee and she handed Mink the key.

"Come on, I am ready for a bath." Mink led the way through the single story build to the door with the #13 on it.

We entered the room. It was small with two single beds, a table and two simple wooden chairs. "I am going to use the bath." Mink announced and disappeared into the door that led off the room.

I dropped my pack off my shoulder and to the floor before sitting on the bed. I moved to pull off my boots before laying down.

I must have fallen asleep because I awoke at the sound of Mink returning from her bath. "Goodness Clay, why didn't you light a lamp?"

She stumbled over her bed before crashing through the contents of the bedside table before a match was lit in the pitch black.

The match faded out and she grumbled while trying to light another. "Sorry I must have fallen asleep." She sighed. "It's all good."

She tried again but the next match didn't last a second. A light laugh fell from my lips as I heard her frustration growing. When she heard my laugh she turned on me. "A little help here?" She grumbled.

I flicked my finger and a small flame started before I directed it to the wick of the lamp.

Once lit Mink grumbled a thank you as she arranged her things about the table and floor before she turned to me.

"Do you need the light?" She asked. "Nope." She begrudgingly blew it out before climbing into her bed. "Good night Clay." I mumbled in reply.

The light out I lay staring into the darkness. I wasn't sure if we would ever find Cassy. And I wondered if I should just give up the search. 'There are a lot of fish in the sea.' Kanyon had always said.

But was there anyone like Cassy? she just seemed to shine. "Hey Mink?" I called out. "Hmm?" Came her reply.

"What did you mean you wouldn't do that to Cassy." Mink shifted in her bed. "Well. It's not for me to tell." She said, "Now go to sleep!"