
Eminent Shadows:The Trilogy

This story contains Elemental magic and mysteries to come! Updates 1 chapter a day —There was a shout, and I turned to see we were surrounded by a couple dozen men dressed fully in black. “Who are you!?” Clay called to them. I pushed forward till I was standing beside him. “We are the shadows..” I stared at them. “We have come for our revenue!” The man who was speaking had a voice that was airy, almost like he wasn’t real. “We have done nothing to you!” I called out. “Have you not?“ there as an echo of high pitched chuckles. “You dirt, stole our master and brought him into this world before you killed his father.” I was lost. I couldn't tell what he was even talking about. “What master? What is his name?” I asked in a loud voice, fighting to make it sound strong. “Leonurus! He is a master of shadows, and a master of darkness.” “And how did we take him?” The man chuckled again. “You are one to talk, greedy woman, you are the one who stole him!.” He pointed at me. “What is he talking about, is he from that other world?” I shook my head. “Your cursed spells, you try to deny it!” I stepped forward away from the huddled group behind me. “I have never messed with the darkness!” He stared at me. “You are the one that took him away through birth.” It hit me and I flinched, the baby! “I don’t know where he is.” I finally said after a second. PS: There are many different POVs but only one main couple in each vol -NOT A HAREM-

not_funny · Fantasy
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110 Chs

The proposal

*POV* Coral Sparks

I left the room without bothering to close the door behind me. After sitting in a room for half the day, I was sick of looking at faces as they told me what was wrong and asked how I was going to fix it.

I had little to no clue how I was supposed to get my kingdom out of the financial decline that had been hiding from me and my people for the past 20 years.

Andrew hadn't arrived like Clay thought he would have, Arrow as Clay had called her had disappeared after Clay left. I already was starting to feel like I knew no one around me.

There were my ladies, Yes. The girls I had grown up with sense the moment I had moved to the castle to live with Andrew. Yes they were here too. But I still found it hard to connect with them like I once had.

Finley and Jane were the only two I trusted and Jane wasn't even here. I had no idea where she was and where to start looking for her.

I walked past guard after guard that I could swear was watching me for the king's benefit. Once outside I ran to my garden to think.

I sat in the sounds of nature for a couple minutes before I heard footsteps coming my way. "My queen?" I sighed before I turned to greet Finley.

"What is it?" I asked him with a tired huff as I got to my feet.

Finley bowed. "My queen, you have a visitor." I moved towards him and grabbed his arm, hope springing in my heart. "Who is it?" I asked him. He gave a stiff smile. "It's Captain Harding and another man I don't recognize."

'The captain, what was he doing here?' I wondered, before I remembered I was the person in high command here. "Hey Finley!" I turned to look internetly at him.

"Would you do me a favor?" He furrowed his brow for only a second. "Anything for you my queen." I stopped him to stand on my tippy toes and whisper in his ear.

"My queen." I turned in annoyance to the guard. "What?!" I snapped. "You have guests, and they are waiting." I straightened and looked from Finley to the dark haired guard, Finley tightened his grip on my arm.

We fell in step with the guard as he led the way. We entered the sitting room and the guard announced my arrival. "Queen Coral of Hilldren."

I wondered why the formal title was necessary, I stepped in and Finley let go of my arm. "Nice to finally meet you, my queen." Greeted an older gentleman I had never met.

"I am Duke Edward Harris of the outlander, fort holding. I thought it was about time I met you, your majesty." He bowed. He had blonde hair that was beginning to time white.

I took a seat across the table from them and studied the duke for a while. "My queen, The Duke wishes to get to know you." I turned my attention to Captain Harding.

"It is nice of you to drop by. But I am afraid if you are here to meet with my husband he is no longer at the castle." The duke settled in his seat and grabbed for the pastry that sat on the table.

"I actually have no desire to meet that brick of a man. I take his death as a good sign for this kingdom, I don't see what my sister even saw in that man." He stuffed his face and licked his lips.

"I have a great proposal for you Dear." My mouth became dry at his words. "Proposal?" He smiled and cleaned his fingers with the table cloth as I sat on the edge of my seat.

"Yes, a proposal. Now that the king is dead, I see no problem in us getting married, then I can finally take my rightful place." He stared intently at me. "This kingdom has been in my family for generations. So what do you say?"

I cringed at his words, I had no intention of remarrying, and why did he think the king was dead? "I don't know if that is such a grand idea."

I finally spoke, clasping my hands tightly in my lap.

The duke's face went red. And he began to blubber. "You dare refuse me! You will pay, you are entitled to nothing." I rose and looked at the Captain. "We are done here." I stepped to the door and left.

I quickly made my way not to my rooms but to Finley's, I entered with a soft click of the door. "Finley?" I questioned into the dim room. "Yes my queen?" I jumped as his voice came from behind me.

"Oh good, did you get my things?" He gave a sigh. "It's not as easy as you made it sound." I laughed. "Aw, maybe I will have to get them." He took my arm and led me back into the castle.

We were almost to my room when Finley halted in our conversation and did an odd shuffle. "Everything alright?" I asked him, he grunted in reply as he swiftly pushed me towards my door and inside.

"What is wrong?!" He smiled. "Nothing..." The parsley ajar door opened and Finley spun his sword at the ready. 'What is making him so jumpy?'

Adeline entered with an odd look on her face but only for a second before it was gone. "Oh good, my queen, there is a visitor here to see you."

She smiled and motioned for me to follow her.

We entered yet another sitting room, for a second I wondered if another duke had heard of the king's death and come to propose, but I squealed.

"Father!" I rushed forward and almost plowed him over. "I am so glad you are here!" He patted my back. "Coral, I am glad you are doing well." He said calmly.

I pulled back to look at him. He was dressed in a loose tunic and pants with a leather vest. "You look great. Father." I told him, and he smiled.

"You seem happy." He seemed to muse to himself. "I am now that you are here!"

He chuckled and pulled me in for another hug. The room was empty and I was sure Finley must be on the other side guarding the door. "Father, would you become king for me?"

He stilled beside me, his hands resting on my shoulders. I looked up and into his hollow eyes. "Coral…" he asked gruffly. "I can't-" I cut him off.

"I don't wanna be queen anymore, I want to go find Destiny and my babies." I stop for a second. "I am not going to be hurt by anyone ever again!!" He stopped and I could see concern on his face as tears entered my eyes.

I wiped at them quickly. "Father please!? I can't do this anymore." His hand came to press my head to his chest. "Oh Coral…"