
Eminence of the Antagonist

The creator deemed that everything is too boring. And with that... BOOOOOOOOMM!! All the existing universes were combined into one! The balance has been broken. Everything is now possible. Mech civilizations, fantasy worlds, cultivation realms, and even aliens and unknown lifeforms have now gathered and appeared! Unknown grotesque monsters called the 'Creatures of the Void' have also started invading their world. Caught by surprise, everything was thrown into chaos! And in the midst of this chaos, Kurogane Rion, a normal middle-aged man found his otaku dreams came true! YOSHAAA~!! Finally, fantasy shits have started happening! All the wait was worth it! Fantasy has come into reality! The time has arrived for our fellow weebs! 'I can finally flex my isekai and anime knowledge and become the chosen MC who can be the overpowered guy!' However... Much to his dismay he is not the MC... As expected, reality still sucks. *sigh* He is just a side character. ... Looking at his title, he felt disappointed. 'But that's okay, at least I can still use magic and be the sidekick of the protagonist.' 'As a side character, I'm probably bound to meet the protagonist.' 'As such, I can still live an awesome life by being with the MC... Who knows I might even get a girl or two, and finally change the boring fate of my life... right?' "Ẃ̵̧͓̋ȇ̸̗̤̹̹̒̋͌l̶̘͉͛̐́l̶̗͚̹͙̋͝ ̷̘̻̚i̷̻̩̟͋͊̕s̸͍̹̝̑̈́͐̚ ̵̧̮̙͍̍î̸̤̈́t̸̳̔͋̈́ ̷̺͛̓͐n̸̨͕͕̆͒̄̕o̸̦͋w̸̤̓͛̀?̷̩̻͍̌͊̈͠" A dark being that is not from this world... Not from this story, grinned. Well, then... It appears fate has another plan for Rion.

MonsterMon · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Prologue 1: The Balance Has Been Broken.

"This is too boring..."

A voice said with a bored tone, looking at the countless specks of lights floating in the abyss.

The voice felt everything was too boring, too organized, and stale…

It felt systematic and predictable.

The voice needs something… a thrill, a twist.

Chaos and unpredictability.

After a moment of silence…

"Let me make it more interesting." A 'grin' can be felt from the tone of the voice, as the voice desired for the creation of an overseer.

Soon… the overseer was born.

An incomprehensible spherical machine appeared within the space.

The machine introduced itself:

<Omni-Core, here at your service 'User: @%£#&§∆.'> The machine spoke with an emotionless tone, with the last word seeming to be censored and glitchy.

"You know what to do." The voice gestured, replying.

The 'eyes' of the machine glowed ominously, processing a colossal amount of information.

<Initiating the combination of all universes...>


A loud collision resounded throughout the empty space.

The countless specks of light which are revealed to be the universes, converged forming into a single ball of light.

<...combination complete.>

<Initiating 'Chaos Unleasher'...> The machine soon continued.

Following the machine's command, the single ball which is now the only universe existing, vibrated erratically while the intricate lights inside meshed together creating a mess within the 'ball'.

<The system has been destroyed… 'Chaos Unleasher' is complete.>

<Strengthening the universe…>

Out of the void, strange energies started to leak out, while the single universe madly absorbed these energies.

After an unknown amount of time…

The single universe now looks to be more robust and tougher, vibrant and messy colors are present within the ball.

The voice who 'watched' all of this, looks to be satisfied, while the machine continued with the process:

<Strengthening complete.>

<Searching for candidates suited to be the Protagonist and the Antagonist of the World…>

<Subjects found… now bestowing 'Plot Armor'...>

A dark mass and a bright light suddenly appeared within the void, speeding through the inside of the universe.

<...The subjects have now been bestowed. The Protagonist and the Antagonist of the World have now been created.>

<With the influx of energy, all beings can now access their status.>

<End of the command… entering standby mode.>

The machine's command seemed to have ended.


"Hmm… not enough, I need it to be more gamey-like… they need enemies for experience. We need a thrill!" The voice felt there was still something missing, as he desired for another set of commands to the machine.

<Understood… Initiating Void Invasion.>

<Void Invasion has been initiated.>

<Void Invasion will end in 24 hours.>

Soon, multiple ripples appeared on the surface of the universe.

<End of the command… entering standby mode.>

"..." The voice gave an 'exciting' smile.

Looking at the scene:

'This is what it is lacking!' The voice exclaimed mentally.

This is the chaos he wanted… chaos and the disorder that gives birth to endless possibilities!

The possibilities of something unexpected, that even fate cannot predict!

Taking time to calm down, the voice then muttered:

"With this, 'they' will surely love it." The voice felt satisfied with its work, it then mysteriously vanished as if it wasn't there in the first place.

The voice knew it could trust its creation for it to do the rest of the work, while the machine...or rather, the Omni-Core continued supervising the universe.

In an unknown plane, within an area where nature grows abundant, inside a castle made out of multiple tree trunks and leaves:

"Priestess!" The maidens exclaimed in extreme worry, seeing the woman with a motherly aura dressed in a white goddess clothing vomit a mouthful of blood.

"I-it can't be… is the end of the world coming?..." The motherly woman muttered with a very pale face, not even minding the worried maidens around her.

Looking at the fallen tarot cards, with the death card in front, apocalyptic scenes flash within her mind, she then urgently shouted:

"Tell every faction they need to prepare for battle!! Urge them to set their defenses to the highest level!!"

The maidens froze in surprise, either from the content of the woman's sentence or her loss of composure.

The maidens have never seen their priestess this flustered before.

What could she have seen for her to lose her composure?

Seeing the maidens standing in shock with a dumb looks planted on their faces, the priestess for the first time, cursed with all her might:


"Y-yes!" Despite the doubts and numerous questions within their minds, the maidens did not dare to question the priestess.

The maidens then rapidly moved, warning each of the factions despite the lack of information.

One of the maidens who is supporting the priestess asked a bit flustered by the woman's loss of composure:

"Fate Priestess Maeia, what happened–" But before the maiden was able to finish her question…


A loud explosion sounded, while the forest-looking castle shook, it was like a massive earthquake struck their land.

"Priestess! Priestess!" A maiden with short hair dressed in a white robe suddenly opened the door within the castle.

Sensing the urgent tone of the maiden's voice, her panicked appearance, and her pale face, the other maidens who remained, assisted the girl as she reported with a hint of fear:

"U-unknown monsters have started coming out from the skies."

"What?" The maidens except for Maeia all exclaimed.

Hearing the report, Maeia's face turned really pale, and cold sweat started forming on her forehead.

She then asked in a serious tone as she started walking outside:

"What exactly happened, explain to me in detail."

The girl then reported the events…

The remaining maidens who followed the priestess and the girl were all flabbergasted hearing the details.

Unknown grotesque monsters have started coming out from multiple distorted holes that appeared out of nowhere in the skies?

Some of them who heard the report were a bit doubtful, while others who believed it were worried by the unprecedented event that is happening… coupled with the warning of their priestess.

The sudden report does make sense.

They were all having their own mixed emotions as of the current.

Upon arriving outside, all of them just stood there in disbelief.


"What are these…"

The maidens shook in fear looking at the sheer number of the creatures wreaking havoc.

'oh my god…' The Fate Priestess exclaimed inwardly, looking at the thousands of unrecognizable monsters spawning from the huge distorted holes that appeared in the sky.

She then regained her composure, as her face turned stern.

"We need to go and evacuate, fast!! Execute the evacuation order!" Maeia then ordered, waking up the maidens from their stunned state.

Without any lag, the maidens moved and started evacuating from their place.

The maidens are no warriors, they lived in a secluded area, protected by the thick trunks of trees provided by nature.

They have always prepared for an escape route and evacuation plan, in case something like an attack happened.

Thus, they were lucky no one was killed, because of the protection provided by nature and their quick execution of the evacuation.

Regardless, it is only a matter of time before the unknown monsters break into their base.

Maeia, who is looking at the monsters, felt worried about the future of all living things.

As a priestess and a diviner who can divine the future and have the power of fate.

She is extremely sensitive to danger, and this time... The things that she saw are the most dangerous ones she has encountered in her whole life.

Maeia is also considered the Goddess of Fate, with her divinity focused on destiny.

Looking at the tarot cards shaking with inconsistent movement, and the death card that radiates extremely thick dark energy.

The card floated to her hand, while the frown on her forehead grew deeper.

Glancing at the monsters and the huge distorted holes, she then reorganized her thoughts and composure:

'The order has been broken… This world is about to be thrown into chaos.'

'Is that 'being' the cause of all this…?' The thought lingered while she felt goosebumps when a certain memory resurfaced in her mind.

"Priestess, all the maidens have taken refuge, the evacuation is now complete."

Calming herself down, Maeia nodded at the girl who approached her and she soon followed them.

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