
Unexpected Event

After picking the half-elf girl successfully, Nacht dashed out of the camp. After gaining a safe distance from the camp, he ran towards a lake he had found earlier in this forest, with the girl on his back.

Nacht also fired some smoke and mana flares to alert the magic knights to save the rest of the prisoners.

All this time, the girl stuck to him like a koala. As if she found the most comfortable place on the earth.

"What's your name?" Nacht asked the girl

"I don't remember," the girl said in a meek voice

"You don't remember your own name?" Nacht asked, confused

"Yes… p-please give me a name," the girl said again, her voice quivering

Nacht thought for a moment, then, with a smile, spoke to the girl, "Of course, but let's go home first. You need to get tidied up."

"H-home?" The girl asked, surprise apparent in her voice.

"Yes, the place you'll live from now on, you're mine, okay? You'll have to work for me until you die. I'll tell you about me when we get home," Nacht said, as he appeared like a swindler to most people.

But to the girl, that sentence gave her a sense of belonging. Her body flinched on the thought of living with him till her death. Her grip tightened on Nacht.

If Nacht could see her face right now, he'd notice a blush that reached her neck. No one knew what was going on in the girl's mind.

When the girl's grip tightened, Nacht thought, 'Is this girl scared? Should I take things more slowly?'

'Yes, I think I should make Lys handle it and propose the idea of Shadow Garden to both of them.'

Nacht, thinking like the genius he is, started grinning ear to ear. It was pure luck that the girl behind him couldn't see his face.

During this time, Gimodelo was recovering his energy. The fusion transformation was incomplete without a grimoire, and it took a lot from both of them.

Finding comfort on Nacht's shoulders, the girl became sleepy and passed on into dreamlands.

After a while, Nacht arrived back at the castle before sunset. Lys, hearing her master's arrival, hurried to him only to be frozen after she saw her master's new 'guest.'

Sensing the change in surroundings, the girl on Nacht's shoulder woke up. Nacht put her off the shoulder, where she was still dreamy and rubbing her eyes. Seemingly not believing what happened to her.

Lys saw this girl and asked, "Master, who is she?" her eyes widened when she saw the ears of the girl. Well, it was an accurate reaction on her part because all known elves were extinct during the period of the first wizard king.

Nacht, too, didn't know her true origin, and it looked like the girl didn't remember too. Hell, she couldn't even recall her own name.

"I found her in the forest; she was imprisoned in a bandit camp. I saved her." Nacht replied

Before she could've had any pity for the poor girl before her. Lys' eyes widened in horror, and she said, "Master, y-you fought bandits?"

"Yes," he replied cocking his head slightly as if it was the most obvious answer.

Still, Lys kept going and said, "You know, 20% of magic knights die in these bandit's skirmishes? Why would you do such a thing, master?" She kept rambling like a mother would.

Nacht, feeling helpless inside, kept his poker face and said. "Lys, I understand your words, but I couldn't just leave bandits be, especially if they have so many innocents with them."

Nacht replied with a serious tone which flooded both girls' bottom dam, 'Ahh~ my master is so kind,' they both thought in their minds.

The excuse was total bullshit cooked by Nacht. He just wanted to fight the bandits to practice his fusion with Gimo. And the second reason was he was way too excited to find bandits in a fantasy world to pass on this opportunity.

Finding the half-elf girl was just a lucky coincidence. This girl probably would have died before getting sold. That's why she wasn't in the main cannon.

Heck, he almost forgot to set flares for the magic knights. If he didn't remember it at the last moment, the rest of the prisoners would have died of starvation.

Another horrifying thought came into Nacht's mind that made him sweat. 'The barrier broke, right? The mana beasts won't be attracted to the scent of blood, right? The prisoners won't be eaten, right?' He was so excited after acquiring a potential member of his Shadow Garden that he forgot everything else.

The only hope for Nacht was Magic Knights coming for the rescue before monsters get attracted, 'Fuck I even made the prisoners pass out just to look cool in front of the girl.'

Just as Nacht's mind was in turmoil, Lys' words distracted her. "Master, may I go and give the new girl bath and food?"

"Yes, you can go," Nacht replied while looking at the half-elf girl. The girl nodded and began to follow Lys.

Lys turned around as if forgetting something and asked, "What's her name?"

"I will give her a new name later," Nacht replied. He just sent all those panicking thoughts in the back of his mind and went for a relaxing bath too. He could only hope that the prisoners were safe. Still, this performance would be counted as a massive failure on his part.

'Ahn~ to be named by my master, how lucky,' thought the maid while moving away.


In the air, a blond-haired Magic Knight could be seen flying near the Magical Forest. He wore a happy expression and had a Grey Deer badge on his attire.

'I wonder what new magic I would see in my next mission.'

Suddenly he received a mana flare signal and frowned. Mana flare signals were common for people to buy when going into the forests or desolate lands. It gives a signal to a nearby patrolling magic knight to come and rescue them.

A mana flare from the deep forest only meant someone needed to be rescued. With his unique magic, he travels faster than any knight by fast-forwarding his time by the sweet spot of 1.25x.

When he arrived at his destination, a horrifying sight awaited him. There were bandits' bodies everywhere. Some were cut in half, and some were decapitated. It looked like the person who did this was really skilled with a sword.

He felt some faint mana signals inside the center camp and went to investigate. He saw more than 10 prisoners lying unconscious around the camp. It looked like they were taken to be sold. He wasn't unknown to the activities of noble.

It looked like someone raided the bandit's base and saved the prisoners. It didn't look like a work of magic knight, maybe some passing by a warrior or a hunter? The magic knight gritted his teeth when he was again reminded of nobles' unfairness.

That day he became more determined on his goal. He shall become the Wizard King and change the clover kingdom for good!

Julius contacted other knights on Magic comms and healed one of the prisoners with his time magic to hear their confession. Although it was apparent what happened here, he still needed to know who had saved them.

One of the women woke up and stared at their surroundings, then Julius said to her, "Rest easy; you are safe now. I am a Magic Knight. Do you know who saved you?"

The woman widened her eyes at the man's words; Magic Knights were creatures they only heard of in a fairy tale, but one was in front of her. But her mind only had a devotion to the person she saw before... "A- A sha-shadow god! He killed them all! He saved us!"

Although Julius didn't get the person's correct identity, he guessed the type of magic the person used. 'A black colored magic, and a sword user. I will find you; maybe you have the same goal of changing the Kingdom... and I want to see your magic too, hehe.'

Read my original work- Reborn: Second Chance to Live


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