
Diamond's Invasion

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While Nacht was on the road, traveling to the Diamond Kingdom. Something big happened, something that the Clover Kingdom had full expectations of but was still surprised by it.

The Diamond Kingdom began its invasion. While the Clover Kingdom had expected the attack and was partly ready for it, still, the magnitude and timing of the attack was surprising to them.

The Diamond Kingdom had Eight Shining generals, which was similar to Clover Kingdom's Magic Knight Captain. These Generals can command their own battalions just like how Magic Squads worked.

And in this invasion, they have sent four of the Eight Shining Generals along with their battalions into the battle.

The attack was on the city of Kiten, the city which was closest to the Diamond Kingdom and one of the most resourceful strategic points.

Although having a huge amount of personnel stationed in an area could strengthen a military base, it also contains a risk. In an unforeseen situation, there is a risk that all of these people and troops stationed could be taken out.

The invasion of Diamond Kingdom wasn't picked up by the scouts or patrol team at all. It was all but a silent night for the Magic Knights stationed in Kiten, and a huge explosion went off.

[Magic Knight = Clover Kingdom; Mage Warrior = Diamond Kingdom]

Surprised by this sudden attack, the Magic Knights got into formation and started contacting the headquarters in the Capital to inform them about the supposed invasion of Diamond Kingdom.

Almost all the Magic Knights were nobles or from a noble household; patrolling day and night, living on military food, and staying in makeshift camps were especially hard for them.

The Diamond Kingdom made use of this complacency and found the hole in their defense. After all, they were the same group that allowed the invasion inside their Capital by some rag-tag wanna-be terrorists. [First attack of Eye of Midnight]

One of the Shining Generals, Ragus, ordered his subordinates to activate the emp device. The device used Lighting attributed Mana to fire an electromagnetic pulse jamming all communications and artifacts of the enemies.

Caught off guard and couldn't able to contact the HQ, the wisest decision that Magic Knights could've taken was to retreat or use the city as cover for a guerilla warfare strategy.

But the Magic Knights had their own pride stuck up in their head; they fought back openly. Directly challenging the oncoming forces.

The prepared Mage Warriors were breezing through the city defenses one by one. In just under four hours, half of the Magic Knights were either killed or captured. But the most noticeable loss was the death of the Captain of Purple Orca.

The haughty nobles did not even try to save or evacuate the citizens of Kiten. Being stuck in the crossfire, they were dying like flies left and right, which led to a stampede in many areas, creating more chaos and death.

After six hours of straight grueling fight, they both were forced into a stalemate. The City of Kiten became a no-man land, or worse, a town full of corpses of citizens and soldiers alike.

Both sides took causalities, just that Magic Knights took way more than the Mage Warriors. Almost three-fourths of the troops stationed in Kiten were either injured or dead, and the rest were also tired out of their minds and Mana depleted.

After the effect of EMP wore off, the HQ was informed about the invasion. Seeing the catastrophe, the Clover Kingdom sent two more squads of Magic Knights to the site, namely Coral Peacock and Aqua Deer.

The rest of the Squads were patrolling the Kingdom and strengthening the rest of the border.

But the two magic squads needed time to arrive at the location. Almost twenty-four hours passed, and night came again.

The situation was still at a stalemate. The city stank of corpses and rotten blood, making it unbearable for anyone to be there. Seeing the silence, the leftover homeless citizens evacuated hastily and ran away from the city, seemingly having no place to go.

Julius, who had just arrived after the message was sent to the HQ, saw this and was furious inside. Never in his life has he been this furious over something. (They had a better way of dealing with things)

If a town was attacked, the first thing that was needed to do was the evacuation of all the residents while keeping the foe at bay. But these noble-sons were lousing around the city, seemingly enjoying their life and fame as a Magic Knight. Nobody was ready for a surprise attack.

The Mage Warriors didn't want to attack the citizens here; they only started targeting the houses because some duchebag Magic Knight thought it was a good idea to use Residential Buildings as cover.

The hypocrisy of Magic Knights was on full display. The Magic Knights, who claimed to be the savior of all, were proved to only save the Kingdom's Territory and their lives, not the citizen's.

(I have to fix this, no I WILL FIX THIS. I WILL BECOME THE WIZARD KING) Julius reminded himself in his heart.


In the night, under a full moon, lied a wasted town. Julius saw a scene that could only be explained in story books. Almost teary-eyed with sadness and anger, sadness about these innocent commoners who get trampled by the nobles.

Suddenly, the sky grew dark, as if a veil had been set up. Julius looked up, only to see complete darkness as if surrounded by nothing but shadows.

He sensed an immense amount of Magic up in the sky only to see a horned figure clad in black armor.

The surroundings were in complete darkness, and his figure was black, but still, he looked to be shining brightly. Julius was awed by seeing this, but then he took a cautious position against this unknown person.

As soon as he and the other Magic knights were about to move, the figure said. "The repayment of everything, you shall suffer the consequences of injustice. For I am Shadow." then.


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[A/N: I didn't posted yesterday because I didn't had any great ideas of what should I do. You are welcome to submit your suggestions (Just don't ask me to make him impregnate half of the population)]