
Eminence in shadow Volume 7(My Edition)

After deciding to appoint 7 shadow for taking over the situation in elf kingdom as there are reports of presence of high rankings of the cult of diabolos.......

ImAtomic · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 6: The Shattered Kingdom

As time passed, a teenage boy stood silhouetted against the moonlit sky, his hands casually resting in his pockets. He gazed upon the city that lay just beyond the horizon, a tapestry of twinkling lights beneath the night sky.

"What is going on...? What are they doing here?"

He muttered, noticing a few shadows lurking within the dense jungle. Amidst the trees, a web of mana shimmered, the intricate handiwork of a spider making its home.

He began his descent, swiftly closing the distance until he was just a kilometer above them.

"Lord Shadow, you are here!!"

A voice resonated through the darkness among the trees, and suddenly, movement erupted throughout the area, as if the very god of the undead had summoned legions from beneath the earth.

Epsilon emerging from the shadows, while several shadows kneels behind her, her eyes shining with admiration and determination.

"Lord Shadow, Its been a long time, and as for us we are going to investigate them. Our mana web has detected several intruders within the jungle. They don't match any of our known mana signatures because They could pose a threat or provide valuable information."(Epsilon)


'Yes, my kingdom of darkness is expanding! Soon, the world will tremble before the unseen might of Shadow Garden,' he thought, feeling a surge of excitement.'(Cid)

"Lord Shadow, being in your presence once more fills me with such strength. Together, we can uncover any threat and protect what we hold dear."(Epsilon)

Epsilon says after taking a step closer, her voice softening as she looked up at him.

'Any-way, it is not that I get the opportunity to threaten a whole kingdom always and make the people in daylight aware of the darkness lurking under them-Haaaa'(Cid)

Even before, epsilon tells him about them, he has already sensed the presence of several people but he has just ignored them.

"No shadow escapes our watch. Let's make them aware of the true ruler of the darkness."(Cid)

"Every thing will be done exactly as you wish, My lord"(Epsilon)

With the wide smile and eyes filled with true admiration and absolute royalty, Epsilon kneeled in front of the Cid.

Cid descends on the ground while being totally covered in the slime, and suddenly a silhouette rises against the moonlight, its form shrouded in darkness so deep it seems to swallow even the faintest glimmer, casting an aura of chilling supremacy.

With a light breeze of wind, not only does the silhouette standing against the moon fade away like smoke, but also the four Shadows who were kneeling on the ground, as if a god had descended in front of mere mortals, disappear into the darkness of the night.


A few moments ago, southeast of Eldoria, on the bank of the Azure River, which flows somewhat parallel to the boundary of the Oriana and Zenon kingdoms but lies within the territory of the Zenon Kingdom:


A teenager can been seen, who's whole body is very tightly tied up with ropes while her mouth is stuffed with cloth to prevent her from screaming, as the water is being poured in the cleavage, she can't even move from her place. She is setting on her knees due to the pain from very tight rope which is passing between her thigs while folding her only single piece of night gown upward. Currently she is being incapacitated in shibari style.


A person who seems in his thirties with a mask on his face with a evil smirk on his face. From his cloth, it is clear that he is not a normal person with his activity and appearance. He licks his lips which sends shivers down the spine of the girl as her figure with light green and tranquil eyes with similar green hair with a snow white skin and she doesn't seem to be very mature, as she can be mistaken for a pre-teen, from her body expect her breast, reflects in the eyes of that shitty man.

Aside from him, there are a total of nine people sitting around the fire, which is burning a few meters behind the incapacitated girl. Trails of tears can be seen on her face due to the embarrassment and the pain on her breasts and thighs.

'Why-Why to me?...Why to me?! F-Father where--Where are you? aaa-aa-aaa!! no-please!noooo!!'

As unsightly things are done by the shitty man to the breast and the thigs, the temperature and emotion heightened due to the actions and with arching back and unsounded scream as her consciousness fainted away.


' My father, King Alaric, always cherished me as his most precious gem. With my deep green eyes and light green hair that flowed like silk, I felt like a vision of ethereal beauty against my snow-white skin. Despite the burdens of ruling the Zenon Kingdom, my father always made time for moments of serenity with me.

In the grand library of our palace, towering shelves filled with ancient tomes and scrolls stood as silent witnesses to our bond. Father, a man of wisdom and strength, often sat beside me, gently turning the delicate pages of books that transported us to different worlds. Together, we explored tales of heroic knights, mythical creatures, and far-off lands.

"Father, tell me about the brave knight again," I would ask, my eyes wide with wonder.

Father would smile, his gaze softening as he looked at me. "Ah, the brave knight. He was a man of honor, Elara, just like you will be a woman of strength and wisdom."

Our evenings often stretched into the night, the flickering candlelight casting a warm glow on our faces. My laughter, a melody of innocence, filled the room as Father recounted stories with animated gestures and voices, bringing each character to life.

But his love for me extended beyond the confines of the library. He believed in equipping me with skills that would make me resilient and self-reliant. In the palace courtyard, amidst the blooming roses and towering trees, we engaged in sword training sessions. The clanging of swords echoed in the crisp morning air, a testament to our dedication.

"Hold your stance, Elara," Father instructed, his voice firm yet encouraging.

With my small frame and determined expression, I mimicked his stance, gripping the hilt of the wooden practice sword, my knuckles white with effort. Despite my delicate appearance, there was an undeniable strength in my movements.

"Like this, Father?" I asked, my deep green eyes seeking his approval.

He nodded, a proud smile tugging at his lips. "Exactly, my dear. Remember, strength is not just in the body but also in the heart and mind."

Our training sessions were more than just lessons in combat; they were moments of bonding, filled with laughter, encouragement, and love. Father's heart swelled with pride as he watched me grow, my spirit unyielding and my determination unwavering.

In the quiet moments after our training, we would sit together under the shade of the ancient oak tree, catching our breath. I would rest my head on his shoulder, the gentle breeze playing with my hair.

"Father, will I ever be as strong as you?" I would whisper, my voice laced with both hope and doubt.

Father would place a reassuring hand on my head, his touch filled with warmth. "You already are, Elara. You have a strength that goes beyond physical prowess. It's your heart, your kindness, and your wisdom that make you truly powerful."

As the years passed, these moments with Father became the foundation of my strength and character. I cherished the memories of our shared stories, our laughter, and the lessons learned through sword training. They were a testament to the unbreakable bond between a father and his daughter, a bond that would guide me through the darkest of times.

Our family dinners were always special. I vividly remember one particular evening, just before my twelfth birthday. The dining hall was adorned with flickering candles, and the aroma of delicious food filled the air. We were all gathered around the table, and I couldn't resist playfully poking Kael's side with my fork.

"Stop that, Elara!" Kael exclaimed, trying to maintain a serious expression but failing miserably.

Seraphina chuckled, her serene blue eyes sparkling with amusement. "Come on, you two. Can't we have one peaceful meal?"

I stuck my tongue out at Kael, who responded by ruffling my hair. "You'll never grow up, Elara."

The playful banter continued, our laughter echoing through the hall. Father watched us with a contented smile, his deep voice joining in our mirth. These were the moments I cherished the most, where everything felt perfect and secure.

But as the years passed, Kael began to change. He grew distant and withdrawn, his once bright eyes clouded with something I couldn't quite understand. One day, the palace was thrown into turmoil. I was awoken by frantic shouts and the heavy footsteps of guards. Father had been found dead in Kael's chambers, a scene that haunted my nightmares.

From that day onwards, Seraphina's smile disappeared. She became a shadow of her former self, her laughter replaced by silent tears. I often heard her screams at night, muffled and desperate, coming from Kael's room. The once lively palace now felt like a prison, filled with sorrow and fear.

Then, one fateful night, I was kidnapped. I was dragged from my bed, my captors' hands cold and unforgiving. They brought me to the bank of the Azure River, a place of serene beauty now tainted by my terror. They tied me up, ropes cutting into my skin, and humiliated me in ways I never imagined possible.

"Why? Why me?" I screamed internally, tears streaming down my face. "Father, where are you? Seraphina, Kael, help me!" '

(AN: Sorry of the delay guys, this chapter took several folds effort than I thought. Tell me if I should focus on pov of someone particular more or gò with 3rd pov.)