
Emily Dobson's life

Emily Dobson is a major influencer with 1.7 million TikTok followers and over 1 million YouTube subscribers. She's a dancer, artist and actor living in Los Angeles. Here's how she built a rabid following of teens.

How old is Emily Dobson?

Emily was born on April 3, 2008 and is currently 13 years old. Her father is the noted photographer Douglas Dobson.

She's both a dancer and an artist

Emily started learning ballet at three years old and ballroom dancing at five.

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Today, she's a competitive dancer with her partner Robbie Milstead. They're considered one of the top three dance pairs in the U.S. in her division.

She notably competed in the 2018 California Star Ball and the 2018 Emerald Ball DanceSport Championships in Los Angeles.

She is also a three-time United States National dance finalist.

Emily was trained at Pauline's Art Studio where she held her first exhibition and has been painting since she was four years old.

She's kind of known for her prank videos on YouTube

Emily has a teenage sense of humor that's for sure. Some of her pranks including "being mean to my parents to see how they react" and tricking her parents into thinking she got a nose piercing.

And of course, she breaks out major dance moves on TikTok

TikTok is every dancer's social media platform of choice, so it's no surprise Emily is huge on there. You can usually spot her doing chill dances with her group of friends.