
Little girl

Xander stomped into his room angrily. Of all the things his father could give him, it happens to be a little rude girl. He stare at Emily from head to toe, sizing her up, as if to gauge her rudeness.

In response, Emily just threw her face away and leaned on his room door.

'dad gave me this girl to punish me' Xander clenched his teeth hard.

"whoa" Emily smirked"if looks could kill, I would be dead like a hundred times now" she muttered.

Even she too have her own battles, she have been paired with the same person that is the cause of her father weakness. The irony is she should even protect him when all she sought is to kill him a thousand times over.

"what did you say now?" Xander walked up to her, stopping a few feet from her.

"nothing you should care about" Emily replied clearly not even flinching at the aura he is blazing.

"what a rude little girl" Xander pinched her chin and walked up to her, leaving just a little space between them.

'Beautiful but rude' he smirked.

"am not a little girl" Emily swatted his hand angrily. Only her dad had the right to call her his little girl, but the reason why he can't call her again is currently in front of her saying it.

"mmm" Xander patted his hand she hit, he wouldn't lie but that actually hurt a lot, how much strength is packed in this frail creature in front of him "not a little girl eh?... how old are you?"

"am twenty years of age"Emily held up her chin proudly.

" you are still a little girl to me"Xander dropped her chin down roughly.

" am not a little girl" Emily wined stomping her feet like a child"listen here prince, don't you dare call me that ever again" Emily said coldly, glaring at him, chest moving up and down angrily.

Xander remained unfazed by her little show, to him she will always be little, as long as she still behave like this.

"but am older than you, with five years, so you are still little" Xander smirked and patted her head. He turned and walked away.

Emily bit her lower lips so hard her fangs pierced through them, causing her blood to drip down her shirt.

Xander quickly walked up to her, and his eyes traced a lone drip of blood going down to her cleavage, it went in right at the middle. He traced his line of sight back to her bleeding lips. He licked his lips once his sight reached those perfect drops of red. Her blood had a really exotic scent driving him mad. Her blood isn't suppose to be this rich in scent, vampires have very dull scent, but his reasoning is clouded by the scent of her blood.

'what is wrong with me? 'Xander thought as his body walked by itself to Emily.

Emily stepped backwards instinctively, her father told her she had an addictive blood no vampire can resist, even the smell can drive them mad. That's exactly what is happening to the prince,this damned scent of hers.

Xander caught her between himself and the wall,his one arm wrapped around her waist and the other around her neck. He leaned in fast and took a deep whiff of her tantalizing blood.

"hold on" he barely spill of of his drooling mouth.

Emily knew she had no way to escape this death grip,if she uses her werewolf strength he would notice,then bye bye mission. She would just stay here until he have his fill,she is just hoping he doesn't suck her dry.

"how come you smell so good like this little girl?" Xander leaned in closer till she could feel his hot breath on her nose.

"I..we..prince.. leave.." she couldn't form a correct sentence,her knees would have turned to jelly if he wasn't holding her in place.Even she couldn't deny she felt a bit of anticipation and excitement.

"let me help with this juices of yours" Xander bent down,pressing his warm tongue on her lips sending electricity around her body,licking off the escaping blood off "so good"he groaned in pleasure.

He kept on licking everything,he wiped every drop of blood on her lips clean and then proceeded to her chin and her cheeks. He still wasn't satisfied with that and proceeded lower, to her chest,his tongue drawing unknown patterns there.

"prince it is enough" Emily jerked in shock when she felt him touch one of her boobs.

He didn't move from there and went upwards to her neck,sniffing at her like she was some kind of cuisine.

"pull yourself together" Emily cupped his face and made it face her "what happened to you?" Emily gasped at the sight of him.

Emily heart leapt in joy and fear,since she first saw this prince he had that graceful aura around him,the kind you find with those that aren't prone to mistakes,the kind you know he will always keep his calm and gracefulness. The kind that he can't ever lose even in the most horrible situation,but now look at the ever so graceful prince.

His eyes were blood shot red and his fangs had lengthened. The poor horrible look on his face,that of hunger,of ages of hunger. That gracefulness around him is gone also,now replaced with that of an helpless creature.

"tch,tch,tch, tch" Emily shook her head sadly" where is that ever so graceful prince now?"

She let go of his head violently and turned to leave but she suddenly froze.

'oh no, not now' Emily could feel her powers wanted to flunctuate again.

'i can't possibly leave his room without others finding out,and staying here with him is also risky' Emily was in a hot spot.

One was someone that can't control his hunger,the other was someone that can't control her powers.

"ha!" Emily chuckled "we have to help each other now"