
Crown prince

Emily stare at Theodore wide eyed, how can he not be the crown prince. He is the first born or is he not?

'this is a big mistake'

Emily face turned cold,her whole body rigid, anyone who saw her now will know better than to approach her.

'well this prince might be the one keeping the orbs, since he is the nerd' she repeated constantly in her mind,till she eventually believed it.

"bow down for the crown prince approaches" The soldier shouted.

Everyone in the hall bow down, except the two people glaring angrily at no one in particular, Emily and Theodore.

"hey miss, you have to bow" A maid nudge Emily.

Emily looked down coldly at her that the maid could feel her back sweating. The maid and everyone in the hall bowed down, in the kneeling position, heads down on the cold floor.

"how about I make you stay in that position for ever?" Emily smirked making the maid heart skip in fear.

The maid immediately tried to calm herself,those eyes told her Emily could do it and worse.

"am sorry, am sorry" the maid quickly apologize.

" better" Emily threw her face away and lazily leaned on the pillar next to her.

A dashing young man entered,with the most gorgeous black hair Emily has ever seen,deep blue eyes and that perfect lean body not too muscular,with a towering height of six foot,his face was way beyond average making her wonder if he and Theodore are even brothers.He headed straight to the throne up front.

Flowers were thrown and soft music started playing in the background as soon he reached the throne.

"Your highness" Everyone in the hall greeted again with the exception of Emily.

"announcing the arrival of our dearest king, the esteemed king of the vampires" The announcer yelled again, rendering everyone still in that uncomfortable position.

'tch, at this rate everyone will get back aches' Emily shook her head.

The king entered with all elegancy a king should have and even much more. Also like the prince, the king headed for his throne and sat on it, still flaunting his perfect elegance.

The crown prince bowed down with the same kneeling position adopted by the servants.

"rise my dear son" The king waved his hand.

"thanks your majesty" he rose up"your majesty I have obtained the fairies energy orb" The crown prince signalled for a soldier.

The soldier came forward holding a case.

"here it is" The crown prince opened it up for the king to see.

"that's amazing Xander" The king chuckled.

"let's go now that he is in a good mood" Theodore dragged Emily to the front, beside the prince facing the king.

if it were anybody else, they would have develop the cold feet in front of this two people who kept flaunting their royal elegancy, but not this girl. She had been with royalty all her life and has gotten used to their aura.

"Your majesty" Theodore hurriedly bowed"father I would like for your permission for me to take this girl as my personal guard"

The king face immediately darkened.

Xander the crown prince noticed it and cleared the hall of the servants and maids. He knew one of the king and Prince Theodore regular fights is about to take place. It won't be proper to let the lower class see them in that activity.

"your younger brother brought me the most important thing of those blasted forest creatures and all you brought is a girl?" The king gritted his teeth annoyed "not even as a maid but a guard...this girl that looks like she would break at any moment!!"

"dad,she saved my life today from some werewolves" Theodore protested.

"so?!...she is a girl,she isn't fit for that,or is it because of her beauty?" the king asked.

Emily bit her lower lips and tightened her fist,to calm her self down and not just leap up there giving the king a powerful uppercut.

'i knew he would assume that'

"dad,she knows how to fight and since my personal guard is no more, I need another one" Theodore yelled.

"Theodore how are you always a disappointment to me?....you make me wonder where I have gone wrong about you?" The king stood up angrily.

" maybe when you first said,my younger brother should take the crown when we all know it's the first male child that legally owns it" Theodore said calmly.

" how can I give it to you when you treat the whole kingdom as your science subjects, experimenting on this , that!" The king sat down not to disturb himself much " besides what have you ever done for this kingdom,your brother brought the most important thing of the three other creatures all you brought for me is a little girl"

" this little girl saved my life,without her I would be lunch for werewolves'

" you are better off lunch for werewolves' than an eyesore for me"

Xander glance down at Emily and finally realized he haven't chased her off. He could see her hand knuckles turn extremely white and her jaw tightly clenched in anger.

'well dad have been saying things she doesn't like so how could she not get angry' Xander thought.

"leave" he said as quiet as possible.

"what?" it took Emily a while to realize he was talking to her.

"leave,all the other maids left so why are you still here?" Xander tried to be as quiet as possible.

"am not a maid or a worker in this palace so you can't control me, and besides they are talking about me"Emily faced him.

'is everything about this guy perfect except his attitude'

Emily saw that he is more handsome closer,even his thick voice is sure going to drive the ladies in this palace crazy.

"but you are in my palace,so I have full control over you" Xander grab her wrist tightly.

"let go" Emily shook his hand off" unless I hear which position am going to be employed for,I am going nowhere"

"am your crown prince so I order you to get out" Xander finally raised his voice.

"let's see whether I would..maybe next week or month,depends on my schedule" Emily smirked.

"you two stop!" The king ordered.

Xander and Emily faced the king,they had taken the fight from Theodore and the king,and started theirs.

"you know what, I would hire her as a personal guard" the king announced.

"yes" Theodore smiled happily.

" not for Theo, but for you Xander" the king smiled satisfied.

'finally someone that has no respect for royalty,she will do a great job keeping Xander from being reckless'

"no!no!! father,this girl is bratty and would cause lots of attention towards me" Xander held up Emily's chin but got swatted away by her.

"besides, she is mine, I saw her first" Theodore held her hand.

"would you guys just leave me alone?" Emily shook her body free from the brothers grasp.

"this little girl is perfect for Xander, don't worry Theo, I will get you a much better guard" The king stood up to leave.

"but I want her" Theodore protested.

"you three are dismissed" The king said as he exited the hall.

"you've stolen yet another thing from me again ,BROTHER" Theodore left angrily.

"let's go" Xander clenched his teeth and also exited the hall.