

"where is she?" Someone from the angry mob yelled.

"she must have flew off to the vampires to sell our orb to those bats" Another replied angrily.

"Calm down my people, be calm" The King tried to pitch in but their murmurs overpowered his voice "shut up!!" The king shouted.

The crowd suddenly grew quiet, even a pin drop could be heard.

"The situation has affected me as much as you my people" he gave a quick glance around"I promise, I will punish her as she deserves"

Emily entered the village and headed to the palace, in hopes of locating her friend, together they can stop the confetti cannon from going off.

Her eyes darted around everywhere, seeing the mess around, it looks like a battle had just taken place there.

"oh no!" she gasped when she saw the building where their energy orb is kept utterly destroyed.

Emily ran to the palace in hopes of locating her parents to check if they were alright and ask what the heck happened here.

"here she is!!" someone called out,suddenly dragging her to the front.

Emily grew confused and afraid,why were the people staring at her like that.

'oh no,did they find out about the cannon?'

Everyone immediately circled around saying things she can't understand,calling her all sort of names. Her head was spinning trying to understand their murmurs and rants.

'This can't be because of my confetti prank 'she realized.

The king's knights came and made way for the king to get to her among the crowd. The king walked up to her and stare at her with contempt.

"Miss Emily Chas" The king said in a deep voice as if to intimidate her.

"yes your majesty" she bowed slightly.

"she is even disrespectful" someone shrieked in a high pitch voice.

"What do you expect me to do? lick the ground?!" she growled "you didn't even greet him when he approached you"

The crowd grew quiet.

"Miss Chas" The king began" are you responsible for all this?"

"she is obviously the one"The high pitch voice shrieked again.

" she is the freak that turns into different creatures and can't control them"

"no.. I can't just control their behavior when my powers flunctuate on its own" Emily fired back.

"But you are the one with powers to cause this much destruction"

"maybe you just wanted to sell it to your vampire friends"

"I don't know what you are talking about?" Emily wrinkled her face in confusion.

" Miss Chas, I ask once more, are you responsible for all the mayhem and destruction today and also responsible for stealing the energy orb?!" The king asked with imminent anger emitting from his voice.

"what?!... I can't believe you guys would suspect me of such" Emily eyes widened in horror when she saw the distrust in everyone's face.

"who else do we know is the vampire in this kingdom?" Someone yelled.

"I didn't do it, I was in the forest when I acted up" Emily yelled.

" lies! lies!! "a wrinkled voice emitted from behind her.

Emily knew the voice, their kind old neighbour. She was practically the one like a grandma to her and now she doesn't believe her.

"I can never put you guys in danger, I know the orb provides energy, I can't just take that away" Emily shook her head hoping this is just one of her nightmares.

" you must have stolen to get rich and live a new life in the vampire kingdom"

"so you must have been thinking of doing such uh?" Emily smirked.

"uh.. no.. I"

"here is my judgement on Miss Chas" The king voice silenced everyone.

"what judgement?.. you don't even have prove that I did it?" Emily screamed.

"you are hereby banished from this kingdom,till your supposed prove your innocence" The king turned to leave.


A confetti cannon blew up in his face.

" that I did" Emily but her lower lip to suppress the laughter.

"go pack your belongings immediately" The king lowered his voice not to raise the people suppressed laughter and immediately walked away.

"Emily!"Emily's mother Clarice called out running to envelope her in a big hug.

"mom " Emily hugged her mother tight" I didn't do it mom"

"I know baby, I know" Clarice gently pat her back.

"mom I have to leave,it's not like they accept me or you or dad" Emily released her mother " you know what,I will establish myself in another kingdom and when it's time I would take you out of here,okay?"

"okay" Clarice wiped the tears that fell from her eyes gently.

"I will be in the forest mom,if you are looking for me send Raphael or Henry" Emily walked home with her mother.