
Emergence of a New World

Isaac and Laila Hall were spending a usual evening in their residence when a peculiar event took place in the sky. Through mysterious powers, they were both taken to an alternate world with magic and monsters that were once considered mere fiction. The siblings must now search for a passage back home while struggling to survive.

MysteryJD · Fantasy
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151 Chs

Chapter 15- Port Silis

"I spy with my little eye something blue…"

"Is it the sea?"

Isaac rolled his eyes and leaned back. "Yep, this is getting boring. There's nothing to do here. I miss my games…"

We were both sitting down in a wooden carriage being pulled by two demonic-looking horses. They were fierce and powerfully built, with a single horn in the shape of a lightning bolt adorning their heads. Their dark manes were carried in the breeze as we raced through grassy meadows. A remarkable fact concerning them is that they can only be domesticated by those of superior strength. I learned it from the coachman who is commanding the beasts right now.

Isaac and I were peering out of the carriage, taking in the sight of fields of white and yellow petals passing us by. There wasn't anything notable on the grassy plains. Just some trees spread out, a few rivers and lakes, and animals you would see on Earth, such as foxes, deer, elk, ferrets, and birds. The coachman used a common route that travelers use many times when en route to either Port Silis or Noblela. To our left, the view of the distant blue ocean shone brilliantly in the sun's rays, twinkling like diamonds. Taking a dip in that large body of water must feel heavenly for the natives at Port Silis…

"Hey, coachman," Isaac said in a monotone.

"Yes, Sir Isaac?" The man leading these terrifying beasts was a young man who had dark brown hair tied into a man bun. He also had silver-colored horns on the top of his forehead. Although he has a skinny build, apparently, he's one of the strongest guards in Igni Town.

"Just Isaac is fine. How much further until we reach the checkpoint?"

The coachmen paused for a moment. "…We should be there in an hour at most."

"Ugh, fine. Thank you."

Isaac slinked back into his original spot and sulked. He had the same clothing on as when we first arrived here- a black hooded jacket and jogging pants. As for me, I sported a gray hoodie, leggings, and combat boots like Solgen's. I find this wardrobe much more comfortable than the ones given to me by Morgac. A tailor fixed up our clothes, free of charge, while we were off training with Solgen, which I'm still sore from. The soreness will pass through. Our bodies can heal from wounds much quicker than a regular human. A broken bone in your arm would take a maximum of twelve weeks to heal. For us, it'll only be one week. We found that out when Solgen fractured a bone in Isaac's arm during our sparring session. He was in an extraordinary amount of pain that day, screaming at the top of his lungs…

The coachmen glanced over his shoulder. "If I may, would you like to hear a bit of history behind Port Silis?"

Hearing that made my ears perk up. "The history of Port Silis?"

The man nodded. "Yes. Before Port Silis was built, the area used to be lush with trees and wildlife. Not to mention it was connected to the Wyvern Zone."

"Port Silis used to be the Wyvern Zone? Just how big was that place?" said Isaac. He seemed interested in the conversation as he was now sitting closer to the coachman.

"The Wyvern Zone would stretch as far as the eye could see! Few dared to venture into the depths as they deemed it too dangerous- until one man rose to the challenge."

"One man?" I repeated. I can kind of guess where this is going now…

"Yes. That one man is no other than King Claude de Vusech, the ruler of Silis."

Woah. This guy accomplished a lot back then. What kind of crazy man is he for him to look at a part of the Wyvern Zone and think: Yep. This is my land now.

"The king rounded up some folks and led a hunting squad in an attempt to take over the Wyvern Zone, but something unexpected occurred."

The coachman hesitated for a moment. He looked unsure whether what he was about to say was the truth or not as his forehead creased.

I prodded him for more information. "Something unexpected?"

"Whether or not this is true, I have no clue. The next part is where it sounds outlandish. After venturing deep into the Wyvern Zone, there have been tales that the king had met with a dragon that was slumbering deep within the area."

"Did you say dragon?"

Isaac was now poking his head through the carriage flaps and staring at the man. His expression was filled with awe and wonder as the coachman spoke.

The coachman laughed at Isaac's attentiveness. "Yes, Si- Isaac. Dragon. Some say that the king bested the dragon in a battle, others think that he had made a deal with it. Personally, I think that story about him meeting a dragon is a bunch of crap people spew around the campfire."

"I hope it's true. Just thinking about a dragon gets me excited!"

The coachmen nodded and continued with his story. "Miraculously, the king and his crew were able to clear trees in the Wyvern Zone, and none of the monsters attacked them. That unusual action led to people thinking a dragon was assisting the king. Development was underway, and many flocked toward the newly built territory. One thing led to another, and an empire was created. By the way, Port Silis is just one of many cities, yet it's the richest in Silis. Do you know why that is?"

Hm… if the city is called Port Silis, then it's near water. Usually, cities near the water thrive and are hubs for merchants.

"Is it because of merchants and natural resources?" I answered.

The coachman smiled at my answer. "Since Port Silis is near a water source, it's common knowledge that it would be an amazing place of commerce and resources. The king knew this would happen and envisioned himself taking advantage of it. Trading routes opened with other empires, such as Craidol and Noblela. Fast forward to today and Silis became a widely known superpower in Athiens."

"Wow… you're very knowledgeable about this kind of stuff. Er, what's your name?" I chuckled awkwardly. How rude of me not to know the name of a person whom I'm speaking with.

"My name? You can call me Clein," the man winked before turning his attention back to steering.

So, his name is Clein. He seems like a nice person. And smart too. At least he isn't stuck up or anything like that. I really hate those types of people.

"There it is! Port Silis!" Clein shouted. Me and Isaac both jumped out of our seats and peered outside of the carriage. In the distance, I could see an enormous stone wall that surrounded Port Silis. Right next to Port Silis, the harbor was filled with the sight of many ships, their sails billowing in the breeze as they sailed to and from the town. Even from here, I could tell the ships were sturdy and swift. Some were even as big as freighters back on Earth.

"So that's Port Silis. It looks amazing!" I said breathlessly.

"Haha! If it looks amazing from the outside, just wait until you explore the inside!" Clein remarked cheerfully.

"Have you lived there before, Clein?"

Clein hesitated before giving me an answer. "Lived there? No, but I have visited many times before with the village head."

You didn't sound too sure there, but whatever.

"Anyhow… we'll be there in just a bit! Hang on. Hiyaa!"

The horses sped up in response to their driver's quick crack of the whip towards our next destination.


As we approached the wall, a cacophony of voices and clopping hooves filled the air from the long line of people and carriages waiting near a gate. Next to it was a much shorter line, but with people of higher standing. The red and black carriages had a unique, intricately designed crest on the side. The rich individuals inside the carriages had formal attire, such as dresses and suits. They even had a personal butler as the coachmen. Comparing our carriages side by side, ours paled in comparison. It was the same as the regular folk, plain. Clein didn't seem to mind as he navigated away from the throng of people and to the shorter line.

I lowered my voice and spoke to Clein. "Uh, Clein? Are you sure we should wait in this line? Seems like it's reserved for the higher class."

"Don't worry about it, Laila. The village head gave me these badges in cases like these." He held up three small leather badges with a seal of a volcano on the front.

"I don't know if he told you this, but he's sort of a big shot around here," Clein said, puffing his chest out.

Morgac is a big shot here? I cannot imagine him as a high-class person. He seems like the type to live a modest life.

It was finally our turn at the gate checkpoint, and one of the stationed guards stopped us. I couldn't see his face clearly because of his iron helmet, but he had a pretty nasty scar on his cheek.

"Halt. Where have you come from and what is your business here?" The guard commanded.

Clein waved at the guard, pulling out a badge. "Hello there. This will clear things up."

Clein handed the guard the badge, which he took begrudgingly. The guard then took out a weird scanner from his pouch. He hovered the scanner over the seal and a blue light shone out of it. A beeping noise was heard from the instrument, and he gave Clein the badge back.

"You're cleared. Go on ahead." He stepped aside to let the carriage go by. Without another word, the carriage moved again. Clein gave us a little smile and turned his head back to the front. As we inched closer, I could hear cheering growing louder inside.

"What are they cheering at?" Isaac said.

"You'll see…"

As soon as we entered Port Silis, I identified what they were cheering at. There was a crowd of people that were watching some kind of puppet show near an alleyway. One puppet had the image of a young blonde man wearing a gold crown facing a dragon. The puppet master smashed the two puppets together in what I presume is them battling.

"Is that a puppet show of the king and the dragon?" I said, trying to suppress a giggle. The dragon wasn't all that scary. In fact, it was kinda cute. It reminded me of those plushies you would see on fair grounds.

Speaking of fair grounds, Isaac and I went to a little carnival that was being hosted in our city. When we passed by one booth where you threw a circular hoop at a bottle, Isaac spotted a dragon plushie and wanted one. He begged our dad to win him one. Since dad didn't want to disappoint little Isaac, he tried his hardest to win, and win he did. Isaac was the happiest kid on the planet when he hugged that plushie… And then he lost it a few weeks later. It was a very traumatic experience for Isaac.

"Yes. It is a popular tale among the people here, especially the children," Clein informed.

Cruising along the cobblestone streets, I looked around the town with my mouth hanging open. Each house was built with identical sand-colored bricks, forming a picturesque neighborhood. The shops were right around the corner, and it was a pleasant walk if you wanted to grab a bite to eat or something fun to do. The residents walked on the sidewalks, the sound of their footsteps echoing in the streets. Small critters hid in the clean alleyways, away from prying eyes. My stomach rumbled as I inhaled the delicious aroma of freshly baked bread and grilled fish. While I was enjoying the view, Isaac threw Clein a question.

"Hey, Clein. Where are we headed?"

"I'm glad you asked! Since you guys are what they call special guests because of leader Morgac's reputation, we are going to an inn that accommodates those special guests."

Isaac stuffed his hands into his pockets and shrugged. "An inn? Do we have to pay for lodging? I'm kinda broke so…"

"There's no need for you guys to pay. It's free! Long as you show them those badges. Actually, this is a great time to mention it. Do not lose them! They are extremely important items. Always keep them on you."

I'm confident we won't lose them. We have the Inventory after all, but he doesn't know that.

"Thank you for the advice, Clein," I said with a smile.

"No problem at all."

We continued to gaze at the town in silence until we reached the inn Clein was referring to earlier. It was fairly small, enough to accommodate at least twenty patrons. The three-story building was constructed of wooden boards, the white paint chipped here and there, and the smell of wood and paint drifting. The tiled roof had two chimneys spewing smoke. There was even a terrace at the far back. At the front of the inn was a big sign that said: Port Silis Inn.

"It looks fancy enough?" Isaac said questionably.

"You two can go inside the inn and reserve rooms while I deal with these troublemakers." Clein motioned toward the beasts. The dark horses neighed indignantly, their way of saying, 'I'll show you trouble later!'

"Alright then. Let's head inside," I said to my brother.

"I wonder what the rooms are like here," I heard him mumble.

We opened the front door and were welcomed by a tantalizing aroma, a mix of freshly baked bread, citrus, scrambled eggs, and butter. Inside the inn were wooden tables and cushioned chairs aligned symmetrically in a straight line. Many paintings were scattered along the walls showing beautifully painted art, reminiscent of an art museum. The comforting atmosphere of this restaurant instantly transported me to a beloved family hangout. It reminded me of an experience I lost long ago…

While I was off discerning any other smells, a voice spoke to us from behind a counter up front. "Hello there. How may I help you?"

A very voluptuous brunette woman greeted us with a warm smile. She wore a dark, velvety robe that brushed along her arms and a bonnet tied neatly around her short hair.

I averted my gaze away from the woman's chest and cleared my throat. "Um, hello there. Me and my brother are hoping to reserve a room here. I was told this badge should make things a little easier."

I nervously walked up to the counter and showed the woman the badge. She politely took it out of my hands and inspected the seal with a satisfied nod, handing it back to me.

"This seems legitimate. Thank you, dear patrons, for specifically choosing Port Silis Inn as your resting spot. Please, come along, and I'll lead you to your rooms."

"Thanks!" Isaac shouted happily.

The lady placed an empty tray on the wooden surface and walked away from the counter. As soon as her backside was shown to us, a reptilian tail was peeking out from the hem of her robes. Isaac and I glanced at each other, and somehow, through our eyes alone, a mental conversation occurred:

"Bro, Laila, did you see that shit?!"

"Yes, I saw! The horns I can deal with, but they have tails too?!"

"I know!"

"Let's not mention the tail and act like everything is normal."

"That I agree with."

That conversation lasted only one second, and we quietly followed the lady. The innkeeper led us up a set of stairs and into a long corridor. On opposite ends of the corridor were mahogany doors- in which I'm guessing are the rooms. Some were closed, but most of them were slightly ajar.

"I'm sure you know this already, but you two aren't the only residents in this inn. A lot of them are out right now, which is why it was empty downstairs. The reason for that is of the upcoming tournament."

Isaac's eyes lit up. "The tournament? Is it really that popular?"

The innkeeper giggled at Isaac's comment. "Oh, you have no idea. It's one of, if not, the most profitable businesses for Port Silis. Its entertainment value also cannot be matched in all of Athiens."

So, it's like the Olympics. Or the World Cup.

"Woah… So that means we'll be fighting in front of a huge crowd, right?"

"You two are participating in the tournament?" The lady said in awe. She was so surprised by what Isaac said that she stopped dead in her tracks.

Isaac narrowed his eyes at the innkeeper. "Um, yea. Is it really that shocking?"

"My apologies. It's just that this is a first for my inn to have participants living here for the time being. My family has a big interest in these kinds of events," she said, embarrassed. "I'll be cheering you two on from the sidelines!"

"Thank you very much," I smiled. Having someone cheer you on in events like these can make anyone's heart flutter.

After climbing up the stairs, we finally arrived in front of our rooms. The two residential floors had the same layout and doors.

The innkeeper waved at the doors in front of us. "You two can sleep in these rooms right next to each other. Inside, you'll find a pamphlet on all you need to know about the Inn and Port Silis. If you have questions, feel free to ask me!"

"Actually, there's three of us," I said hastily. "He should be coming here any second now."

The innkeeper's face fell once she heard the news. "Oh… well, that's a darn shame. These are the only two available rooms. One of you might have to share a room with them…"

"It's alright auntie. I'll share a room with Isaac here," said a man coming up the stairs. When we all turned, Clein was right there carrying all our luggage.

The woman's eyes sparkled with joy and hurried over to Clein. "Clein! Welcome back! It's so good to see you!"

The two of them embraced each other like they hadn't seen each other in years.

"How have you been, auntie? How are the others?"

The lady sighed and tilted her head sideways. "You know how my husband and children are! Whenever it's that time of the year, they get too excited in this festive atmosphere and just cannot sit still. Honestly, they are a handful."

They continued chatting with each other for a couple of minutes about what they'd been up to and all that. Me and Isaac just stood there in silence, not wanting to ruin their reunion. The innkeeper noticed and her face flushed.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I just haven't seen Clein in such a long time that I've forgotten about my manners. Here are the keys to your rooms. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to work."

After embracing Clein once more, the keeper sauntered away from us and down the stairs.

Isaac gazed over at Clein. "So, you know her, Clein?"

"Yes. Whenever I travel here, I always choose this inn to stay at. The people here are nice and the food is amazing. Way better than the others."

Isaac nodded his head and turned around. "Huh… neat. Let's head inside and unpack."

Agreeing with my brother, we proceeded to enter our new rooms.