
Chapter 04: Need Explanations

After the surroundings swirled again, everything went back to normal. I am back inside my room, still sitting on my bed. But I am still shocked from what just happened.

Was it even real? It doesn't feel like a dream. I can still feel his touch lingering on my skin, on my cheeks. I'm pretty sure I didn't imagine everything that just happened.

I am still puzzled when I heard footsteps running towards my room.

"Heavenly!" Hellios banged the door so loudly that I jumped on my seat because of shock. "We heard you shouting..."

He went closer to me and I saw Mom and Dad behind him with the same worried expression plastered on their faces.

“Did it happen again? Baby, are you okay?” Mom sat down on the bed beside me together with Hell while Dad is standing in front, waiting for my response worriedly.

“Hey... talk to us, please.” Hell held my hand and squeezed it for comfort. It feels like there's a lump formed in my throat that’s preventing from talking.

"I-I'm fine...” I managed to say. I squeezed back Hell’s hand as an indication to stop worrying. I think he immediately understood it but it was Mom’s turn to be pushy

"Baby, come on...Tell us what happened,” she urged me.

No way. I will never tell them anything about my condition again. It will just make things harder for me and I know that I’ll regret it if I did.

"It's nothing, Mom. I'm okay. Both of you need to chill."

I'm referring to her and Dad. Dad’s not talking but I know that he’s observing and waiting for my response. I looked at Hell for help, asking him to take care of Mom and Dad for me. I feel really exhausted.

Good thing he understood what I was trying to say.

“Mom, Dad, let’s leave her for now. She looks really tired. Let her sleep,” he said before trying to lead them away out of my room.

At first, my Mom was obviously against leaving just like that but she has no choice. I can also faintly see the look of hurt on her face because I am not opening up to her. It’s just that, I don’t trust her anymore.

I’m sorry if I hurt you Mom, but I’m also hurting too. And I’m barely keeping my shit together.

Still, I smiled at them, assuring them that I'm fine. With a dejected look, they left my room and I was finally left alone, feeling so tired and weak.

I went back to lying down on my bed. I forced myself to sleep even though my thoughts are crashing inside my mind. Fortunately, it didn’t take long for me to doze off.


I'm currently inside the university, in the library to be specific. I'm looking for books related to psychology. I need explanations. Maybe they have something here that could be useful. I want to know what the fuck is happening to me right now. I haven't encountered anything about this condition in our class. I want to know if what happened last night were only hallucinations.

I know to myself that what I saw last night was definitely not a hallucination. I know it’s real, however, if I can’t find something that will scientifically explain it, then how can I possibly keep my sanity? If this goes on, I might really end up getting crazy.

I was flipping through pages of a book I found about advance psychology when Colleen came.

"Hey, Ven! I was looking all over the campus for you!”

I didn't mind her. She then sat on the chair beside me, obviously not giving up on being annoying.

"What the hell are you ignoring me?"

I ignored her again because I’m focusing on this book I’m reading but this creature is just too noisy and annoying. She kept on pulling my sleeves and bumping her head on my arm which finally made me irritated.

"What?!" I snapped at her.

I’m definitely not in the mood for this right now. She still kept on nudging my shoulder so the book I was holding accidentally fell on the table and that created a loud thud.

"Why are you so moody today?! Hello, like I’m trying to say something here!" She looked at me like I'm some sort of a criminal for stealing her candy.

She took the book I'm reading and closed it with an annoyed look on her face to read the title on the front cover. I just gave her a deadpan look. I can’t win when it comes to her.

“Oh. Are you reviewing?” She asked innocently when she saw that the book is about advance Psychology which is obviously connected to my course. She flashed a childish grin at me while putting back the book on my hands slowly.

“Do you have an upcoming test? You usually study only when you have a test or you’re eager to dominate someone from your block. So, which is it?”

And again, I just looked at her. She knows me very well. I'm the type of person who doesn't usually study. I trust my stock knowledge and I always listen to my professors that’s why when there are tests and when the results are out, I’m satisfied with my scores.

I sometimes study when I want to dominate or beat someone from my block. I have so many enemies who are always trying my patience. They act as if they are superiors so whenever I am in the mood, I’ll exert a little effort to make them see that not everyone can mess with me. I am not someone who can be beaten so easily.

I don’t have a test or anything right now. I just really want to know something about my condition but sadly, I can’t find anything that might help me understand it.

“Ugh! Can you just please talk to me?!” She’s starting to get impatient. So am I.

"Can you please shut up? What do you even want?"

She grinned at me widely and clung her arms on mine.

"Well... it’s about the..." She’s stalling and it’ prolonging my irritation.

I raised my left brow. What the fuck is this about? She's being all fidgety and stuff. And if she acts like that, I know that she needs something. She definitely needs me to do something for her.

"It’s a bit complicated but I think it’s fine. It’s just... It’s just not simple. Umm..."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to calm myself. But she just kept on repeating the same words over and over again so I lashed out. I hit the book I’m holding loudly on the table and stood up from the chair.

“Will you just say it?!”

Shock was evident on her face and it immediately made me feel guilty. I stopped to look around me and found out that everyone inside the library is now looking at us.

When my eyes landed on the librarian, I saw how she glared at us and was already red as a tomato. I know where this is going.

"Both of you, get out!"

I rolled my eyes and get my things. I hurriedly went out.