
Emerald’s Fire

"You could burn me alive if you wanted and my ashes would still beg for more." After witnessing the murder of his parents, August is thrown into his role as Alpha at a young age. His only goal in life is to make his pack strong and to avenge the death of his parents by finding the man responsible. Donovan Scout, a human with nothing but hate for werewolves is known as the dog catcher. Capturing wolves that are either never seen again or turned into savage animals. Years after his parents death, Scout's trail runs cold and August never hears again from him. That is until a rogue stumbles into his territory and is the only clue to finding Scout. The only thing August planned on was getting as much information as he could, but when the rogue ends up being a small girl his plans of revenge are quickly put to a halt. AUTHORS NOTE; This is the first book to Emerald's fire and it is a slow burner for sure, but the second book is quite the opposite. Hope you enjoy! All rights reserved, please don’t steal my work.

JewelThief05 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Chapter 40

August's POV-

I shoved a few people to the side and others seemed to get the idea and began moving out of my way. I had to basically walk all the way to the other end of the yard before I found her again.

She had her back to me and I looked to see exactly who it was that I was going to have to murder now. All I had to do was see his blonde hair and my blood went cold. He had one hand tangled in her beautiful wild hair and one gripping her bare ass.

Zeb was forcing me to give in and even though I wanted to fight him and stay in control the moment I watched her hands roam all over this boy and she stood on the tips of her toes to whisper something to him I yielded and gladly took the passenger seat in my own skin.

Zeb let out a powerful growl and I could feel my canines growing. The boy's head went up and when his eyes met mine I could see the fear in his. He instantly let go of Emerald and jumped back from her.

"Hey man what gives?"

I wrapped one arm around Emerald's tiny waist and snatched her back to put myself in between her and the little prick who had his disgusting hands all over her.

"SHE BELONGS TO ME!" I screamed, but it was Zeb's voice that came out.

The boy started to back away and kept his hands up defensively.

"Sorry I.. I didn't know." He said before turning around and bolting towards the house.

I turned back to Emerald and held her as tightly to me as I could. Her wild eyes were opened big and wide and her mouth was partly open. I didn't know how hard I was gripping her, but in this moment I couldn't control every single movement I made.

"We are leaving now!"

She quickly masked her shocked look with that void mask before grinning again at me. She began running her hands up my exposed stomach and to my chest until her fingers were tangled in my hair and pushing it back softly.

"If you wanted to cut in August you could've just asked." She said in her raspy voice and soon she began moving her body against mine.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me more until we were both surrounded by sweaty dancing teenagers and college kids.

She put her back to me and placed my hands on her waist before she started moving her hips and ass against me. Her back was up against my chest and I could feel every inch of her skin on mine. Her smoky scent began to swirl around me and I took it all in like the junkie I was. Then she dropped her body and started shaking her ass against me.

It was hot. Literally her skin was scorching hot, but I didn't care how bad it hurt. I wanted to feel her burn me. I turned her around to face me and her eyes went big again. I gripped my hands hard on her waist and pulled her closer to me. She moved her hands to my chest and even though it was like sprinkles of hot ash were hitting my skin I let her.

She moved up against me pushing her chest to mine and I could feel just how hard I was suddenly. I growled loudly enough to make a few people move away from us. I grabbed her ass hard and moved her against me more not caring if she could feel it or not.

I completely ignored any thoughts about it being wrong. I was still on an adrenaline kick from seeing that boy on her and Zeb still hadn't fully went away yet either. I moved my hands lower and dug my nails into her soft skin, her mouth went open and she gasped making me let out a low growl of approval.

Her hands were still all over me roaming on the inside of my unbuttoned shirt and we stayed staring at one another while dancing. Her hands eventually got tangled with mine and I locked our fingers together and never flinched away from her heated touch. Her green eye was glowing bright and it looked like a small fire was dancing in it. She had smoke rising up off her hair and even our hands that were intertwined together had smoke coming off of them.

We were both still moving against one another and she kept grabbing fistfuls of my shirt to hold me closer to her. I don't think we could've been anymore closer to one another and before I knew it the song was starting to end and Emerald was slowing her movements. I stayed holding her tight and didn't plan on letting her go again.

She wrapped both arms around my neck and smiled up at me. I was still holding on to her bottom and slowly started to rub away any nail marks I might've left behind. I could feel the low growl in her chest that was up against mine and her eye was still a very bright green.


She blinked her eyes a couple times and her green one went back to its more natural state.

Her arms started to loosen around my neck and even when she tried to push herself some away from me I just stayed holding her. She gave me a look and then when her eyes went lower I could see the shock they held.

"My eyes are up here Emerald." I said to her huskily.

She looked back up at me and this time I did let go of her because she didn't seem to find my joke funny.

"What's wrong?" I asked her and she pointed to the shirt I had on.

I looked down to see several large burn holes in my white shirt. I quickly took it off and balled it up in my hands so nobody could see the evidence of Emerald's fevered touches. Even with the shirt off though you could see several large red welts on my stomach and chest and arms. Pretty much anywhere that her body had touched mine had small first degree burns now.

"August I am so sorry." she said while clenching her fists up and placing them behind her back.

Her hair wasn't smoking anymore and even though I was pink and scorched she looked fine. She hadn't been burned at all and she didn't even have a drop of sweat on her unlike me who was pouring bullets.

I smiled at her and picked her up with one arm and slung her over my shoulder. I started walking across the yard again through people and thankfully they had all seen me enough times by now to know to move this time.

Emerald was slapping hard on my back for me to put her down, but her slaps were nothing compared to the burns she left on me.

"August put me down!" She demanded.

I just chuckled and turned my head to take a nip at the side of her thigh that was on my shoulder. She squealed and when we got close enough to the pool she started to really squirm to get off me.

"Absolutely not August! Don't I.." She screamed at me.

I slapped her bare ass hard to stop her screaming.

"I think a certain little girl needs to cool off." I said and when I got to the deep end of the pool I waisted no time in tossing her in.

I laughed and waited for her to come up, but she didn't. I could see her at the very bottom of the pool and even though the water kept me from seeing her fully. I could make out that glowing green eye easily. I was about to jump in when small tiny bubbles started to float up from where she was.

At first it was just a few here and there and then they multiplied. The entire pool now had small bubbles forming and it was like the water was being boiled. Other people stayed in the water and started saying it felt like a hot tub.Then the bubbles got more violent and steam started to rise up, people hissed in pain and started to jump out of the pool in a hurry.

I looked down and Emerald was still at the very bottom and hadn't come up for air. I dropped a toe in the water to feel it and jumped back from the pool immediately.

The water was boiling hot and when Emerald still wouldn't come up for air I cursed at myself. I tossed the burnt shirt and dove head first into the scolding hot pool. My face, my back, my everything was being cooked basically from the boiling water around me and when I could feel Emerald I grabbed her and hit the bottom of the pool with my feet to bring her up with me.

When we broke the surface I held her close to me and she cough up some water after a minute and wrapped her arms around my neck to hold herself up. The water was up to my neck, but I could still touch the bottom. I wrapped her legs around my waist and held her with one arm and moved her wet curls from her face with my free hand.

The water wasn't bubbling anymore, but it was still hot and steam was rising up all around us like a thick fog.

"You're so stubborn." I said to her and she wiped some water from her face and shot me a sour look.

"I can't swim jerk."

My eyes went wide and I felt guilty and stupid all at once.

"I'm so sorry Emerald I had no idea." I said and wrapped my other arm around her to hug her tighter.

She moved my now wet hair back and scratched the back of my scalp some making me close my eyes and growl lowly because I love this feeling more then anything. I don't know why it gives me so much comfort when she does it, but I never wanted it to end.

"You don't have any idea who I am do you?" She asked and flicked my eyes open to hers.

"I have several ideas about who you are." I said to her and that playful glint went to her green eye.

"Will you tell me some of them?" She asked me and this time I smiled big at her.


She hugged her thighs tighter around me and it made me grip her thighs from under the water.

"I had no idea you were such a good dancer." She said through a giggle.

"You have no idea who I am do you?" I said repeating her own words back to her.

She laughed harder and even in the hot water it sent chills down my spine when hearing it.

"I have several ideas about who you are August." She said while clicking her tongue.

"Will you tell me some of them?"

She fluttered her lashes at me and pulled herself closer until her soft face was against mine and her puffy plump lips were by my ear.

"Not even if you bribed me with bacon." She whispered.

She pulled her face back to mine, but before she pulled to far away I grabbed the back of her wet head and held her face inches from mine.

"Emerald I have to tell you something." I said and she put on that damn mask again.

"Okay, tell me something.", but before I could get anymore words out something or someone jumped right next to us in the pool and splashed hot water on both of us.

I gripped Emerald hard and she hissed when I accidentally dug my nails back into her. I looked around to see who it was and suddenly a familiar shaved head broke the water and swam to the edge of the pool that we were at.

"I didn't realize there pool was heated or I would've been out here sooner." Jody said while holding on to the edge of the pool.

Emerald laughed and I tried not to let it show just how aggravated I was for being interrupted. Emerald looked over at Jody and smiled.

"Hey, are you ready to leave soon? I need to go back home and check on Helen." She said and Jody nodded.

"That's fine I'm ready when you are and don't forget your dress that's upstairs." He said to her before swimming away.

Emerald turned back to me with her wild mismatched eyes and gave me a small smile.

"What was it that you were going to tell me?" She asked and all the confidence I had for telling her suddenly vanished.

"I'll tell you later." I said to her and she nodded her head before laying it down on my shoulder.

I held her close to me and even though I didn't want to get out of the water with her I was ready to leave and I was ready for her to put some clothes back on before Zeb starts biting heads off.

I started to carry her through the water until we made it to the steps. She started to unwrap her legs from around me, but I snatched them back to keep them in place and lifted her ass up in my hands to carry her out of the pool.

I went to where my shoes were and bent over to pick them up while still holding her. I walked through the crowds and when we went back inside the house the cold ac made the warm water on my body turn cold. Emeralds body was still warm though and it only made me want to hold her even longer.

When we got to the bottom of the stairs I sat her down, but still had my arm around her waist. There were plenty of people inside still drinking and dancing and I wasn't comfortable letting her walk around like this without me around.

"Go on..and Emerald?" I asked and she looked up at me with her blank expression.

"No more boys."

Her expression never dropped. Never cracked. I couldn't tell what she thought, but she definitely wasn't going to let me know.

"Yes Alpha." She said in a serious voice and turned away from me and went up the stairs.

I watched her plump ass bounce from each step she took until she was completely out of sight. She's going to end up getting some boy killed if she's not careful.

'Still don't think she's ours?' Zeb asked in a sarcastic dark voice.