
Embrace Of The Abyss: Reincarnation

Once high and mighty- Xia Feng stood at the pinnacle of cultivation but something strange occured. An unknown mystery in the void led his soul to wander aimlessly before falling upon a little star far away from the world of cultivation. ... Earth was in ruins. Unknown beasts appeared one day, wreaking havoc upon them. Firearms didn't work. Thankfully, with the beasts Qi was revitalized on earth. Martials Arts finally became useful. Soon the Beasts and Monsters were defeated but peace didn't last. Earthlings faced a horrifying reality slap. A decade later the beasts returned.

AlmightySkyDxddy · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Cultivation once again!

Xia Feng let out a sigh of understanding as he grasped the dire situation this planet faced.

It appeared that these periodic beast attacks had become an unfortunate tradition for these people, recurring every decade.

The pitiful thing was that with each passing decade, these beasts grew in both numbers and strength.

Xia Feng couldn't help but feel a sense of pity as he contemplated the unfortunate fate of the mortals of this planet.

The supposed safety of this planet was nothing more than an illusion, and survival would be a challenging task in the decades to come.

Yet, all of this was mere conjecture based on his review of the original Xia Feng's memories. As a low-ranking individual in this world, the original Xia Feng was oblivious to the true power of the most formidable experts.

Meanwhile, Teacher Wang's voice interrupted his thoughts, calling out, "Lin Jin, come forward to claim your reward!"

As a 16-year-old with a lean physique hidden beneath his Empyrean Sun Academy uniform, stood up with an elated expression, drawing the admiration of many, especially the girls in the class.

Upon reaching Teacher Wang, Lin Jin respectfully bowed as he received a bag containing ten translucent white spheres, each the size of a golf ball.

Xia Feng's eyes sparkled once he laid eyes on them.

Upon sensing the Qi in this world, Xia Feng's disappointment grew.

Starting cultivation from scratch would be a daunting task unless he settled for a low-level cultivation technique.

However, he was unwilling to compromise on his path.

The existence of spirit stones provided a glimmer of hope, indicating that his path was not entirely blocked.

After handing over the spirit stones, Teacher Wang produced a yellow rune, resembling a wide bookmark adorned with intricate designs and a faint golden glow, lending it a divine appearance.

Lin Jin's excitement was evident as he received the talisman. Even though it was a low-level Defense Talisman, it was akin to a second life, considering the skill and cost required for crafting talismans even the cheapest talisman cost ¥50000.

His greatest gains, however, were the spirit stones.

After Lin Jin's turn was over, Teacher Wang announced, "The money will be transferred to your account within 5 hours... Xia Mingrou!"

A young girl with luscious long black hair and a refined, exquisite face stepped forward. With her noble air and captivating beauty, Xia Mingrou attracted numerous admiring glances, including those of Lin Jin.

Xia Mingrou happened to be Xia Feng's cousin, both belonging to the prestigious Xia Clan, renowned for its powerful Martial Artists.

However, the previous Xia Feng had harbored impure thoughts towards her due to her extraordinary beauty.

Xia Feng's gaze was fixed on her, albeit for different reasons. His thoughts revolved around the rewards.

When his name was called, Xia Feng approached the podium.

As he walked, he felt the ground beneath him, stirring mixed emotions. When had he last felt the solid ground?

Thousands of years of floating in the void.

After his ascension, his life had been monotonous and devoid of entertainment.

And now that Xia Feng was given another chance... he was still going to go down the same path.

He could not change.

With these fleeting thoughts, he accepted his rewards from Teacher Wang and returned to his seat, surprising his classmates, as he typically argued about his lower rank compared to Lin Jin.

Yet, today, he remained strangely silent.

Xia Mingrou was also taken aback; she gazed at Xia Feng with a thoughtful expression.

He possessed a sharp, youthful face with long black hair reminiscent of ancient Chinese men.

However, what left her speechless was the icy aura he exuded.

Shaking her head in disbelief, she enjoyed the rare peace she wouldn't normally get.

Typically, he would try to initiate small talk with her, fawning over her and pestering her despite being her cousin.

Today, however, he remained eerily silent, seemingly detached from the world.

Xia Mingrou couldn't help but think, 'Puh! This scoundrel must be worrying over something; he'll be back to his usual self in no time.'

While the class was surprised by Xia Feng's unusual behavior, they refrained from approaching him.

His aura and the backing of the Xia Family discouraged any attempts to provoke him.

Little did they know that Xia Feng had already begun cultivating.

Although not visible, faint Qi particles swirled around him in a hazardous manner.

With closed eyes, Xia Feng took slow, deliberate breaths, indicating that he wouldn't wait any longer.

He had already initiated cultivation using a technique from his past life.

Eternal Void Scripture.

This was his primary cultivation art, one that had allowed him to dominate the Celestial Realm.

With this scripture, he had compelled even Gods and Buddhas to kneel in submission—a technique he had crafted himself in his later cultivation years.

However, it wasn't his best cultivation art.

There were two reasons for sticking with it: his proficiency, as he had cultivated it to the Dao Realm, and the ability to connect his soul to the void once he completed his Foundation, allowing him to cultivate using Void Qi, solving the issue of limited Spiritual Qi on this planet.

Pure Qi streamed from the spirit stones as wisps of energy danced around him. With each breath, he absorbed copious amounts of Qi, making rapid progress.

After a few hours, two of his spirit stones had already shattered, leaving him with the third one.

His classmates were too engrossed in their own studies to disturb him.

On Monday, the classes consisted entirely of theory.

The first and last days of the week were dedicated to theory, while the remaining days blended theory with martial arts practice.

Time continued to pass, and teachers rotated in and out of the classroom.

Suddenly, Xia Feng snapped his eyes open and cast a downward glance. The spiritual stone in his hand gradually disintegrated into dust, causing his brows to furrow with dissatisfaction.

Just a bit more!

He only required one more Spirit Stone to achieve Qi Refining!

Xia Feng looked to his side and saw Xia Mingrou was reading a book. He immediately called out, "Xia Mingrou, lend me a spirit stone."

Xia Mingrou who engrossed in her book was startled by his voice with a somewhat annoyed expression she extended her fair and empty palm towards him.


"I said lend me a spirit stone." He softly repeated his words.

"Huh." Xia Mingrou finally snapped back to her senses and looked at Xia Feng with embarrassment.

She was so used to Xia Feng giving her one of his spirit stones that she thought he was doing it again and misunderstood his words.

Though reluctant she still obediently handed one over.

The siblings didn't really have a bad relationship only Xia Feng was a bit annoying.

The moment he got the spirit stone he returned to refining it.


Lin Jin who kept an eye on the Xia siblings frowned in puzzlement.

He fancied Xia Mingrou but Xia Feng was like a thorn in his side. Why was that bastard interested in his own sister?

Not to mention he was from an ordinary family. If it weren't for the fact he was at the top of the class Xia Mingrou wouldn't even talk to him.

The pair of siblings were extremely arrogant.

But today was different, the loud mouth dog, Xia Feng, was unusually silent and what more he made Xia Mingrou hand over her own spirit stone!

Was that bastard finally going to stop chasing his own cousin?


After a few minutes he let out a sigh.

He could only hope so.


It was already 4pm and the last class was going on.

At this moment, Xia Feng eyes fluttered open and a slight silvery glint was reflected in his eyes.

Eternal Void Scripture, Stage 1!

Qi Refining Entry Level!

Unnoticable to anyone, humungous changes were happening inside his body. His skin had become tighter and there was faint luster to it.

Invisible to the naked eye, Spiritual Qi danced in Xia Feng's palms.

He had entered the ranks of cultivators once again.

Even the immovable heart of the ruthless cultivator rippled slightly as he let out a gentle smile.

"From heights unknown, a fall profound..."