
Emblem : End of Reign

Vallasur · Fantasy
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4 Chs

1. Sage of Perfection

After the rankings were revealed, the cast headed back to the barracks, fully embracing their roles as soldiers of Alias. The following morning, they were awakened by a strange noise that sounded like a fork scraping against a metal plate.

Still groggy and curious, they came out to see Xeno immediately organizing them into formation without any explanation. Lucian, who was still getting used to the unfamiliar treatment, started to express his irritation but was quickly silenced by Nori, who was quick-witted and anticipated any objections.

As they stood in line with the other soldiers, they noticed the arrival of several unfamiliar warriors who seemed to exude a more advanced presence. Nori keenly observed their heightened aura.

Shortly after, Xeno arrived with four individuals who emitted the same unsettling aura as him. They were revealed to be the Supreme Commanders of Alias, and were praised and introduced with great respect.

Orvis, the eldest commander, began recounting the story of the Alias army's origins.

"Over two centuries ago, there existed a human known as The Sovereign of Aura, Sage of Perfection, Areluis Gold. This individual was celebrated as flawless, possessing immense strength, beauty, and renown. Areluis ruled over a quarter of the universe, his authority unquestioned.

Areluis's heart belonged to the Goddess of Love and Beauty, Sagatha, but their forbidden love angered the divine. When Sagatha's father, Saraght, reacted in fury, tragedy ensued. Areluis, undeterred by the gods' disapproval, confronted them in a battle for love and justice.

Challenging the very deities who shaped existence single-handedly, Areluis remained resolute. Despite warnings of the dire consequences of harming Saraght, Areluis persisted. The conflict escalated into a monumental struggle, lasting three grueling years.

Ultimately, Areluis emerged triumphant, defeating Saraght and triggering the creation of the Time Flux—an event that unpredictably scattered beings and objects across the multiverse."

I apologise for how quickly the pacing is but I will make sure to explain everything thoroughly as the story progresses.

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