

In a world where ancient towers rise as guardians of the past and creatures never seen before lurk in the shadows, three friends - two men and one woman - are drawn into an epic journey beyond their everyday lives. It all began as a normal life for Yukita, Yinda, and Sajual, three inseparable friends who share laughter and adventures in their small town. However, everything changes when an inexplicable event unleashes a hidden power within them, revealing a world of magic, danger, and mystery. The towers, relics of an unknown world, begin to activate all around the globe, unleashing a series of events that will test the friendship and bravery of the three friends. They soon discover that these towers are connected to a mysterious phenomenon, a force that threatens to plunge the world into darkness. As Yukita, Yinda, and Sajual venture into this new and dangerous world, they face creatures never seen before, monsters lurking in the shadows, and violence that defies all understanding. With each step, they discover more about themselves and the bonds that unite them. But they are not alone in this fight. They join other brave warriors, each with their own gifts and abilities, forming a team ready to confront the dark forces that threaten to destroy everything they love.

OSJUSA · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

III. The Roar of the Beast

The following days passed with a palpable absence of Yukita at school. His friends, worried about his sudden disappearance, tried to reach out to him, but their messages went unanswered. They decided to visit him after classes, hoping to find some explanation for his absence, but what they discovered left them stunned and disturbed.

Arriving at his best friend's house, they were met with a desolate scene. The home was in shambles, as if it had been struck by an unstoppable force. A hole the size of a room had punched through the structure, the window and facade shattered, and not a trace remained of the peaceful dwelling they used to visit.

Their hearts filled with worry as they realized Yukita wasn't there. Uncertainty gripped them as they tried to make sense of what had happened. Where was their friend? What had caused such devastation in his home? The questions echoed in their minds as they faced the bewildering reality before them.

After witnessing the chaos at Yukita's house, his friends were faced with the difficult decision of what to do next. Uncertainty and concern overwhelmed them, but they knew they had to act quickly to find their missing friend. They decided to start by looking for him in the places where he usually spent most of his time.

Their first stop was the gym, where Yukita passionately dedicated himself to his training. However, to their surprise, neither the staff nor the training partners had any news of him. Yukita's absence was so unusual that even the coach shared their concern, recalling the mysterious incident from the sparring match a few days earlier.

As they explored the gym for clues, they realized something was amiss. The place was unusually empty and quiet, as if a shadow of fear had fallen over it. A sense of unease gripped them.

Despite the challenges and uncertainty, his friends refused to give up in their search for Yukita. Determined to uncover the truth behind his disappearance, they prepared to move forward, knowing the path ahead would be arduous and filled with unknown dangers.

As they explored the park, a place that had been the epicenter of their childhood, memories began to flow like a river winding through the rocks of time. They remembered sunny days when they used to play amidst laughter and games, chasing each other with the boundless energy of youth. It was a world full of possibilities, where every corner of the park became a stage for their imaginary adventures.

One of the most vivid memories was the day they played heroes and villains, with Yukita taking on the role of the cunning antagonist. They relived the thrill of running through the park, chasing each other while onlookers cheered enthusiastically, immersing themselves in the game with the same intensity as they did, Sajual - Really was

playing with a smile.

But as they walked through the now deserted and neglected park, they realized things had changed. The place that had once been a sanctuary of fun and joy now lay silent, its structures worn down and its appearance unkempt, reflecting the neglect it had suffered over time. No longer did childish laughter echo, nor did the hurried footsteps of games sound; the park had lost its charm and had become little more than a melancholic reminder of times past.

Sadness enveloped their hearts as they realized the desolation of the park mirrored their own situation. Like the park, their lives had been transformed by circumstances beyond their control, and now they faced an uncertain future where hope seemed distant and elusive. Yet amidst the desolation, they found a spark of determination that drove them forward in their quest for answers and their lost friend.

As they made their way to the last place they hoped to find Yukita, they fondly remembered their first encounter with him in that same spot, years ago. It was a high peak or an overlook that offered a breathtaking view of the sprawling city below, illuminated by the lights of the night and adorned by the twinkle of stars in the sky.

They reminisced about the conversation they had with Yukita on that occasion, when they were just curious kids with dreams as vast as the universe itself. Yukita had confided his dream with shining eyes, pointing towards the starry firmament and expressing his desire to one day reach the stars and gaze upon the world from the highest vantage.

Now, as they approached the place where they had shared that moment full of hope and aspirations, they felt a mix of emotions: the joy of shared memories, the sadness of the uncertainty of the present, and the determination to find their lost friend. With each step they took towards the overlook, they renewed their commitment to not rest until they discovered Yukita's whereabouts and brought him back home. Despite Yukita's absence, the glow of the stars continued to shine with an unextinguishable light, reminding them that even in the deepest darkness, there is always hope and the possibility of a new dawn.

Night fell over the city, shrouding the streets in a blanket of darkness as Sajual and Yinda made their way back home with heavy hearts and minds filled with worry. Every step they took resonated with uncertainty and confusion, unable to find answers to the questions that haunted them.

In silence, each of them reflected on the moments shared with Yukita, remembering his laughter, his dreams, and his unyielding spirit. They wondered where their friend could be at that moment, what events he might be experiencing, and if he would be safe. Anguish enveloped them like a shadow, even darkening the brightest memories of their friendship.

Upon arriving at their homes, they immersed themselves in the stillness of the night, unable to find comfort in sleep. Their minds continued to whirl, searching for clues that would lead them back to Yukita, but to no avail. Uncertainty and worry kept them awake, wondering what the future held for them and if they would ever see their lost friend again.

The Ketsukaraca Forest resonated with an ominous silence as Sajual and Yinda ventured among the shattered trees and the remains of the once lush nature. Each step was a confrontation with the devastation that stretched before them, a tangible testament to the violence that had shaken the place, and marks of the claws and dead animals throughout.

As they ventured further into the forest, the feeling of unease grew in their hearts, mixed with the hope of finding their friend safe and sound. But when they saw a solitary figure among the trees, hope turned to horror.

Yukita emerged from the darkness of the forest, his body marked by wounds and his face as pale as the snow falling around him. His friends could barely recognize him amidst the blood and weariness, but there was no doubt it was him.

Without words, Sajual and Yinda ran towards their friend, overwhelmed by the relief of finding him alive but tormented by what they had witnessed in the forest. With tears in their eyes and hearts full of questions, they surrounded Yukita, ready to hear his story and help him in any way they could.

The journey back in the car was tense, with Sajual at the wheel while Yinda tried to keep Yukita awake and stable. Every curve and bump in the road was agony for their friend's battered body, whose breathing was irregular and choppy.

Upon arriving at Yinda's house, they acted quickly, bringing Yukita inside and laying him carefully on a flat surface. The dim lights of the place cast shadows on his pale and bloodied face as Sajual and Yinda worked frantically to stop the bleeding and clean the wounds.

It was only then, with the adrenaline of the moment dissipating, that they realized the seriousness of the situation. Yukita's wounds were deep and numerous, and the amount of blood lost was alarming. Every time they approached a wound, it seemed they discovered another one, and the concern on their faces intensified with each passing moment.

As they worked, the clock continued to advance relentlessly, marking the hours that passed since they found Yukita in the forest at 1:25 a.m. The silence of the house was broken only by the sound of their efforts and the rapid beating of their hearts, each silently praying for their friend's recovery and wondering what had happened to leave him in such a state.

Yukita's words left Yinda and Sajual breathless as they absorbed the shocking story they had just heard. Tension filled the room, and silence weighed on them like a slab.

After a moment of taking in what he had just said, Yinda broke the silence with a trembling voice. "Are you saying you faced a giant bear in the forest? And that you killed its own cub in front of it? And that you had a claw in his hand and in his hands, and had the bowels from the stomach attached to the heads and The they crumpled skull and their legs were crumpled. Yukita nodded weakly, his face reflecting the horror and confusion he felt inside. "I know it sounds unbelievable, but that's what I remember. It was like I was in a dream, but every detail was so real, so vivid..."

Sajual approached him, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You must have gone through hell, buddy. But we're here now, and we'll take care of you. Do you remember anything else? Any clue as to who that monster might have been or why it attacked you?"

Yukita frowned, trying to focus despite the haze of pain in his mind. "No... I can't remember anything else. It was all so confusing, so sudden... I just know I need to find answers, understand what's going on. This wasn't a normal encounter, something else is happening here."

Yukita's face reflected a mix of confusion and distress as he struggled to understand what was happening. Yinda and Sajual exchanged worried looks before approaching him with reassuring gestures.

"Take it easy, Yukita," Yinda said softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Whatever you're feeling, we'll figure it out together. Maybe you need to rest a bit and let your body recover."

Sajual nodded solemnly. "This might have affected you more than you realize. Your mind and body need time to process everything you've been through."

But as they tried to calm him down, Yukita felt something strange. A sudden chill ran through him, but this time it was different from before. It was as if a part of him had suddenly gone out, as if something vital had suddenly extinguished.

"I can't feel anything," he whispered, his voice trembling as he fought back tears. "Why... why am I like this? What's happening to me?"

Panic began to overtake him as he clutched his chest, trying to find some sign of sensation in his body. But there was only an unsettling void, a dark silence that enveloped and terrified him.

Yinda and Sajual exchanged concerned glances, unsure how to comfort their friend in this moment of despair. They were determined to find answers.

Fear was increasingly taking over Yukita as he struggled to understand what was happening to him. His thoughts became confused and tormented, fearful of the possible consequences of his bewildering situation.

"What should I do?" he murmured between sobs, feeling a lump in his throat. "I can't risk hurting anyone else. But I can't bear this alone."

Yukita's dilemma was overwhelming. Should he trust his friends and share his distress with them? Or should he keep his confusion secret and fight alone against his inner demons?

On one hand, he feared that revealing the truth could drive away his friends, seeing him as a danger or a stranger. But, on the other hand, he was overwhelmed by the burden of his suffering and desperately longed for the comfort and support of those who mattered most to him.

With a heavy heart filled with fear and uncertainty, Yukita faced a decision that could change the course of his life forever. Would he dare to open his heart to his friends, or would he sink further into the darkness of his own fears and doubts?