

In a world where ancient towers rise as guardians of the past and creatures never seen before lurk in the shadows, three friends - two men and one woman - are drawn into an epic journey beyond their everyday lives. It all began as a normal life for Yukita, Yinda, and Sajual, three inseparable friends who share laughter and adventures in their small town. However, everything changes when an inexplicable event unleashes a hidden power within them, revealing a world of magic, danger, and mystery. The towers, relics of an unknown world, begin to activate all around the globe, unleashing a series of events that will test the friendship and bravery of the three friends. They soon discover that these towers are connected to a mysterious phenomenon, a force that threatens to plunge the world into darkness. As Yukita, Yinda, and Sajual venture into this new and dangerous world, they face creatures never seen before, monsters lurking in the shadows, and violence that defies all understanding. With each step, they discover more about themselves and the bonds that unite them. But they are not alone in this fight. They join other brave warriors, each with their own gifts and abilities, forming a team ready to confront the dark forces that threaten to destroy everything they love.

OSJUSA · Fantasy
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4 Chs

I. Pushing the Boundaries

After the conversation, Yukita, Sajual, and Yinda, with smiles on their faces, walked together towards school. The sun was shining in the sky, lighting the way with its warm glow and creating an atmosphere of joy and confidence.

As they walked along the quiet streets of their neighborhood, they shared anecdotes and jokes, enjoying each other's company and leaving behind any lingering worries from their brief exchange.

The air was fresh and full of life, and the scent of spring flowers filled their senses, bringing with it a feeling of renewal and vitality. As they approached the school, the hustle and bustle of the morning began to fill the air, with students coming and going in all directions, ready to face another day of learning.

Yukita, Sajual, and Yinda joined the crowd with enthusiasm, feeling the palpable excitement in the air as they made their way towards the school building. The sun's rays caressed their faces, infusing them with a sense of warmth and joy that filled them with energy and determination. As they approached the entrance gate, Yukita paused for a moment and looked at his friends with a smile.

Yukita: "Come on, guys! Let's make this day amazing!"

Sajual and Yinda nodded eagerly, sharing their friend's excitement as they continued on their way to school. With a sense of camaraderie and determination in their hearts, they entered the school building together, ready to face whatever the day had in store for them.

Unfortunately, the friends had different classes, and as each of them left, it was as if they would never see each other again.

Already in school, while Yukita was in the middle of chemistry class, he noticed something unusual: a faint trail of black smoke seeping from under the classroom door. At first, he thought it might be just a problem with the air conditioning or some minor incident in another nearby room. However, as the minutes passed, the smoke intensified, darkening the floor of the room more and more and emitting a sharp, acrid smell that filled the air. Yukita frowned, a sense of unease beginning to creep over him as he wondered what could be causing this phenomenon. He watched as the teacher continued with his lesson, seemingly unaware of the smoke filling the room.

Suddenly, in a moment that seemed to last an eternity, the classroom door was shattered with a deafening crash, sucking all the smoke back from where it came. Yukita jumped to his feet, his heart pounding and his eyes wide open, ready to face any threat that might arise. However, to his surprise, nothing else happened. The entire class, including the teacher, stood staring at him in silence, with a mixture of disbelief and amazement on their faces.

Yukita suddenly felt embarrassed as he realized he had been the only one to react to what seemed to be a dangerous situation. Laughter and mocking comments from his classmates echoed in his ears, making him feel even more uncomfortable. With his head down, he returned to his seat, trying to ignore the curious looks that followed him wherever he went.

What no one could imagine, not even as a remote possibility, was that beneath the school, a strange event was brewing that would change everything. However, for the moment, Yukita decided to keep his concerns to himself, still unaware of the role he would play in the events that were about to unfold.

At the end of the class and lagging behind, Yukita experienced an unusual sensation: he began to feel a growing discomfort, accompanied by a strange metallic taste in his mouth that made him spit blood. Surprise and discomfort showed on his face, and an urgent question arose in his mind: What is happening? Unable to understand what was happening, he leaned against the classroom door, feeling the tension in his muscles and the acceleration of his pulse.

As he got up, he continued on his way without paying attention to what was happening; the door handle had been deformed under his grip. What kind of potential lies sealed in these people? It's a question that leads us to explore the unlimited possibilities that each individual harbors within. This potential can manifest itself in various ways: from extraordinary physical ability to exceptional talent in any field, be it sports, music, creativity, among others.

The key lies in discovering why this happens. Why do some people never unleash their full potential? The answer could lie in the lack of opportunities to explore and develop their skills, or perhaps in the fear of facing the unknown. Many individuals go through life without ever discovering what truly sets them apart from others, simply because they never venture beyond what they are taught.

However, this phenomenon is not exclusive to a few privileged individuals. We all harbor hidden potential waiting to be discovered and cultivated. The key is to look within ourselves and explore the depths of our being. Only then can we unlock our full potential and reach new heights in our lives. It's a journey with many pitfalls that challenges us to explore the unknown and embrace our true passions and talents. If you don't search for it, who will?

While, before diving into his next class, Yukita decided to first address a troubling issue: his strange condition. Without fully understanding what was happening to him, he headed towards the school infirmary in search of answers. The nurse, with her usual serenity, welcomed him and proceeded to examine him carefully, looking for any signs of physical discomfort. After a thorough analysis, she concluded that there was nothing physically wrong with him. However, Yukita couldn't ignore the sense of unease that engulfed him. Why am I spitting blood?

"Are you sure everything is okay?" Yukita asked, a mix of disbelief and concern.

The nurse nodded with a reassuring smile. "Yes, there's no reason to worry. Maybe you just need to rest a little more."

Thanking her for her words, Yukita bid her farewell and headed to his next class, which happened to be physical education. Although known for his prowess in sports activities and especially in martial arts, being one of the top students in his class, he also possessed a sharp and insightful mind, capable of analyzing situations with great clarity.

On a hot and sunny day, as the students headed to their physical education class, the teacher announced that he would be conducting a series of physical tests to assess each of their condition and performance. The atmosphere was filled with anticipation and nervousness as the students prepared to face the challenges that awaited them.

They were getting ready to take these tests, putting away their backpack and taking out a towel and a water bottle, the teacher used a whistle to let them know they should be ready.

The tests began with a 100-meter sprint, where each student had to run as fast as possible to complete the distance. Yukita positioned himself at the starting line, with tense muscles and eyes focused on the path ahead. When the teacher gave the start signal, Yukita burst forward with a burst of speed, leaving his classmates behind with ease. His stride was long and powerful, and his determination was evident in every step he took. As he approached the finish line, the clock showed an impressively fast time, much faster than anyone had anticipated.

After the sprint, a series of endurance tests followed, including push-ups, sit-ups, and long jumps. In each exercise, Yukita demonstrated exceptional strength and endurance, surpassing his classmates with ease. His movements were fluid and precise, and his determination never wavered, even as fatigue began to take its toll on others.

As the tests progressed, Yukita continued to excel in each of them, pushing his own limits and setting personal records. His endurance seemed endless, and his energy was inexhaustible, inspiring his classmates to give their best. At the end of the tests, while others were exhausted, Yukita stood with a smile on his face, proud of what he had just accomplished.

For Yukita, these tests were not only an opportunity to demonstrate his physical ability, but also a reminder of his own potential. Through effort and determination, he had discovered an inner strength he never knew he had, a strength that would propel him forward in the challenges he would face in the future.

How long did Yukita take in the 100 meters? About 5.67 seconds, truly out of this world, since if we compare it with the fastest man of that time the world record is about 9.58 seconds, if we compare it with a normal person who is always sitting and walks occasionally, it could range from about 30 to 45 seconds approximately, so Yukita runs 6 to 9 times faster.

Yukita approached the physical education teacher after the tests and said, "Teacher, I wanted to thank you for today's tests. It was an exciting challenge and I really felt good participating."

The teacher, smiling, replied, "I'm glad to hear that, Yukita. You did an exceptional job today. Your speed and endurance are impressive."

Yukita nodded gratefully. "Thank you, teacher. I really enjoyed every exercise. I feel more motivated than ever to improve my physical abilities."

The teacher nodded approvingly. "That's what I like to hear. Sports is not just about winning, but also about pushing yourself. And today you've shown great progress."

Yukita smiled with satisfaction. "I'm excited to keep training and improving. Thank you for giving me this opportunity, teacher."

The teacher patted him on the shoulder and replied, "The pleasure is mine, Yukita. I'm sure you'll achieve great things if you keep working hard."

After classes, Yukita picked up his bag and said goodbye to his friends, sharing laughs and plans for the weekend. As he walked home, the sun slowly set on the horizon, tinting the sky with warm orange hues. Upon arriving home, the quiet atmosphere contrasted with the hustle and bustle of the school day.

As he began to prepare for his martial arts training, Yukita felt a slight dizziness. At first, he attributed it to the accumulated fatigue of the day, but soon realized that something was wrong. A metallic taste in his mouth made him involuntarily spit out some blood, which caused a mix of concern and confusion.

Suddenly, his attention was drawn to something shiny that fell from his mouth to the floor. He quickly bent down to pick it up and discovered that it was a ring, dazzling under the room's light. His thoughts swirled with questions: How did that ring get there? Why was it in his mouth? A feeling of intrigue mingled with growing discomfort.

With a lump in his throat, Yukita decided to get rid of the ring as soon as possible. He headed towards the nearest trash can and threw it away with a brisk gesture, as if he were freeing himself from a heavy burden. However, despite getting rid of the object, a feeling of unease persisted in his mind as he hurried out of the house to head to the dojo.