
Embers Ver.II

A dragon finds herself lost on Earth surrounded by a plethora of things she cannot understand. Will she ever find her way home? Or will she forever be searching for a way to get back? Join Ember and her quest to find herself and her home, as she faces the obstacles and problems in a world with humans. It's not easy to stay undercover when you're from a completely different realm... UPDATES ON MONDAYS

pariskatx1 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Fighting Dreamers

Ethioxis was much a much larger country than the one we were in before. Despite it looking like it was still in development, there was a ginormous air of wealth and evergreen about the place.

It almost reminded me of home - with the abundance of foliage and intricate placement of expensive golds around. I could tell this was definitely a place a prosperity and great fortune, nobody seemed to be suffering. Everyone looked content and well-off.

I blissfully took in the scenery as Danté closed the helicopter in on the centre of the city. I jumped out of the machine and looked around enthusiastically.

"Rise 'n' shine, cutie." Danté shoved half asleep Aiden off of our ride. He seemed much to tired to scream at Danté so just kept groaning miserably as he was forced to wake himself up. "Welcome to Prince Tora's kingdom, Ember. You seem to be taking a liking to it already."

"Yes. This is quite an exquisite kingdom he has retained." I stood, fixated on the large golden gates to the entrance of the palace.

We were in a beautifully decorated courtyard with colossal trees that had the most wondrous blossoms, that beamed with soft, delicate colours. The pathway was embedded with sprouts of petite flowers here and there and a felt at ease whilst we walked along it.

What a grand atmosphere! Such an elegant castle placed right in the middle of a superlative city. I definitely felt more free to roam around here. It didn't feel as if there could possibly be any danger or as if anyone would try to harm me for being a dragon.

The guards allowed me to pass, even when Danté and Aiden were lagging a couple steps behind me. Danté threw me an amiable thumbs up as I turned to look back and Aiden looked as if he was bored out of his mind. This was such a magnificent area compared to wherever I was warped to. It was so much more alive. It was thriving with beauty and happiness.

"Hurry up, guys, I would like to see the interior!" I shouted from the sky-high front doors.

"Are you sure you didn't give her something while I was asleep? She's awfully happy now." Aiden raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

"I swear I didn't. Ember is just fond of this marvellous city." Danté laughed.

"You as well?" Aiden shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.

"I appreciate the fact that Ethioxis always feels more like home than my Father's HQ in Lalithia ever did. Tora's doing a fine job keeping it so... incredible." He took a deep breath in and seemed much more relaxed here too.

"See!? This place must be enchanted with magic!" I gasped.

"I can see where you're coming from, but I don't think that's completely accurate." Danté chuckled at me.

"You lot are nutty. Something clearly happened whilst I was out. I won't believe you for a second that nothing did happen."

As I expected, the inside of the palace was just as lovely as the outside. We walked through the tall hallways and I couldn't wait to meet and congratulate the Prince Tora on his majestic kingdom. I was surprised that no guard was escorting us. We were allowed to roam around the castle ourselves as if it were our home!

After passing thousands of doors, we came to a well lit room. The roof was completely made of glass allowing heavenly rays of light to shine through. There was a girl at a desk with piles and piles of books and bits and bobs she seemed to be tinkering with.

"Miyuki! Hello!" Danté waved as we entered.

"Oh, hiya, Danté, Aiden." She wiped the sweat from her forehead and ran up to us. "Another friend you've acquired, huh?"

"This is Ember. She's a dragon, the one I found earlier in the woods." Danté said.

"Woah! We've never managed to find a dragon. You're the very first I've seen, Ember! From what my sister tells me dragons are extremely wise creatures that have a great connection with particular elements. Is that really so!?" Miyuki put out her hand for me to shake.

"Yes, that is accurate." I shook her hand and she had a firm hold on me. Miyuki seemed like an incredibly bright girl with an eager eye for mystery.

Her sister seemed like she was unusually familiar with other species. Almost far too accurate to be fully human. There was a little bit more spirit energy in Miyuki than Danté so out of curiosity I had to ask: "Your sister said this?"

"Yup. For sure." She nodded. "I feel so honoured to meet you, haha…" How sweet of her to say! I returned her gleaming smile.

"Miyuki's sister, Umiko, is a powerful sorceress of the ocean." Danté explained. Even the sound of the word… just anything to do with water makes me nauseous.

"The one and only!" Miyuki said, proudly.

"By the way, where is Umi? She's usually with you, no?" Danté asked.

"Ah, yes. Umiko went off to find another of the L.M.Nts we think we've been able to reach with Nova just this morning."

"With N-Nova!?? Just those two!? What about Daichi or Candice? Did they go?" Danté frantically panicked.

"I'm afraid not." Miyuki giggled. "You're so funny when you're jealous, Danté."

"I'm not jealous! I'm just cautious when it comes to her… with him."

"That's what being jealous is, idiot." Aiden chuckled. Then I remembered how Danté was telling me how his heart was set on someone else. This Umiko had to be the one, but from this conversation it seems as if she's already taken.

"But she did say that she wishes you'd come with them. She really wanted you to go, but I only had two warping devices made and Nova insisted he'd keep her safe." Miyuki added.

"Oh…" Danté's cheeks were flushed with a rosy colour.

"Always raving on about the great Umiko whenever I see you, Danté." A man dressed in regal clothing appeared from a platform, which he elevated from in the middle of the room.

"Prince Tora!?" I ran up to him and stood on one knee. "I have to say, I'm very impressed by your magnificent Kingdom and I only hope that you continue to improve upon your great works." I quickly got up and bowed before taking a few steps back, hiding behind Aiden - a little embarrassed.

"My, my! I've never seen such a person so keen on my creations. I do try my best. I'm glad it's left such a great impression on you." The Prince bowed in return. "It's a pleasure to see you, my friends! Old and new." When he said that, he tilted his head and peeked at me.

The Prince had the most vibrant, golden hair and prominent blue eyes and only wore whites and golds. He gave off a very god-like aura. "And what would your name, be little lady?"

"I'm Ember, first born and daughter of the Elder Dragon." I mumbled.

"An Elder Dragon? That's new… I'd like to invite Ember to a research meeting, Miyuki, maybe sometime tomorrow. I hope that's alright with you?" Prince Tora, questioned her. But he's a Prince! He can do anything he wants and he still cares about others schedules. Interesting…

"I think we can arrange that." Miyuki replied.

"Thank you. I don't know if Danté has already explained this to you, Ember. What New Ethioxis aims to promote is ideas of togetherness with all species and to do that I needed a team of trustworthy and dependable people to help me start this revolutionary kingdom. This group that The Order despises so much, so called the Rebels, that's us. Our team.

"We're trying to end this futile segregation in attempt to make everyone's future better. There are much bigger issues ahead of us and we need all the help we can get. The Order is too blinded by their own greed for power and control to see through it, that the universe is falling apart. Piece by piece. I'm trying to solve it all one step at a time with all these amazing people I'm lucky to have by my side. Firstly, by getting rid of the Kyōkai." Tora explained to me.

"See, Ember? The A team." Danté grinned.

"The A team?" I was fascinated by all that they aspired for the future of this world. I was curious about what this bigger incoming danger was though… the thought made me feel uneasy, but I was intrigued and impressed by their hope for a better universe.

"Oh no… this is where the initiation begins." Aiden sighed. "I'm warning you, Ember. Don't fall for it. It's a trap and a whole lot of work."

"What?" I was extremely confused.

"I, Prince Tora of Ethioxis, am inviting you, Ember, to be a part of the 'A team'. Of course you don't have to make the decision now, but I would appreciate it if you at least considered my proposition. You would be a strong and reliable ally."

"A part of your team…?"

Join the club, we've got jackets~

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