
Embers of Resolve: Rise of the Unyielding Hero

This is a story about Jack, a good person at heart, who gave his life so that someone else could live. He thought that was it, but then a goddess offered him a chance at a new life if he was ready to accept the task she offered in exchange: to defeat the Demon King in a fantasy world full of magic. This is a story about a good guy slowly being molded into something else as the world tramples on his morals. Will he be able to stay true to his beliefs? That's up to the lively and quirky group of people he became friends with.

Burningnova13 · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Whispers of Secrecy: Silent Bargains

The group gathered around, their differing opinions echoing through the room. Aqua, with her usual enthusiasm, insisted on venturing out to hunt a high-level monster for faster leveling and increased earnings.

Kazuma, on the other hand, preferred the comfort and warmth of the inn, suggesting they stay indoors and enjoy the coziness of the hearth. He argued that there was no need to subject themselves to the biting cold winds of winter when they could relax and indulge in the comforts of the inn.

Darkness, true to her nature, advocated for embracing the challenges that the cold weather presented. She believed that venturing out into the wintry landscape would toughen their bodies and sharpen their minds. To her, it was an opportunity for personal indulgement.

Meanwhile, Chris, seemingly disinterested, idly examined her fingernails, appearing detached from the discussion. Her lack of enthusiasm for any particular option was evident as she seemed lost in her own thoughts.

As the rest of the group exchanged their opinions, Megumin's gaze was fixed on Jack. She patiently awaited his decision, recognizing him as the de facto leader. She trusted his judgment and looked to him for guidance in choosing the best course of action.

Jack, with a thoughtful expression, turned his attention to the quest board. He carefully examined the available quests, weighing their potential risks and rewards. He understood the importance of leveling up and gaining resources, but he also considered the well-being and safety of the group.

As the discussion continued, tensions began to rise within the group. Aqua's persistent insistence on hunting a high-level monster clashed with Kazuma's desire for comfort and warmth. Darkness, ever the advocate for embracing challenges, argued for braving the cold as a means of personal growth. Chris remained aloof, her disinterested demeanor casting a sense of detachment over the conversation. Megumin, however, kept her gaze fixed on Jack, quietly observing his every move.

Jack, aware of the weight of his role as the de facto leader, felt the pressure to make a decision that would satisfy everyone. He walked over to the quest board, running his fingers along the various notices pinned to its surface. Each quest offered its own set of risks and rewards, but Jack sought one that would strike a balance between progress and safety.

After a few moments of contemplation, Jack turned to face the group. His calm and composed demeanor exuded a sense of confidence that captured their attention. "I hear your perspectives, and I appreciate each of your concerns," he began, his voice steady and measured. "We will take on a challenging quest that pushes our limits while still ensuring our safety."

Luna, one of the guild staff, interjected in the conversation and asked them for help with an urgent matter. Recently, there have been earthquakes, and the guild has finally managed to pinpoint their origin. She believes that Jack, Darkness, and Chris alone are enough to complete the investigation, not counting the others but considering them valuable if they are in Jack's group.

As Luna, the guild staff member, interjected in the conversation, the group turned their attention to her. Her urgent plea for assistance with the recent earthquakes immediately captured their concern.

Luna explained that the guild had been monitoring the earthquakes and had finally managed to pinpoint their origin. She believed that Jack, Darkness, and Chris alone possessed the necessary skills and experience to undertake the investigation, but emphasized the value of having the rest of the group accompany them.

Jack listened intently, weighing the importance of the task and the potential dangers involved. He glanced at Darkness and Chris, acknowledging their capabilities and understanding Luna's assessment. Turning to the rest of the group, he conveyed Luna's request and the significance of the mission.

"We've been given an important task," Jack addressed his companions. "Darkness, Chris, and I will lead the investigation, but we will need the support of the entire group. Your strengths and skills are valuable, and together, we can ensure the safety of the mission and gather the information the guild needs."

Aqua, though initially disgruntled at not being part of the primary investigation team, recognized the significance of their roles in supporting the mission. Kazuma, always up for an adventure, nodded with a mischievous grin, ready to contribute to their efforts. Megumin, her trust in Jack unwavering, eagerly accepted the task, knowing her explosions could be of use.

As Luna, the guild staff member, interjected in the conversation, the group turned their attention to her. Her urgent plea for assistance with the recent earthquakes immediately captured their concern.

Luna explained that the guild had been monitoring the earthquakes and had finally managed to pinpoint their origin. She believed that Jack, Darkness, and Chris alone possessed the necessary skills and experience to undertake the investigation, but emphasized the value of having the rest of the group accompany them.

Jack listened intently, weighing the importance of the task and the potential dangers involved. He glanced at Darkness and Chris, acknowledging their capabilities and understanding Luna's assessment. Turning to the rest of the group, he conveyed Luna's request and the significance of the mission.

"We've been given an important task," Jack addressed his companions. "Darkness, Chris, and I will lead the investigation, but we will need the support of the entire group. Your strengths and skills are valuable, and together, we can ensure the safety of the mission and gather the information the guild needs."

Aqua, though initially disgruntled at not being part of the primary investigation team, recognized the significance of their roles in supporting the mission. Kazuma, always up for an adventure, nodded with a mischievous grin, ready to contribute to their efforts. Megumin, her trust in Jack unwavering, eagerly accepted the task, knowing her explosions could be of use.

With their decision made, the group prepared themselves for the investigation. They gathered the necessary equipment and information provided by Luna, ensuring they were well-prepared for the potential challenges they would face. Jack, Darkness, and Chris took the lead, sharing their expertise and guiding the others on their journey.


The group arrived at a desolate and scorched landscape, where the ground was littered with craters, sliced boulders, and remnants of molten lava. Jack and Megumin exchanged nervous glances, realizing that the cause of the recent earthquakes was none other than their own training sessions. They had underestimated the destructive power of their attacks, failing to venture far enough from the town.

As the group surveyed the scorched training grounds, a sense of unease settled over them. Kazuma's eyes widened in horror as he scanned the area, his voice trembling with fear.

"Uh, guys?" he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. "Do you think... there might be a dragon nearby?"

His question hung in the air, causing a collective shiver to run through the group. Darkness instinctively tightened her grip on her sword, Aqua nervously fidgeted with her staff, and Chris glanced around cautiously, ready to react at a moment's notice.

Jack and Megumin exchanged a knowing glance, both understanding the source of Kazuma's terror. It was their own explosive training that had caused the destruction before them, not the presence of a dragon. They shared a silent understanding, deciding to keep the truth hidden for now.

Jack and Megumin exchanged knowing glances, their secret still concealed within their gaze. Jack cleared his throat, trying to maintain a composed demeanor. "There's no need to worry, Kazuma. We'll figure out what happened here and make sure it doesn't happen again."

Megumin nodded in agreement, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Yes, we'll investigate thoroughly and get to the bottom of it. But I can assure you, it's not a dragon."

Kazuma let out a sigh of relief, his fear gradually subsiding. "Alright, I trust you guys. Just... just let me know if you find anything unusual, okay?"

After a thorough investigation, the group was unable to find any definitive evidence or traces of what had caused the destruction. The scorched ground, craters, and sliced boulders remained as silent witnesses to the inexplicable phenomenon. With no leads to follow, they reluctantly concluded that whatever had caused the devastation was long gone.

Accepting this outcome, Jack took it upon himself to restore the landscape to its former state. Utilizing his unique magic, he repaired the scorched ground, filled the craters, and carefully rearranged the displaced boulders.

With the landscape restored and their mission concluded, the group made their way back to the guild. They walked in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Kazuma, Aqua, and Darkness exchanged puzzled glances, still unaware of the true origin of the destruction.

As they reached the guild, Luna approached them, her expression filled with gratitude. She expressed her appreciation for their efforts in investigating the earthquakes and their commitment to restoring the damaged area. The group nodded in acknowledgment, keeping their shared secret hidden beneath their calm exteriors.

Inside the guild, they settled down at a table, sharing their findings and speculations with Luna. They concluded that whatever had caused the destruction was likely a transient event, leaving no lingering threat.

As the group gathered once again to discuss their next move, the atmosphere was tense with differing opinions and conflicting ideas. Kazuma argued for caution and a more relaxed approach, while Aqua insisted on taking risks and venturing into dangerous territories. Darkness remained torn between her love for excitement and her desire for improvement.

Amidst the bickering, Chris leaned back in her chair, observing the group's heated discussion with a nonchalant expression. Sensing an opportunity, she casually interjected, her voice barely above a whisper, "It was you two, wasn't it?"

Jack and Megumin froze, their eyes widening in surprise. Their secret training sessions and the truth behind the mysterious destruction had been discovered by Chris. A mixture of relief and apprehension washed over them as they wondered how she had found out.

Before panic could take hold, Chris extended her hand, her palm facing upward. In response, Jack and Megumin exchanged glances and discreetly reached into their bags, pulling out pouches filled with Eris. With a silent understanding, they placed the pouches into Chris' waiting hand.

Chris closed her fingers around the pouches, concealing them from view, and brought her index finger to her lips. She then winked mischievously, a playful glint in her eyes.

Relieved that their secret had been bought with the promise of silence, Jack and Megumin felt a weight lift from their shoulders. While they couldn't be sure if Chris would truly keep their secret, they appreciated her willingness to play along.

Told you wallets would cry. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this more lighthearted-oriented chapter.

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