
Embers of Resolve: Rise of the Unyielding Hero

This is a story about Jack, a good person at heart, who gave his life so that someone else could live. He thought that was it, but then a goddess offered him a chance at a new life if he was ready to accept the task she offered in exchange: to defeat the Demon King in a fantasy world full of magic. This is a story about a good guy slowly being molded into something else as the world tramples on his morals. Will he be able to stay true to his beliefs? That's up to the lively and quirky group of people he became friends with.

Burningnova13 · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Scattered and shattered

As Kazuma and Aqua entered Arcanletia, they were met with a breathtaking sight. The city was a beautiful blend of ancient architecture and modern marvels, with water canals flowing through the streets, adorned with colorful flowers and vibrant banners that bore the emblem of the Axis Order. The gentle sound of water flowing created a soothing atmosphere that seemed to envelop the entire city.

Aqua's excitement was palpable as she waved and greeted the inhabitants, announcing her divine presence with grand gestures. However, just as Kazuma anticipated, the residents of Arcanletia didn't react as she had expected.

Instead of fawning over her and treating her as a true goddess, they merely smiled politely, their expressions hiding a mix of amusement and puzzlement. They treated her proclamations with skepticism, as if she were merely a spirited performer rather than a deity.

Aqua couldn't help but notice Kazuma's barely contained amusement at the way the residents treated her. She shot him a sidelong glare, her cheeks slightly flushed with irritation.

"You find this funny, don't you?" Aqua huffed, crossing her arms in annoyance. "Laugh all you want, but I am a goddess, you know!"

Kazuma tried to stifle his laughter, failing miserably as a snicker escaped his lips. "you have to admit, it's a little amusing. You proclaim yourself as a goddess, and yet they treat you like a street performer."

"It's not funny!" Aqua pouted, her pride clearly wounded. "I'm the Goddess of Water, the one who bestows blessings and miracles upon people! They should be kneeling at my feet in awe and reverence!"

Aqua's pout deepened, but she couldn't stay mad at Kazuma for long. "Well, I'll have you know that they're just too stunned to properly show their worship! They must be in awe of my divine presence!" Aqua declared, raising her head high with a grin on her face.

Kazuma rolled his eyes. "Of course, how could I doubt it? You are truly the one and only Goddess of Water, worshipped by all."

Aqua's smile widened, and she struck a grand pose, feeling more like a performer than a goddess at this point. "That's right! Now, let's go find more information about those demon generals. I won't let them ruin my divine reputation!"

Kazuma found it peculiar that last remark, but he shrugged it off. As long as she doesn't waste their money away on alcohol, he couldn't care less about what she was up to.

Kazuma found himself repeatedly targeted by enthusiastic members of the Axis Order. Each time he stepped outside, it seemed like someone from the church was waiting to approach him with a friendly smile and an invitation to join their ranks.

At first, Kazuma tried to politely decline, explaining that he wasn't interested in becoming a member of their church. However, the members were persistent, and their persuasion tactics ranged from subtle flattery to more forceful insistence. Some even tried to appeal to his desire for divine blessings, promising him protection and prosperity if he became a follower of Aqua.

Kazuma's patience was wearing thin, and he couldn't help but feel annoyed by the constant badgering. He was used to dealing with troublesome situations, but the Axis Order's persistence was testing his limits. Despite his frustration, he tried to maintain a level of politeness, not wanting to cause a scene.

"Hey, have you heard the good news about our Goddess Aqua? She can bless you with all sorts of miracles!" one enthusiastic follower exclaimed, waving a pamphlet at Kazuma.

"Oh, you don't want to miss out on the divine blessings of the Goddess! Join us and become a believer!" another urged, a bright smile on their face.

Despite his best efforts to politely decline their offers, Kazuma found himself cornered multiple times throughout the day. He tried to explain that he was just traveling, not seeking to join the Axis Order, but his words seemed to fall on deaf ears.

However, there were moments when Kazuma's resolve wavered, especially when some of the more attractive members of the Axis Order used their charms to try and win him over. He found himself contemplating the benefits of joining, but he quickly shook off those thoughts, knowing that it would be the biggest mistake he could ever make.

Aqua, on the other hand, seemed thoroughly entertained by the whole situation. She watched with amusement as Kazuma struggled to escape the enthusiastic members of her church.

"Kazuma, you should really consider joining! my divine blessings can change your life!" she chimed in, trying not to laugh.

Kazuma shot her a glare. "You're not helping, Aqua! They're starting to think I'm your biggest fan!"

"They wouldn't be wrong," Aqua teased, sticking out her tongue playfully.

Eventually, after much persistence from the Axis Order members, Kazuma managed to free himself from their clutches and escape to a quieter part of the city. He let out a sigh of relief and shook his head in disbelief. "I swear, Aqua, your followers are relentless!"

"Aren't they wonderful? They really believe in me, you know," Aqua replied with a self-satisfied smile.

Kazuma clicked his tongue while pulling Aqua aside, away from the watchful eyes of the Axis Order members. "Hey, Aqua, I want to check something out on my own. Let's meet back here in a few hours." he said, gesturing to a specific spot in the city.

Aqua looked a bit puzzled but nodded in agreement. "Alright, Kazuma, but be careful. Don't do anything too reckless without me!" she warned, a hint of worry in her voice.

Kazuma gave her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, I won't get into trouble. I just need to take care of something quickly." With that, he turned and walked away, leaving Aqua to wonder what he had in mind.

With a casual wave, he set off on his own towards a nearby hot spring. It was a perfect excuse to have some time to himself and relax without the church members trying to persuade him to join.

As he reached the hot spring, Kazuma couldn't help but sigh in relief. The steam rising from the water, the tranquil surroundings, and the soothing sound of flowing water provided the ideal atmosphere for a much-needed respite.

Without any hesitation, he stripped down and eased himself into the warm waters. He let out a contented sigh as he leaned back, his muscles finally starting to relax after the tension from dealing with the Axis Order.

For a while, Kazuma simply enjoyed the peacefulness of the hot spring, allowing the warm waters to wash away his worries. He thought about their quest, the demon generals, and the challenges that lay ahead. But he also found himself thinking about his companions.

He couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about their current situation. Everyone going their separate ways all of a sudden felt a bit suspicious. He had expected some disagreements or discussions about their next destination, but the way everyone quickly dispersed was unusual.

Megumin, Yunyun, and Jack going to the Crimson Demon Village, while Darkness and Chris went to the Royal Capital, felt like more than just a coincidence. It almost felt orchestrated, like they were being intentionally separated.

"Is this all just a coincidence, or is there something more going on?" Kazuma mumbled to himself, his eyebrows furrowing in contemplation.

His mind raced, trying to find a logical reason for the sudden dispersal of their group. Perhaps it was a tactical decision to gather information from different sources, or maybe they each had personal matters to attend to. However, the timing and the distinct destinations raised his suspicion.

Something clicked in Kazuma's mind. Had they not separated, everyone would have most likely gone with Jack's suggestion, then to the royal capital, meaning... Before he could continue his train of thought, a black mist started to form in front of him, taking the appearance of a man with a mask. "Letting you continue using that mind of yours might be a problem."

Kazuma's eyes widened in surprise as he stared at the figure before him. He couldn't deny the eerie feeling that this man exuded. It was as if darkness itself had materialized in front of him. The mask covering the man's face only added to the unsettling aura.

"So, you're the one behind all of this," Kazuma said, trying to keep his voice steady despite the fear creeping up his spine. "Are you one of the Demon King's lackeys?"

The man chuckled darkly. "You could say that. I'm one of his loyal followers, tasked with ensuring his plans proceed smoothly."

Kazuma's mind raced, trying to come up with a plan to escape or counter whatever this mysterious man had in store for him. He glanced around, looking for any potential escape routes, but the mist seemed to envelop the entire area.

"Your little group of misfits has been causing quite a ruckus," the man continued, his voice dripping with disdain. "But it ends here. You see, the Demon King doesn't appreciate interference, especially from mere humans like you."

Kazuma gritted his teeth, refusing to back down despite the fear gnawing at him. "You're underestimating us. We may not have been the most powerful adventurers, but we've managed to overcome countless challenges and adversaries. We won't be defeated so easily."

The man's masked face twisted into a sinister grin. "Oh, I'm well aware of your accomplishments. It's precisely why the Demon King sees you as a threat. But worry not, I won't kill you just yet. I have other plans in mind."

Before Kazuma could react, the black mist surged forward, enveloping him completely. His vision blurred, and a feeling of drowsiness washed over him. He fought to stay conscious, but the darkness seemed to consume him, and his body went limp.

As the mist dissipated, Kazuma found himself alone once more, lying in the hot spring. He quickly sat up, rubbing his eyes as he tried to shake off the disorientation. Had it all been a dream? The encounter with the mysterious man felt all too real, but there was no sign of him now.

The man tapped Kazuma's shoulder, startling him, and said, "Now that we are here, tell me, Kazuma, what is your biggest desire? The Demon King is generous; he is willing to offer you a... fruitful reward, shall we say, so long as you cooperate with us."

Kazuma's heart raced, and he turned to face the man once more, his eyes narrowed with suspicion. "What are you talking about? I don't have any desire to work with the Demon King or his lackeys!"

The masked man chuckled darkly. "Oh, come now, don't be so hasty to refuse. The Demon King can grant you anything you desire—a life of luxury, power, wealth, anything your heart desires. All you have to do is join our side."

Kazuma crossed his arms, trying to keep a cool façade despite the growing unease in his gut. "And what makes you think I'd be interested in any of that? I already have a good life with my friends, and I'm not about to betray them for some empty promises."

The man's eyes narrowed beneath the mask, and a sinister glint flashed in them. "You may not be interested, but your companions might be. Think about it, Kazuma. The Demon King can offer them everything they've ever dreamed of. And all you have to do is cooperate."

Kazuma's mind raced as he considered the man's words. He knew his friends had their own desires and dreams, but he couldn't imagine any of them betraying each other for material gain. He knew they were more than just adventurers; they were a family, and he trusted them with his life.

"I won't let you manipulate my friends," Kazuma said firmly, his voice tinged with resolve. "We've been through too much together to let someone like you tear us apart."

The man's grin widened, and he chuckled darkly. "We shall see. The Demon King is patient, and he always gets what he wants in the end. Don't say I didn't give you a chance to reconsider."

Kazuma's eyes shot open, and he found himself still in the hot spring with Aqua standing before him, wrapped in a towel. He blinked, trying to shake off the lingering effects of the encounter with the masked man. "Aqua? What are you doing here?" he asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

Aqua looked at him with a puzzled expression. "What do you mean, Kazuma? You were the one who asked me to meet you here." She glanced around the hot spring area, confusion evident on her face. "Is something wrong? Did you forget?"

Kazuma's heart sank as he realized what had happened. The encounter with the masked man had been an illusion, a manipulation of his mind. "Damn it," he muttered to himself, cursing his own gullibility. "That sneaky bastard got inside my head."

Aqua tilted her head, still looking concerned. "Kazuma, are you feeling alright? You look a little pale."

Kazuma forced a smile, not wanting to worry her further. "I'm fine, Aqua, just had a weird dream, that's all. Probably from sleeping in the hot spring." He stood up, trying to shake off the unease that lingered in his mind. "Let's head back to the others. We need to talk."

Kazuma and Aqua quickly made their way through the bustling streets of Arcanletia, searching for a skilled mage who could help them reunite with their friends. The city was known for its magical prowess, so they were confident they could find someone capable of teleportation.

After some inquiries and asking around, they were directed to a small shop tucked away in a quiet corner of the city. The sign outside read "Miracle Magic Shop: The Finest Artifacts and Spellcasting Services."

As they entered the shop, a friendly-looking mage greeted them with a warm smile. "Welcome, travelers! How may I assist you today?"

Kazuma wasted no time in explaining their predicament. "We're looking for a mage who can teleport us to either the Crimson village, the Royal Capital, or Axel. Can you help us with that?"

The mage's smile widened. "Ah, teleportation services are one of our specialties! We can certainly help you with that."

Aqua leaned in, excitement in her eyes. "Great! How much will it cost?"

The mage chuckled. "Don't worry, my dear. For a pair of adventurers like yourselves, it's a standard fee. We just need a few details to ensure a safe teleportation."

Kazuma and Aqua were led to a back room in the magic shop, where the mage showed them vials containing a sparkling blue substance – Teleportation Dust.

"This is what you'll need for teleportation," the mage explained. "Simply sprinkle a pinch of this dust in the air, and it will create a portal to your desired destination. It's a one-time use, so make sure you have enough vials for everyone."

Kazuma inspected the vials, looking somewhat dismayed at the sight of the price tag. "How much are we talking about here?"

The mage grinned, fully aware of the hefty price. "For a teleportation vial, it's 10 million eris each."

Kazuma let out a long sigh. "That's quite a price for a single use. Do you have any discounts or deals for a group like ours?"

The mage tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Well, I could offer you a slight discount if you buy them in bulk. Let's say 40 million eris for five vials. That's the best I can do."

Kazuma's eyes widened at the amount but knew they didn't have much choice. "Alright, we'll take five vials."

Aqua looked slightly worried about the price too but tried to put on a brave face. "We need to be with our friends, right, Kazuma?"

Kazuma nodded, trying to sound confident. "Yeah, you're right. We can't leave them on their own. Let's do it."

With the deal made, Kazuma and Aqua paid the mage for the vials and thanked him for his assistance. They returned to their friends with the precious Teleportation Dust, ready to use it to reunite with the others.

As they sprinkled the dust into the air, a shimmering portal formed, and they stepped through it, returning to the outskirts of Axel.

Aqua and Kazuma gasped in shock as they arrived at the crater, surrounded by debris and what appeared to be the remains of a robot. The scene was both confusing and ominous.

"Whoa, what on earth happened here?" Kazuma muttered, eyeing the scattered robot parts.

Aqua frowned and looked around, trying to sense any lingering traces of magic. "I can't sense any powerful magic here. It's like something just... exploded."

As they cautiously explored the area, they noticed scorch marks on the ground and what seemed to be battle remnants. It was clear that a significant confrontation had taken place, and it wasn't a friendly one.

"Could it have been a fight between our group and some powerful enemy?" Aqua wondered aloud.

As they carefully made their way through the debris, they noticed signs of a fierce battle. Scorch marks covered the ground, and pieces of armor and weaponry were scattered everywhere.

"Maybe we should have stayed together," Aqua murmured, her worry evident in her voice.

Kazuma shook his head. "We can't change the past now. Let's focus on finding the others and getting out of here. There might be more danger lurking around."

They continued to search, calling out for their friends, but there was no response. The atmosphere felt tense and eerie, as if something powerful and dangerous was still nearby.

Kazuma and Aqua hurriedly searched the area, calling out for their friends, until they stumbled upon a heartbreaking scene. Yunyun and Megumin were lying unconscious on the floor, and Jack was kneeling beside them, gently caressing their heads with a haunted look in his eyes.

Jack looked up at them, his expression a mix of sadness and guilt. "It was the Destroyer... They attacked Axel while we were away. I tried to protect them, but it was too much. The city... it's gone."

Aqua's eyes widened in shock. "Gone? You mean... destroyed?"

Jack nodded solemnly. "There's nothing left but this crater. I managed to get here, but... I couldn't save the city."

Kazuma looked around, taking in the devastation. "Where are Darkness and Chris?"

Jack hesitated for a moment before speaking. "I don't know for sure, but they might still be in the Royal Capital."

Aqua clenched her fists. "We have to find them. We can't just leave them behind!"

"I know," Jack said, his voice resolute. "But we need to be careful. The Destroyer's forces are still around, and they're powerful. We can't afford to get caught in another battle right now."

Kazuma nodded in agreement. "You're right. Let's get Yunyun and Megumin somewhere safe first, and then we can come up with a plan to find the others."

They carefully carried Yunyun and Megumin to a nearby safe spot, away from the devastation. Jack continued to look at the crater with a haunted expression, lost in his thoughts and the weight of what had just happened.

"We'll find them," Kazuma said firmly, placing a hand on Jack's shoulder. "We won't leave anyone behind. We'll get through this together."

Jack nodded, a glimmer of hope returning to his eyes. "Yeah, together."

I wonder if anyone will be able to piece together just what happened.

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