
Embers of Resolve: Rise of the Unyielding Hero

This is a story about Jack, a good person at heart, who gave his life so that someone else could live. He thought that was it, but then a goddess offered him a chance at a new life if he was ready to accept the task she offered in exchange: to defeat the Demon King in a fantasy world full of magic. This is a story about a good guy slowly being molded into something else as the world tramples on his morals. Will he be able to stay true to his beliefs? That's up to the lively and quirky group of people he became friends with.

Burningnova13 · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

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Jack gathered everyone at the table. Both he and Megumin were smiling. "It is time. We are all set. The only thing that we are missing is equipment, something I took care of with the help of my beloved!"

Jack's words piqued everyone's curiosity, and they gathered around the table, their eyes fixed on him and Megumin. The anticipation in the air was palpable as they wondered what Jack had prepared for them.

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Jack gestured towards a large pile of neatly wrapped packages stacked on the table. "Behold, the fruits of our labor! Megumin and I have been working tirelessly to acquire the finest equipment for our upcoming adventures."

Megumin couldn't contain her excitement and bounced on her toes. "That's right! We've traveled to distant lands, braved treacherous dungeons, and consulted with master artisans to bring back these extraordinary items for all of you."

Jack began distributing the packages to each member of the group, ensuring that everyone had their fair share. "Open them and see what lies within. I'm confident you'll find these items to be powerful allies in our quest to defeat the Demon King."

"These are not ordinary items," Jack declared, a sense of pride in his voice. "They are forged from rare metals, mithril and orichalcum, renowned for their durability and magical properties. They will enhance your abilities and empower you in battle."

Aqua held her new staff in her hands, her eyes wide with wonder. "An Aqua's Divine Staff made of Orichalcum! It's so lightweight and yet so sturdy. This is incredible!"

Yunyun unwrapped her package and found a new set of robes made with fine crimson fabric. She couldn't help but smile at the attention to detail. "These are absolutely stunning. Thank you, Jack, Megumin."

Kazuma opened his package and discovered a sleek and well-crafted bow, perfectly balanced for his needs. He couldn't hide his surprise and admiration. "Wow, this is top-notch. You really outdid yourselves."

Chris unwrapped her package to find a pair of enchanted gauntlets, each adorned with an intricate design. She slipped them on and flexed her fingers, feeling the surge of power. "These gauntlets are a work of art. Thank you both."

Darkness silently marveled at the golden sword that had been given to her. She slowly traced her fingers across its surface and nodded approvingly. "It truly is a piece of art."

Lastly, Megumin unwrapped her package, revealing a staff made entirely of Orichalcum. Its golden glow reflected her excitement. "At last, Bakuhatsumaki is now complete, and fully optimized with Orichalcum!"

The group exchanged stunned and grateful glances, their minds reeling from the realization that these extraordinary pieces of equipment had been acquired for them. The rarity and quality of the materials used weren't lost to them.

The group couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence as they donned their new armor and held their enchanted weapons. They knew that they now possessed the tools to face even the most formidable foes with strength and resilience.

Jack clapped his hands. "With this i officially declare war to the Demon King! we are going to take him down!"

The room erupted with cheers and applause as Jack declared their intention to wage war against the Demon King. The atmosphere was charged with determination and a sense of camaraderie. Each member of the group felt a surge of adrenaline and excitement, fueled by their newfound equipment and Jack's unwavering leadership.

"We've come a long way, my friends," Jack said, his voice filled with resolve. "We've trained, honed our skills, and now we have the means to take on the greatest challenge of our lives. The Demon King's reign of darkness ends here!"

Megumin, her eyes shining with determination, stepped forward. "I've been waiting for this moment. The ultimate explosion that will shake the heavens and vanquish the forces of evil! Together, we will bring peace to this world!"

Aqua, unable to contain her excitement, raised her hands in the air. "I, the goddess Aqua, shall guide and bless you all with my divine power! The Demon King won't know what hit him!"

Yunyun, a fire burning in her eyes, nodded in agreement. "I may not be as experienced as the others, but I won't hold back. I will prove myself and fight alongside all of you until the end."

Kazuma, though initially taken aback by Jack's declaration, found himself caught up in the fervor of the moment. "Alright, let's give that Demon King a taste of his own medicine. I'll make sure to put my new skills to good use."

Chris, wearing a determined expression, crossed her arms. "I may not be joining the fight directly, but I'll support you all from the shadows. Together, we'll crush the Demon King's ambitions."

Jack then quite anticlimactically turned around and rested on the couch, with Megumin in tow. The others didn't know what to say and only stared at them. The room fell into a momentary silence as everyone processed Jack's nonchalant attitude. They exchanged perplexed glances, unsure of how to respond to this sudden change of tone. Finally, Kazuma couldn't contain his curiosity any longer and spoke up.

The room fell into an awkward silence as everyone processed Jack's nonchalant reaction. Kazuma scratched his head, trying to make sense of the situation. "Wait, so we're... not going after the Demon King right away?"

Jack nodded, looking completely relaxed as he sank further into the couch. "That's right. We still have some preparations to make and information to gather before we can confront the Demon King directly. Besides, a good night's rest wouldn't hurt, don't you think?"

Aqua chimed in, her voice tinged with annoyance. "Oh, so you're just going to sit there and rest while we're all on edge? The fate of the world is at stake, you know!"

Megumin, still leaning against Jack, gave a mischievous smile. "Aqua, relax. We've trained hard, and we have the best equipment now. We deserve a little break before diving into the final battle, don't you think?"

Darkness, who had been observing the situation with a bemused expression, spoke up. "I must admit, I didn't expect such a casual approach to facing the Demon King. But if our leader believes it's necessary, then I trust his judgment."

Yunyun, always eager to prove herself, nodded in agreement. "If Jack believes that taking a day to rest and prepare is for the best, then I will follow his lead."

Chris, leaning against a wall with her arms crossed, smirked. "I suppose I can use the extra time to gather some information and see if any of the Demon King's generals are making any moves. Just don't get too comfortable, Jack."

Jack chuckled, unfazed by the others' reactions. "Trust me, I won't get too comfortable. We have a mission to complete, and we will face the Demon King head-on. But for now, let's take a moment to catch our breath and recharge. Tomorrow, we'll begin our search for the generals and continue our march towards victory."

With Jack's words, the tension in the room eased, and the group reluctantly accepted the need for a temporary respite. They dispersed, each finding their own way to unwind and prepare for the battles that lay ahead. The couch became a temporary refuge for Jack and Megumin, who leaned against each other, finding comfort and solace in each other's presence.

As the evening turned into night, the manor filled with a sense of anticipation and determination. The silence was broken only by the sound of footsteps, whispered conversations, and the occasional laughter.


Jack rose from his bed before the sun had fully risen, feeling a restlessness stirring within him. He slipped out of the manor quietly, wanting to clear his mind in the calmness of the early morning. As he walked through the streets of Axel, the town still slumbering, his thoughts consumed him.

He had "experienced" the horrors of war before, witnessed the devastation and loss it brought. The weight of that knowledge weighed heavily on his shoulders. While he possessed the strength and resolve to face the Demon King, he couldn't help but worry about his friends. Were they truly prepared for what awaited them?

As he meandered through the quiet streets, the first rays of sunlight casting a warm glow around him, Jack found himself drawn to a park. He sat on a bench beneath a tall tree, watching as the world gradually awakened. Birds chirped, flowers bloomed, and life resumed its rhythm.

Lost in contemplation, Jack mulled over the best approach to protect his friends and ensure their safety. He didn't want them to endure the horrors he had witnessed, the sacrifices that war demanded. They were his comrades, his chosen family, and he wanted to shield them from the harshest realities.

Vanir, the Devil King's emissary, observed Jack from the shadows with a devious smile playing on his lips. His red eyes gleamed with anticipation as he saw an opportunity to exploit the weakness he had discovered. Jack's concern for his friends and his desire to protect them presented a vulnerability that Vanir could potentially exploit.

The Devil King's plan had always been to divide and conquer, to dismantle the unity within Jack's party. And now, with this newfound knowledge, Vanir saw a way to sow the seeds of doubt and draw Jack away from his comrades. If he could tempt Jack with a solution to his worries, a way to shield his friends from the horrors of war, he might be able to separate the formidable leader from his allies.

With a silent chuckle, Vanir vanished into the shadows, his dark presence blending seamlessly with the darkness around him. He knew that patience and cunning were his greatest allies, and he would bide his time, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.

Vanir, known for his insatiable appetite for human emotions, particularly embarrassment, had been indulging in a feast of emotions provided by Jack and his group for half a year now. As a gesture of gratitude, he decided to extend an invitation, just as the Demon King desired. However, to make the invitation all the more enticing, Vanir planned to reveal a few secrets, some hidden dirt that the so-called gods were keeping from their followers.

With a mischievous grin, Vanir carefully crafted his plan. He would target the vulnerabilities of the gods, exposing their imperfections and shedding light on the secrets they had kept hidden from their worshippers. He knew that by revealing these truths, he could not only sow doubt among Jack's party but also weaken the faith and trust that people placed in the gods themselves.

Vanir's intention was to show that the gods were not infallible; they too had their flaws and dark secrets. He wanted to exploit the resulting embarrassment, shame, and disillusionment to further his own ends. The more chaos and confusion he could create among the gods and their followers, the more emotions he could consume, nourishing himself and strengthening his own power.

As Vanir prepared to make his move, he relished the prospect of exposing the gods and witnessing the fallout that would ensue. His appetite for embarrassment knew no bounds, and he eagerly awaited the feast that awaited him.