
Embers of Resolve: Rise of the Unyielding Hero

This is a story about Jack, a good person at heart, who gave his life so that someone else could live. He thought that was it, but then a goddess offered him a chance at a new life if he was ready to accept the task she offered in exchange: to defeat the Demon King in a fantasy world full of magic. This is a story about a good guy slowly being molded into something else as the world tramples on his morals. Will he be able to stay true to his beliefs? That's up to the lively and quirky group of people he became friends with.

Burningnova13 · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Confronting the Darkness

Darkness narrowed her eyes while thinking about how exactly to go about it. She wasn't exactly well-regarded as an adventurer outside of Axel; in other words, she was only known as Lalatina Dustiness Ford here, and she had no intention of throwing that name around just to be granted an audience with the King...

Her gaze traveled to the sword firmly strapped on her waist. If no one knew Darkness, then it was simple, wasn't it? She would just have to march forward to the battlefield and show everyone.

Chris balled her fists in worry while watching Darkness' expression. Whatever she was planning to do wouldn't be good for her own health. At this moment, Darkness reminded her of Jack.

Darkness took a deep breath, her mind set on her decision. "Chris, I know what I have to do," she said firmly. "I will prove my worth on the battlefield. The King and the entire kingdom will see what I'm capable of, and they will have no choice but to recognize me as a knight worthy of the title."

She knew that she needed to make a name for herself as an adventurer and prove her worth on the battlefield. If she could achieve a significant victory, perhaps then she would earn the recognition she deserved.

Chris nodded, her concern for her friend evident in her eyes. "I'll be by your side, Darkness. We'll face whatever comes our way together."

With a determined look in her eyes, Darkness turned to Chris. "Thank you for your support, Chris, but this is something I must do on my own," she said firmly.

"Darkness, are you sure about this? It's dangerous out there, and I don't want you to face those threats alone," Chris pleaded, concern evident in her voice. "You're a skilled warrior, no doubt, but the Demon King's generals are formidable foes. It's not a battle you should take on single-handedly."

Darkness looked at Chris with a resolute expression. "My dear friend, I appreciate your eagerness to join me on the battlefield, but this is a path I must walk alone."

Chris knew she had a bad feeling the moment Darkness wanted to come to the Royal capital, even if no one else accompanied her. But this? "But we've faced countless dangers together! I won't let you face this alone. We've always had each other's backs."

Darkness whispered softly, "And that's precisely why I can't let you come with me this time. The battlefield is a place of chaos and uncertainty, and I fear for your safety."

Chris bit her lip. Darkness was pushing her away to keep her safe. Darkness always spoke about a Knight's honor and their duty to self-sacrifice for others, mostly when she was... indulging herself in her interests. But before Chris, there was no eagerness or anticipation to be seen from Darkness were she to fall and be captured by the Demon King's army. It felt more akin to bloodlust. She wanted to join the battle to carve a path for Jack to follow, even if she were to fall.

Chris gulped and pulled a dagger out. "I won't let you!" They had known each other for a long time, longer from Chris' perspective, so even if she had to beat her up a bit to keep her safe, then so be it.

Darkness closed her eyes and slowly pulled out her own sword, an action that paralyzed Chris in place and made her start sweating. "Darkness... you... what kind of training have you done with... Jack?" she panted out.

Chris' eyes landed on Darkness' sword, one of the many surprises Jack brings with him every time he does something. The sword emitted a mesmerizing radiance, akin to that of the sun itself, and there was no mistaking that kind of presence; this was a Holy sword, the real deal, and not a fake one. Oddly enough, it suited Darkness perfectly.

Darkness sighed. "You would know if you didn't disappear to Eris knows where every time we did something together, acting like some kind of watcher. Nonetheless, I won't blame you; it was Jack who insisted on bringing in a lone wolf." She slowly made her way past Chris. "Feel free to test your blade against my own, my old friend, when you stop trembling, that is." Darkness left with those parting words.

Chris' dagger slipped out of her hand. "Ah... Did I let all these children surpass me by playing the mysterious character for so long?" she wondered out loud to herself before picking up her dagger and vanishing.


Darkness traveled a considerable distance from the Royal Capital, pushing herself both physically and emotionally. The weight of her decisions, the clash of her duties as a noblewoman, and her burning desire to prove herself as a knight were all tearing at her heart. She wanted to be strong, to stand tall and proud, but deep down, she couldn't escape the doubts that plagued her.

As she finally reached a secluded spot far from prying eyes, her strength gave out, and she collapsed to her knees. Tears welled up in her eyes as she buried her face in her hands. The conflicting emotions she had been suppressing all this time now came pouring out like a flood.

She felt torn between the expectations of her family and the expectations she had for herself. The pressure to conform and marry someone for political gain clashed with her desire for freedom and to follow her own path. The desire to prove herself and her capabilities as a knight collided with the fear of failure and disappointing those she cared about.

In that moment of vulnerability, Darkness felt lost and overwhelmed. Her heart ached, torn apart by the conflicting desires pulling at her from every direction. She wanted to be strong, but she couldn't escape the fact that she was also human, with doubts and insecurities like everyone else.

She felt utterly alone in that moment, even though she knew her friends were there for her. The weight of her internal struggles seemed too heavy to bear, and she wished for someone to understand the turmoil she was going through.

In her mind's eye, she pictured Jack's kind and encouraging smile, the same smile he often wore when he praised her for a job well done. She could almost hear his voice, full of pride and admiration, telling her that she was doing great and that he believed in her.

"Great job, Darkness," the imaginary Jack said, his words resonating in her heart. "You're doing amazing, and I know you can handle whatever comes your way. I believe in you, and I'm proud to have you as my knight."

The visualization of Jack's praise brought a small smile to Darkness' lips. It was a source of strength and motivation for her. She knew that Jack had faith in her and that he saw her as a valuable member of their team. She didn't want to let him down, and she didn't want to disappoint herself either.

"I won't give up," Darkness whispered, her voice steady and resolute. "I'll become stronger, and I'll show them all what I'm capable of."

Darkness, after resting for the night, made her way to one of the many camps formed by soldiers and adventurers. As Darkness arrived at the camp, she was met with the bustling energy of soldiers preparing for battle and adventurers discussing strategies. The sight reminded her of the countless times she had camped with her own party, sharing stories and laughter under the stars. But this time, things were different.

She approached a group of seasoned adventurers who were huddled together, deep in conversation. As she drew near, their gazes turned to her, and she could feel their curious eyes on her. She knew that her identity as the head of the Dustiness family was not known to them, and that was just the way she wanted it. For now, she needed to be seen as just another adventurer, proving her worth on the battlefield.

As Darkness arrived at the camp, she was met with skeptical gazes from the soldiers and adventurers. They eyed her warily, unsure of her capabilities and her intentions.

"I am Darkness, a crusader from the town of Axel," she announced with a hint of confidence, despite the skepticism around her. "I've come here to offer my assistance in the battle against the Demon King's forces."

The soldier in charge stepped forward, crossing his arms. "A crusader, huh? We could use all the help we can get, but we can't just let anyone join our ranks. What proof do you have of your abilities?"

With a determined look, Darkness reached into her pouch and pulled out her guild card. It shimmered with a soft light as she handed it over to the soldier. The others gathered around to take a look.

The soldier's eyes widened as he read the card, and the skepticism in the air seemed to dissipate. "These stats... they're incredible." he muttered in surprise.

The others looked at the guild card with astonishment. Darkness had high levels in strength, agility, and endurance, making her an exceptional fighter. Her skills were also impressive, and it was clear that she had faced formidable foes in the past.

One of the adventurers spoke up, a hint of admiration in his voice. "Look at her level! She's in her 30s! We don't get high-level adventurers joining us often."

The others looked at the guild card with astonishment. Darkness was indeed a high-level adventurer, and her stats were far above the average. It was clear that she was not to be underestimated.

One of the adventurers spoke up, a hint of admiration in his voice. "Well, I guess we can't argue with those stats. Welcome to the camp, Crusader."

Darkness smiled, grateful for the acceptance. "Thank you. I won't let you down." she listened attentively as the soldiers and adventurers around the camp shared their stories. She heard tales of battles fought and won, but also of the toll it had taken on their bodies and spirits. The recent influx of the Demon King's forces including all of the Generals, and their coordinated attack.

The atmosphere in the camp was tense, and she could see the weariness on the faces of her newfound comrades. They had been fighting a grueling battle, and now with the arrival of the Generals, the situation had become even more dire.

"It's been tough," one of the soldiers said with a tired sigh. "The Demon King's forces seem to be endless. No matter how many we defeat, more just keep coming."

Another adventurer chimed in, "And they're strong, too. Some of their generals are unbelievably powerful. It's been a real challenge."

Darkness nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. She had faced formidable foes before, but the scale of this battle was unlike anything she had encountered. The idea of facing powerful generals sent a shiver down her spine, but she refused to let fear consume her.

Gathering her resolve, Darkness stood up and addressed the group. "Listen, everyone, we may be facing a difficult situation, but we must not lose hope. you have fought hard to defend this land, and we will continue to do so. Together, we are stronger, and we will stand against the Generals and their forces with everything we've got."

The soldiers and adventurers looked at her with a mixture of hopelessness and gratitude. "We appreciate your words, Crusader," one of the soldiers said. "But the Generals are no ordinary foes. They are powerful and cunning. It's going to be a tough battle."

Darkness nodded. "I know it won't be easy, but we can't back down. We must protect this land and its people. We fight for the ones we love, for our homes, and for a future free from the threat of the Demon King."


The Demon King's generals gathered in the throne room, their expressions a mix of anticipation and determination. They were a formidable group, each one possessing unique skills and powers that made them deadly foes on the battlefield. Among them was the Demon King's daughter, the princess, who was known for her tactical brilliance and cunning strategies.

"Listen well, my generals," the princess spoke with authority as she stood at the head of the room. "The time has come to unleash our full might upon the humans. They have proven to be more resilient than we anticipated, but with our combined strength, we will crush them once and for all."

One of the generals, a hulking brute with a fiery mane of hair, slammed his fist on the table. "I've been itching for a good fight! Let's show these humans what true power looks like!"

Another general, a shadowy figure with glowing eyes, chuckled darkly. "Yes, it's been too long since we've had a worthy challenge. I'm looking forward to testing my skills against their strongest warriors."

The princess nodded, a wicked smile crossing her lips. "Indeed, but we must be careful. The humans have proven to be resourceful, and we cannot underestimate them. I have a plan, one that will exploit their weaknesses and catch them off guard."

She unfolded a map of the human territories, pointing to key strategic locations. "We will divide our forces and strike at multiple points simultaneously. This will spread their defenses thin and create confusion among their ranks."

The generals listened intently, nodding in agreement. They could see the brilliance of her plan, and they were eager to put it into action. The princess continued to lay out the details, explaining how each general would lead their own battalion and coordinate with the others.

The Demon King threw a dagger at the map, and it landed on a small town. "Crush that place, and all their morale will be gone." He wasn't particularly invested in the discussion, so he wanted to end it quickly.

The generals looked at the dagger on the map, and a sense of anticipation filled the room. The chosen town was a strategic target, and its destruction would indeed have a profound impact on the morale of the humans. The Demon King's nonchalant attitude only added to their eagerness to carry out his orders.

One of the generals, a cunning strategist, stepped forward. "With all due respect, Your Majesty, I suggest we deploy a surprise attack under the cover of darkness. If we catch them unaware, we can cause even greater chaos and ensure their defenses crumble quickly."

The Demon King nodded, showing some interest. "Very well. Execute your plan and leave nothing but ruins behind. We cannot afford to show any mercy if we are to secure our victory."

As the generals continued their discussions, one of them, a seasoned tactician, noticed a disturbing development on the strategic map. His eyes widened as he saw the ominous icon moving steadily toward the chosen town.

"My lord," he interrupted, pointing at the map, "we have a problem. The Mobile Fortress, Destroyer, is headed towards the town we plan to attack."

The Demon King's sinister laughter echoed through the throne room, chilling the air. He leaned back in his throne, a wicked smile playing on his lips. "What problem?" he scoffed. "That just means we don't have to do a thing. The Mobile Fortress will take care of that town, and their spirits will be broken before our grand assault even begins."

The other generals looked at each other, unsure of how to respond to their leader's callous remark. They were accustomed to his cold and ruthless demeanor, but even they found his lack of concern for human lives unsettling.

One of the generals spoke up, his voice tinged with caution. "But my lord, what if the Mobile Fortress falls into enemy hands? It's a powerful weapon, and if the humans manage to control it..."

The Demon King waved his hand dismissively. "No need to worry about that," he said confidently. "The fortress is equipped with powerful barriers and safeguards. It won't fall into their hands so easily. And even if it did, it would be nothing more than a temporary setback."

He leaned forward, his eyes narrowing with malice. "Let them have their little victory in protecting that insignificant town," he sneered. "It won't change the outcome of this war. We have the upper hand, and nothing will stand in our way."

The generals exchanged uneasy glances, but they knew better than to question their leader's authority. With a nod, they silently acknowledged his orders and began to finalize their plans for the grand assault.

a beacon of courage and grace. Her noble spirit shines bright, illuminating the path for all who follow...

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