
Embers of Resolve: Rise of the Unyielding Hero

This is a story about Jack, a good person at heart, who gave his life so that someone else could live. He thought that was it, but then a goddess offered him a chance at a new life if he was ready to accept the task she offered in exchange: to defeat the Demon King in a fantasy world full of magic. This is a story about a good guy slowly being molded into something else as the world tramples on his morals. Will he be able to stay true to his beliefs? That's up to the lively and quirky group of people he became friends with.

Burningnova13 · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Banter and Training: Strengthening Bonds

After Megumin's introduction, the group gathered around a table to enjoy a meal together. Darkness, Aqua, Kazuma, and Jack sat together, engaging in lively conversation as they feasted on the food before them.

Aqua eagerly devoured her meal, her appetite seemingly boundless. She couldn't help but comment between bites. "Ah, this food is amazing! I haven't had a decent meal like this in a while. Axel really knows how to satisfy a goddess's hunger."

Kazuma chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, the food here is pretty good. We should treat ourselves more often."

Darkness, with a soft smile on her face, savored each bite of her meal. "Indeed, it's a delightful experience to share a meal with all of you. It's a reminder that we're not just adventurers, but friends who can enjoy moments like this together."

Jack, who had been mostly quiet, observed the group with a hint of nostalgia. Seeing them all gathered around the table, sharing laughter and camaraderie, reminded him of the bonds he once had in his previous life.

As Jack enjoyed the meal with his newfound companions, occasional flashes of memories from Himeko's past overlapped with his own recollections. He couldn't help but notice the similarities between those memories and the current scene unfolding before him.

Images of Himeko laughing with her subordinates, sharing meals together in a warm and jovial atmosphere, melded with memories of his own family from his previous life. The sense of camaraderie and the joyous moments spent around a table filled his mind, tugging at his heartstrings.

In those fleeting moments, Jack felt a bittersweet mix of longing and gratitude. Longing for the bonds he had lost and the times he could never regain, yet gratitude for the new connections he was forging in this world.

As the memories flickered in his mind, Jack looked around at his companions—Aqua, Kazuma, Darkness, and the newly acquainted Megumin. They were a motley crew, each with their quirks and flaws, but also with their own unique charm. They were becoming his new family in this world, and he found himself grateful for their presence.

In that moment, Jack made a silent promise to himself. He would cherish the memories he had made with Kiana, but he would also nurture the bonds he was forming now. The past and the present intertwined within him, reminding him of the importance of treasuring every fleeting moment and the people who filled his life.

With a gentle smile, Jack continued to savor the meal and the company of his friends, embracing the past while embracing the future that lay before him.


In a secluded training area, Jack and Darkness decided to test Kazuma and Aqua's fighting prowess. As they sparred, it quickly became apparent that both Kazuma and Aqua were far behind in combat skills compared to Jack and Darkness.

Frustrated with his own performance, Kazuma couldn't help but lash out at Jack. "You're only strong because of that cheat power Aqua gave you! It's not fair! You have an unfair advantage!"

Jack's expression turned serious as he listened to Kazuma's accusation. He understood the source of Kazuma's frustration and the perception that he relied solely on the power bestowed upon him by Aqua. Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, Jack responded calmly.

"I won't deny that the power Aqua granted me has enhanced my abilities, Kazuma," Jack replied, his voice steady. "But it doesn't diminish the effort and training I've put in to improve myself. It's true that the transformations have given me an edge, but it's through my own dedication and perseverance that I've grown stronger."

Darkness, sensing the tension between the two, stepped in to mediate. "Kazuma, while it may seem unfair at times, we all have our strengths and weaknesses. It's important to focus on our own growth and find ways to overcome our limitations. Jack's power is a tool, but he's honed his skills to a remarkable degree."

Kazuma sighed, his initial frustration starting to subside. "I guess you're right. I just need to work harder. I won't let myself be overshadowed." With great frustration, he continued exercising, even though it seemed like he would rather do anything but that.

Jack narrowed his eyes slightly as he observed Darkness, a flicker of suspicion crossing his mind. He could sense there was something more to her than what met the eye. With a thoughtful expression, he approached her.

"Darkness, I've been thinking," Jack began, his voice laced with curiosity. "There's something about you that seems... different. Are you perhaps a noble?"

Darkness's eyes widened, and she quickly shook her head, her voice slightly trembling as she replied, "N-No, Jack, I assure you, I am not a noble! I am simply a dedicated Crusader who is determined to serve justice and protect the innocent!"

As the conversation about Darkness's background unfolded, Kazuma couldn't help but interject with his mischievous wit. He leaned back, his arms crossed, and a smirk playing on his face.

"You know, Jack, now that you mention it, Darkness's armor does seem pretty high-end for someone who claims to be just a regular adventurer," Kazuma chimed in, his voice dripping with playful skepticism. "I mean, come on, look at those intricate details and the craftsmanship. It's not exactly the kind of gear you'd find at your local adventurer's shop."

Darkness shifted uncomfortably, trying to maintain her composure under Kazuma's teasing gaze. She cleared her throat and mustered a response.

"Well, uh, you see, I... I was fortunate enough to acquire this armor through some... connections," she replied, her voice faltering slightly. "It's not uncommon for adventurers to obtain gear from various sources."

Kazuma's grin widened, clearly enjoying his banter with Darkness. "Oh, connections, huh? I see, I see. Well, you must have some impressive connections, then. Or perhaps you have a secret admirer who's showering you with expensive gifts?"

A faint blush crept onto Darkness's cheeks as she struggled to find a suitable reply. "It's not like that at all! I... I simply have a preference for well-crafted armor, that's all. And, um, it's not about the cost, it's about the functionality and durability..."

As the banter between Kazuma and Darkness subsided, Aqua, who had been quietly listening, couldn't resist interjecting with her usual scatter-brained demeanor. She blinked her eyes innocently and tilted her head.

"Hey, guys! What are we talking about? I got a little lost there," Aqua said, her voice filled with genuine confusion. "Something about armor and connections? Is this some kind of fashion show? Are we starting a new trend in adventurer gear?"

Kazuma sighed, realizing that trying to explain the situation to Aqua would likely be an exercise in futility. He leaned over to her and tried to simplify the conversation.

"Uh, Aqua, we were just discussing the possibility that Darkness might have some noble background, considering the quality of her armor," Kazuma explained, using simpler terms. "But, you know, it's all just speculation and jokes. Don't worry about it."

Aqua's eyes widened, and she gasped dramatically, her hands flying to her mouth. "Oh, no! Darkness, are you secretly a princess? Is this some kind of undercover mission? Should I be calling you 'Your Highness' from now on?"

Darkness blushed furiously, flustered by Aqua's wild imagination. She waved her hands dismissively. "No, no, Aqua, it's not like that at all! It's just a joke, really. Let's not make a big deal out of it, okay?"

Jack chuckled softly, amused by the exchange. He decided to ease the tension by diverting the conversation towards their upcoming training session.

"Alright, enough about noble backgrounds and secret princesses," Jack interjected with a grin. "Let's focus on our training for now. We have a long way to go before we can even think about facing the demon king. Together, we can become a formidable team."

the group gathered to focus on their training, and Aqua and Kazuma couldn't help but express their distaste for physical exertion. They exchanged glances, their faces filled with clear reluctance.

"Aww, do we really have to do this? I mean, can't we just take a break and have some snacks?" Aqua pouted, her tone laced with complaint. "I'm a goddess, you know? Physical training is beneath me."

Kazuma chimed in, mirroring Aqua's sentiment. "Yeah, I'm not really a fan of sweating and all that. Can't we just hire someone else to do the fighting for us? It would save us a lot of effort."

Jack sighed, shaking his head in response to their whining. "Come on, guys. You can't expect to become stronger without putting in the work. Besides, it's part of being an adventurer. We have to train our bodies as well as our minds."

Aqua crossed her arms, grumbling under her breath. "Fine, fine. But I better get a break soon, or else I'll start feeling all dusty and rusty."

Kazuma couldn't resist a snarky comment, unable to let Aqua's remark slide. "Dusty and rusty? I think you've already mastered that, Aqua. It's your default state."

Aqua's eyes widened in disbelief, her face contorting with indignation. "What did you just say, Kazuma? I'll have you know that I am a powerful goddess!"

Kazuma shrugged, enjoying the banter. "Oh, I know you're powerful, Aqua. Powerful at causing trouble and making a mess."

Aqua's face turned red with anger as she raised her fist threateningly. "You better watch your back, Kazuma! One of these days, I'll show you just how powerful I can be!"

"Sure, sure, whatever you say, oh great and powerful Aqua" while Aqua basked in the sarcastic praises, Kazuma turned to Jack, curious about Megumin's whereabouts.

"So, Jack, what's the deal with Megumin? What's she doing while we're here training?" Kazuma inquired, raising an eyebrow.

Jack scratched the back of his head, avoiding a direct answer. "Oh, you know, she's got her own things going on. She's a bit... unique, let's say. I'm sure she's off doing something explosive."

Kazuma's eyes narrowed, sensing Jack's evasiveness. "Come on, don't keep me in the dark. What kind of 'unique' things is she up to? Is she causing trouble?"

Jack chuckled nervously, attempting to deflect the question. "Well, you know Megumin, she's always up to something with her explosion magic. Just be prepared for her dramatic entrances when she decides to join us."

Kazuma sighed, realizing he wouldn't get a straightforward answer. "Fine, I'll let it go for now. But if she causes any trouble, I'm holding you responsible, Jack."

Jack raised his hands defensively. "Fair enough, Kazuma. I'll do my best to keep her in check."


Jack's mind wandered back to the private conversation he had with Megumin earlier, after the group had temporarily separated following their meal. He had led her to a secluded location, away from prying eyes and curious ears. There, he had asked her to demonstrate her explosive power, curious to see it firsthand.

With an air of theatrics, Megumin positioned herself in front of a dummy that Jack had hastily constructed. She struck a dramatic pose, raising her staff high above her head. Her eyes gleamed with a fiery determination as she prepared to unleash her explosive magic.

In a voice filled with theatrical intensity, Megumin began her chant, the words flowing from her lips with fervor:

"Oh, Crimson Demon Clan's greatest art, hear my plea! Grant me the power of a thousand suns, burning bright and free! Explosion!"

Each word carried the weight of her passion, resonating through the secluded area. Her voice rose and fell in a dramatic cadence, building up the anticipation for the impending explosion.

The moment of truth arrived as Megumin reached the climax of her incantation. She slammed her staff into the ground with a resounding thud, unleashing a tremendous explosion. A blinding flash of light enveloped the area, followed by a deafening boom.

As Jack watched the aftermath of Megumin's explosive display, his mind couldn't help but draw a comparison. The sheer force and intensity of the explosion reminded him of something much grander, much more devastating. It was as if a small-scale nuclear detonation had occurred right before his eyes.

The shockwave rippled through the air, dispersing dust and debris in its wake. The impact crater left by Megumin's explosion bore a striking resemblance to the aftermath of a powerful blast. The scorch marks on the ground and the lingering traces of smoke added to the surreal imagery.

Deep within Jack's mind, a mix of awe and concern stirred. He couldn't help but marvel at the raw power of Megumin's magic, the ability to conjure an explosion of such magnitude. It was both exhilarating and unsettling, knowing that within their group, there existed such destructive potential.

However, amidst the awe, a sense of caution crept in. Jack realized that with such immense power came great responsibility. The destructive force unleashed by Megumin's explosion could not be taken lightly. It was a reminder of the consequences that could arise if that power fell into the wrong hands.

With a solemn expression, Jack made a mental note to keep a watchful eye on Megumin's abilities. While her explosive magic was undeniably impressive, he understood the need for restraint and control. As their adventures continued, he would strive to ensure that the power they wielded was used for the greater good, rather than becoming a destructive force of chaos.

However, as the explosion subsided, Megumin collapsed onto the ground, panting heavily. The strain of her powerful magic had taken its toll, leaving her physically drained. She lay there, gasping for breath, the remnants of her dramatic display still lingering in the air.

As Jack lifted Megumin off the ground, he couldn't help but notice the exhaustion etched across her face. Her eyes were heavy, and the strain of her explosive magic was evident. It was then that Megumin, with a mix of fatigue and determination, explained the limitations of her power.

"I can only use my magic once a day," she confessed, her voice filled with weariness. "The sheer amount of mana it consumes is overwhelming. It takes everything out of me, leaving me completely drained."

He couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Megumin's dedication and resolve. Despite the toll it took on her, she continued to unleash her explosive magic, fully aware of its consequences. It was a testament to her unwavering commitment and unwavering spirit.

"Your magic is incredible," Jack said, his voice filled with respect. "But it's important to remember your limits. Pushing yourself beyond what you can handle could have dire consequences. Take the time to rest and recover, and when the moment calls for it, unleash your explosive magic with all your might."

"I... I can't use anything else but explosion magic," she admitted, her voice tinged with a hint of resignation. "It's the only magic I've devoted myself to. I won't settle for anything less."

Jack's brow furrowed in concern. He understood her passion for her chosen path, but he couldn't help but worry about the toll it took on her. He gently placed a hand on her shoulder, hoping to convey his support.

"Megumin, I admire your dedication," he said, his tone gentle yet firm. "But it's important to consider other options. There may be moments where explosion magic isn't the most suitable choice. You have immense potential, and exploring different avenues of magic could unlock even greater power within you."

Megumin hesitated, her eyes finally meeting Jack's. She understood his concern, yet her resolve remained unyielding.

"I appreciate your concern, but explosion magic is my calling," she replied, her voice filled with determination. "It's what I've trained for, what I've poured my heart and soul into. I won't abandon it."

"Alright, Megumin," he said, a small smile playing on his lips. "If explosion magic is your true calling, then let's find ways to enhance it, to make it even more spectacular. Together, we'll explore new possibilities and ensure you can unleash your explosions with maximum impact."

Megumin's eyes sparkled with renewed determination, and a sense of gratitude washed over her. She knew she had found an ally in Jack, someone who respected her choices and would help her grow in her chosen magic.

As Megumin tightly gripped Jack's arm, tears welled up in her eyes, her gratitude shining through. She couldn't find the words to express her overwhelming emotions, but Jack understood. He knew that her thanks extended beyond their recent encounter, encompassing the acceptance and belief he had shown in her abilities.

Jack remained silent, his understanding unspoken but deeply felt. He knew that Megumin had faced rejection and ridicule from other groups of adventurers who saw her as nothing more than dead weight. Yet, he saw the potential and passion within her, recognizing the unique strength she possessed.

With a gentle squeeze of his arm, Jack conveyed his acceptance and support. It was a silent reassurance that she was not alone, that he believed in her. Megumin's tears turned from ones of sadness to ones of gratitude and relief. She had found a place where she belonged, where her explosive magic could flourish.

Another one bites the dust.

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